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33yr old, sick for 20yrs - speech, brain, insomnia, energy - can anyone help please? Page 2 of 2

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Well it seems to be effecting my period. I had pains on the first, third, fourth and fifth day (today) - normally I just get pain on about the first and second day. On the first through to and including the fourth day there was very little blood - but today the blood's heavy. Normally it's most heavy on the first through to the third day when I have to get up during the night.

Have you seen carcinosin help to relieve a person of bad periods and were they helped in any other way? It would be nice to think that the carcinosin will help my period get better.

Courtney last decade
Dear Courtney,

Sorry for delay in replying.I have been away on a work related tour and hence not able to access the net as often.

Carcinosin is a tremendously deep and powerful remedy capable of very profound healing when it suits someone.It seems to be the right remedy for you.As a matter of fact, till now i must have treated and helped at least a hundred women to get rid of their various ailments and in almost 95 percent of those cases all their troubles, physical, emotional or spiritual were cured only after their periods were set right by the remedy administered.The correct homeopathic remedy invariably sets the periods in order as well as cures a person.I have seen Carcinosin do that in at least a dozen cases.

How do you feel after your last periods?It would help me in further treatment if you could share.

rajivprasad last decade
Welcome back Rajiv,

I was wondering if you might be busy or sick so I'm glad to see you're back safe and sound.

It was good to hear that after treatment with homeopathy women's periods have normalized. And it was very interesting indeed to read about people's health improving in other areas only after their periods did.

As for how I feel after my period well I'm tired but no more so than before. I'd like to be able to write about changes in emotions or energy or sleep but I haven't really noticed any. It is possible that my sleep time has shortened but I couldn't say for sure. Does my low number of noticeable changes suggest a certain dosage this time round? Maybe I should hunt around overseas for a carcinosin remedy that has been made from more than 9 tumours like this one has?

Thankyou Rajiv
Courtney last decade
I've felt depressed before from time to time and I am now - so I don't know if that's anything to do with the carcinosin. Rajiv have you found depression to be bought on in people with carcinosin treatment and then sometime later things to get better - depression and other things.

Courtney last decade
Hi courtney!

I am so sorry to hear your story. How do you think you got the arsenate and mercury poisonings?

take care
Alfalfa Q last decade
Hi Alfalfa,

Thankyou for the kind words. The arsenate poisoning came from an industrial mishap and I can't be hundred percent positive but my guess has always been that the mercury poisoning came from eating lots of fish - methyl mercury or whatever it is.

Courtney last decade
Hi there Rajiv,

Some good news - I think the carcinosin may be helping to decrease the length of time that it takes me to get to sleep. I'll get back to you later in a few days or week or whatever and try and have something more definate on that. I'm really pleased about that.

Kind regards
Courtney last decade
Hi Rajiv,
Would it be about time for another dose? And should I find another carcinosin remedy made from more tumours? What do you think?
Courtney last decade
Dear Courtney,

Sorry for the delayed reply to your last few posts on this thread.Was away on a professional trip.

It is an excellent sign that after your periods, now the sleeping pattern is improving.Perhaps you are not feeling so depressed now.I do not think that you should take the next dose.Wait for at least 10 to 15 days more before we decide about that.Sometimes, one need not repeat the dose for months together. whereas sometimes we have to repeat in 15 days only.It is all dependent upon the person taking the medicene.Each individual is different and one has to adjust the dosage accordingly.You please leave the question of repetition and potency to me.

The Carcinosin that you have got is perfectly fine and moreover has suited you as you can see from your positive response to it.No need to go for another formulation.

rajivprasad last decade
Thanks Rajiv
Courtney last decade
Hello Rajiv,

It would seem that any good effect that the carcinosin had on my sleep has worn off. My period was altered this time like last time though not improved.

I’m going to go into see my doctor in a week or two or so and he can muscle test me to see if indeed carcinosin is right for me to take (which I’m 99% sure it is) but also which frequency/frequencies would be good to take if indeed the remedy is the right one. But I would really appreciate your advice on how much carcinosin remedy to take and how often. Do my 'responding symptoms’ match those of anybody you have recommended carcinosin to?

I started taking calcarea fluoric yesterday for my teeth as they are getting worse. Do you have any experience with this? I took 6x yesterday and this morning and then about 2 hours ago took 30c and my torso has been in a lot of pain since fairly soon after the 30c.

Thanks for any help you can give me
Courtney last decade
Dear Courtney,

I think you should take the next dose of Carcinosin that you had taken last time.The effect of previous remedy may have worn off by now.You should not take any other homeopathic or allopathic remedy without consulting me since i am treating you.This is important or else it may be difficult to cure you.You should post a complete detailed post as to how your symptoms have changed, including your mental and emotional symptoms after taking this remedy.I do not know about use of muscle testing to determine the correctness of a homeopathic prescription.But ultimately it is your choice and decision.You should stop any other homeopathic remedy or else they may antidote the main remedy.Your teeth would also improve along with the other symptoms.

rajivprasad last decade
Thanks Rajiv,

Well as for mental or emotional symptoms after taking the carcinosin: I don't think that my memory or ability to think of things faster improved. The fear problem didn't improve - if anything I think it got slightly worse.

But of course I'm pretty sure that for a while I was able to get to sleep faster. There was also the crushing feeling in my finger and on my skull.
Also my period changed last time as I noted and this time it also changed. This time there was darker/older?/less bright red blood for the first 2 days. Then the very heavy part happened for about 2-3 days which is usual and the pain was for the usual amount of time this time - the only difference this time was in that first 2 days where I normally just go straight into the heavy bleeding with a little blood and pain warning me first.

Thankyou for your suggestion of taking another dose of carcinosin but I'm not sure if it might interfere with the muscle testing results and that's very important to get right and I really do want to take something for my teeth as they have got a lot worse over the last little while - the holes in the middle of my 2 front teeth are getting deeper - so do you have any advice about taking calcarea fluoric if it seems to induce pain - I had pain following the 6x last night as well. If you haven't had much experience with it I think it would be a good idea if I posted another topic on the calcarea/teeth thing - for as i say they are getting rapidly worse. It's possible that the carcinosin remedy increased the decay - have you seen this happen before?

Regards Courtney
Courtney last decade
hello, courtney,

i would be very interested in knowing what was diagonised in your muscle test?
mihir last decade
Hello Mihir,

My doctor is finding out some information for me and I will have be tested afterwards - so maybe in a week or two. And then I'll post the results.
Courtney last decade
Hello Rajiv and Mihir,

I thought I'd just update.
Well I am still waiting for the info. My doctor has got onto his supplier/suppliers and keeps ringing them up from time to time but they still haven't got back to him about the carcinosin. I'm considering trying to find out the info myself but it could be difficult as other than knowing of 3 suppliers over here I don't have any contacts like a doctor or homeopath would.

The last time I got tested some weeks ago I tested positive for necrotic gingivitis (I asked him to test for oral stuff - deteriortating gums teeth and abscesses gave me a hint)and we found out - I'm not sure if I have this right but toxins from the bad infection in about april were affecting two of the energy cycle enzymes - no wonder I seemed to have felt more tired.

Bye for now
Courtney last decade
good to hear from you
but tell me about the report of the muscle test done
mihir last decade
Hi Courtney,

Your mercury poisoning could have come from your teeth!
See below.

w w wDOTcurezoneDOTcom/dental/root_canal.asp
Amalgam page, amalgam - mercury health risk
w w wDOTcurezoneDOTcom/dental/amalgampage.asp

The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
w w wDOTiaomtDOTorg
The Scientific Case Against Amalgam
w w wDOTiaomtDOTorg/articledetails.cfm?artid=99

Dr Huggins
w w wDOTdrhugginsDOTcom
A 17+ minute audio interview. (Very informative)
w w wDOTdrhugginsDOTcom/default.asp?PageName=Healthy%20Talk%20Radio%20Interview

Preventive Dental Health Association

PS Remove the DOT and replace with "." and remove the spaces between the w w w.
How do others manage to post web addresses ?

TimCam last decade
Hello Mihir and Tim,

Mihir: The vials that my doctor is trying to track down are the carcinosin ones so I can't tell you yet about the testing. What some homeopaths are not aware of is that there are some carcinosin rememdies made not just from the 'traditional' single tumour but from up to about 50 something I think. So it wouldn't be too much use if he just tested me for one.

Tim: thankyou for all the effort you went to with the info in your post. I never had mercury fillings and it couldn't be proved conclusively but I have guessed that I got the mercury poisoning from eating lots and lots of canned sardines. Fish can have various amounts of mercury (but I didn't know that at that stage). I had to drop out of university and stop playing cricket. Curiously enough a friend of mine back a few years ago was the top student at a polytech she was studying at - then started having problems. She went along to my doctor who couldn't figure out what was wrong and she just casually mentioned that she ate canned sardines - he tested her for mercury and bingo - she had mercury poisoning. I know she had to drop at least one of the subjects she was studying. I got out the mercury with homeopathy and mopped up the last of it with cilantro - which gets rid of excess heavy metals from the body.
You got me - would be most interested to know how people post web links on the page.

Courtney last decade
hi courtney,
how are you now?
please keep us posted about which remedy finally helped you?
was carcinum your saviour or any other remedy
mihir last decade
Hi courtney,
Have you ever been checked for hypothyroidism? Some of your symptoms could be explained by this.
Your vaginal Candidiasis (sorry for the spelling)may in fact be another condition called Lichen schlerosis.

I am a speech therapist. You may want to speak with a speech therapist to see if he/she can evaluate you. Speech therapists work on things like memory, word finding, verbal expression. He or She may be able to find why you are haveing these problems and what you can do about them.
Hope things go well.
Karen M. last decade
how are you?
which remedy finally improved your condition?
did carcinum help you?
please be considerate enough to reply as it be the reward to ur efforts
mihir last decade
Mihir, thankyou for the enquiry after my health. I was going to post a reply today. I do not consider posting a reply to posts a day after they are posted to be inconsiderate.

Karen, thankyou for taking the time to post some suggestions. I will look into the hypothyroidism and Lichen schlerosis possibilities. I already wanted to do some speech therapy but thanks for posting the idea.

My doctor was hitting a brick wall in finding out about carcinosin remedies/vials? But about two weeks ago he informed me about finding out about carinosin remedies/vials made from I think 15 and 48 tumors. That's good but I'd like it if he got vials made from 58, 17, 9 and any others that there may be. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind getting more testing vials. To those who have posted on this thread I haven't been tested and have no news to report about that. But if/when I get tested against carcinosin I certainly intend to let you know how things go with it.

As to how I'm feeling at the moment. Well I'm still very sick. But I haven't just been sitting on my hands I've been looking into herbs alot.

Courtney last decade
Dear Rajiv and others,

Here's a little update. Yesterday my doctor tested me against carcinosin of 1 and 9 tumors. I didn't test postive to either - I said that that didn't make any sense because of the reactions I'd had to taking carcinosin. In reply he basically said that sometimes just one dose is all that's required. What I think I might do is try to get hold of a carcinosin remedy made from 58 tumors and take it. Dr Smits has companies listed that put them out. I have no idea how long it might take me to try and organise that so please don't expect an update soon.

Karen it was most interesting that you mentioned an alternative to vaginal candidiasis - I had no idea that there were other bugs out there that could cause itching and or pain or both there. My doctor tested me and it was Gardnerella vaginalis causing the pain and probably candida causing the itching.

Thanks for caring and for your input folks
Courtney last decade

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