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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Those who suffer from indigestion should try Sulfur in the morning and Nux vomica at night- wonderful combination.
Dr Ali
  kalibrom on 2004-04-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pass: defina
Emil Wolk ID

I am sixty years old. I have been diagnosed as having duodenitis. The effects of it are a burning sensation at the top of the stomach with feelings of nausea in the mornings and a lot of wind throughout the day. I recently have not been sleeping well but attribute that primarily to a chest chough that I have developed in the last few days. However my energy levels have been low for a good while now. I tend to drop off to sleep especially around 4pm or so, and when I read and watch TV. I'm quite emotional and tearful at times. Sometimes for no apparent reason. As I move around so much in my profession I find it difficult to keep to a regime and I often am eating too fast, but try to eat good food, and enjoy most foods but am aware of being less able to deal with coffee, tea and spicy foods to the degree I used to. I'm on thyroxin for an under active thyroid but take no other medication, and have been very fortunate with my health and had no major diseases except ostiomylitis when I was very young. I have had no allergic reactions to other medicines. My wife is very interested in homeopathy and she often recommends certain remedies when I'm under the weather but she a little bit stumped by these symptoms of mine which I have now had for a good few years. I have had both an endoscopy and a gastroscopy and they diagnosed an inflammation in the duodenum and some polyps in my intestine which they diagnosed as benign but removed them anyway. That's about all really except for this very dry chest cough at present which is keeping me awake at night to the degree that I haven't had a good nights sleep for over a week.
Emil Wolk 2 decades ago
What are the Best remedies for indigestion. Kindly Post some of them. which can make the stomach like crushing machine.
kashifjan last decade

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