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Joe De Livera - Cure My Mother Page 2 of 2

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18th Aug 2011 Evening BP and Pulse Readings
158/89 - 89
130/90 - 79
126/79 - 83

20th Aug 2011 Morning/Evening BP and Pulse Readings
125/87 - 74
121/86 - 71
126/90 - 72

142/88 - 84
134/87 - 74
132/89 - 76

Unfortunately the 19th readings were not recorded as due to death in family she went to funeral and equipment was not there.

After 18th Aug readings, her condition gone bit wrost, she went to a nearest lab, they checked the bp and immedately recommended to take medcine and they didnt discolosed the readings, the just said it is very high and you should take medcine immediately to avoid any risks. So she taken medcine and she was bit fine on 19th After-Noon.

The rest of condition is same as old. She is feeling increase in inflamation, which is sometimes on face around the neck bones above/upside the ribs. For you info, she had given blood for ESR test so that we can tell you about it's status too.

I will again update BP history for next one day.

Please advise us on this.
arazas last decade
The idea behind stopping all drugs that your mum was taking for her many ailments was to give me more data on what precisely is ailing her.

Doctors throughout the world would love to give their patients medication for Blood Pressure and Sugar at the drop of a hat but I have observed that many patients have unnecessarily been dosed with powerful drugs which were not at all necessary for either.

As you can see her problem is very complex and to add to it I notice that you do not have any direct control over her medication as it is done at second hand.

It is up to you and your mum to fill in the blanks as far as is possible to enable me to try to help her and I must have precise data on what her problem are in order of priority.
Joe De Livera last decade
Respected Joe,

May I know the precise data you need, I mean what are those questions which I have to answer? I can surely ask here for those questions.

I wish to cure my mother. I trust blindly on homeopathy. And I have seen many success stories on internet treated by you. I wish if you can help my mother.

Today report:
She is passing through alot pain, she cant sleep due to pain, she can not walk, a half an hour travel or bit walking causes with breathing problem.

BP of missing date 19th was also recorded. See details below:

18 Aug,11
9:46pm158/89 pulse 89
9:51pm 130/90 pulse79
9:57pm 126/79 pulse 83

19 Aug,11
9:45am 146/76 pulse 76
9:51am 144/96 pulse70
9:57am 148/82 pulse 81
11:30pm 139/88 pulse75
11:36pm 144/96 pulse71
11:42pm 117/77 pulse 73

20 Aug,11
11:06am 125/87 pulse 74
11:12am 121/86 pulse 71
11:17am 126/90 pulse 72
10:48pm 142/88 pulse 84
10:53pm 134/87 pulse 74
10:59pm 132/89 pulse76
[message edited by arazas on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 01:07:50 BST]
arazas last decade
'She is passing through alot pain, she cant sleep due to pain, she can not walk, a half an hour travel or bit walking causes with breathing problem. '

You have not indicated where precisely her pain originates.
What are her 'breathing problems'?

What are the remedies that she is taking today with dosage?

I remember your stating that you live away from your mum. Who takes her BP readings?
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Arazas,
I pray for your mothers quick recovery. Joe will do all the possible to bring your mother to good health. Have faith and follow his advise ( which your are always doing).

With regards to your mothers BP report as shared with us:

It is observed there is a huge flucuations in BP reading.

With in Minutes it Jumps to High level and then to Lower level. That gives a wrong picture. Is it possible for any medical person to make a visit at your mom's resident to note down the BP reading.
In the previous post request was passed for SALT free diet (atleast till the BP is controlled), no confirmation for the same ??. Cutting on to salt will go long way in helping the Hypertension problem.

Prayers for good Health.

Nikkie last decade
Respected Joe,

I just spoken to my Mother again in very details.

The pain was started 3 years back in backbone and doctors were keep saying L3/L4 disc are buldged. She denied the operations but Dr has injected the sterioed injection in those disc which has caused for the more pain. The MRI shows that L3/L4 discs are damaged (bulge) and symptoms are also in other disc which are normal at the moment.

A year after doctor was changed, the problem was increasing, he said the problem, is not only disc and it is osteo process which is effecting all bones and joints. Later he diagonsed the Arthritis.

Current Situation:

The pain is in whole body, joints. The back discs gives too much pain and sometime she feels the back bone will crack. She have alot alot pain the left side breast which is now started at right side too. The doctors said the ribs of left side are damaged and same is effecting right side. This too much pain gives a sensation that right behind the breast the there is big whole developing.

All joints have too much inflamation and now near joints the small round tissues are developing which can be felt by fingure .

As in last 2 week treatment she had not taken any pain killer she is in very much pain.

When BP shoots she imeediately got inflamation on eyes and face. This BP is an old problem.

There was no issue with breating in past but from last a year, when she walks from Kitchen to Room even, she start taking breath quickly just like she is joging. Same is when she traveles in car or so. This does not last every time but only when she is in alot pain and when she can not move easily.

Her new blood is not being producing she was taking iron as well (stopeed during your treatment). Her heemoglobin is always low even one time doctor was saying i dont know why hemoglobin is low even you re taking medcine.

The calcium is low as usual even she is taking 1500mg daily intake of calcium supplement.

She is taking:
Arnica 30c Wet Dose 2 dose in a day
Argentum Metallicum 6c 2 dose in a day
Hypericum 200c 3 does in a day
Nat Mur 200c 3 dose in a day

My younger sister age 23 takes her bp readings using casio digital gadget.
arazas last decade
I now realize what a complicated case your mother's is at the moment.
And she is only 48 years old !

Let me try to help her multitude of ailments and if she does not show any improvement in a month, I shall then advice you to seek alternate therapy.

Please make the following changes:

Increase Arnica 30c in the Wet dose to thrice daily.
Argentum M 6c to be continued twice daily.
Hypericum 200 to be continued thrice daily.
Nat Mur 200c to be replaced by Nat Mur 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily.
Add Ferr Phos 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily.
Continue with the Calcium prescribed.
No other drugs to be used other than in an emergency.

She must continue to exercise by walking however painful it is to enable her body to heal.

Report her progress as often as is necessary.

Have you checked her Blood Sugar levels?
Joe De Livera last decade
She get her sugar level checked few times in a year and it is always below 100, between 75-90 most.

The BP problem is from last 10 years as I just asked her how long she is treating it. She said, the doctors said that you are not in position of ignoring BP medicine.

She is now taking medcines as per new dosage you defined. She will be starting Ferr phos from tonight or morning.

Further allopathy doctor said avoid walking, but I recommended here to start walking inside home as you suggested to exercise.

I will keep you updated with her health.
arazas last decade
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Have a Healthy Lifestyle!

Nikkie last decade
Respected Joe,

My mother BP is not getting normal, we went twice in emergency and they have given pills in her mouth twice.

We met two different doctors and they are insisting not to stop BP medicine as I have explained them that we are using homeo treatment at this time.

They have scared my mom every time, now we the family is in great tension as I am also at home for few days.

What should we do, please suggest.

Each time in emergency, they are not telling us readings, they are just saying it's high.
arazas last decade
She will have to continue with the drug that she is taking for her Hypertension as it seems obvious that Homeopathy alone cannot help her at her present stage.

You have a BP gauge and your sister should be able to indicate the readings at which level she was in distress and went to hospital.

It is because Homeopathic remedies are usually anti doted by drugs that patients are requested to abstain from taking them but in your mother's case she has so many other ailments that I frankly do not know how to treat her.

I am concerned for her as she has presented her problems at the very early age of 48 and I am trying to wean her away from the drugs with the Homeopathic remedies I have prescribed for her.

You will have to get precise details of how they helped her to give me an idea of whether my therapy is helping her.
Joe De Livera last decade

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