The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Borderline personality disorder
Please tell me what remedies i should be trying, and how to take them?Borderline personality disorder is a condition in which people have long-term patterns of unstable or turbulent emotions, such as feelings about themselves and others.
These inner experiences often cause them to take impulsive actions and have chaotic relationships.
People with BPD are often uncertain about their identity. As a result, their interests and values may change rapidly.
People with BPD also tend to see things in terms of extremes, such as either all good or all bad. Their views of other people may change quickly. A person who is looked up to one day may be looked down on the next day. These suddenly shifting feelings often lead to intense and unstable relationships.
Other symptoms of BPD include:
Fear of being abandoned
Feelings of emptiness and boredom
Frequent displays of inappropriate anger
Impulsiveness with money, substance abuse, sexual relationships, binge eating, or shoplifting
Intolerance of being alone
Repeated crises and acts of self-injury, such as wrist cutting or overdosing
************BPD is the underlying issue, I am also in month 11 of benzo withdrawal and still suffering from that. I was thinking of taking for the withdrawal:
Aconitum Napellus 30c, 3 pellets every 3 hours for 2 days
then follow with nux vomica 30c, 5 pellets 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
Is this ok? What should I take for the underlying BPD?
[message edited by Hollyms on Wed, 09 May 2012 02:34:20 BST]
[message edited by Hollyms on Wed, 09 May 2012 02:34:50 BST]
Hollyms on 2012-05-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No that is not how homoeopathy should be used. The case needs to be taken properly by someone who is both qualified and experienced. Mental health disorders can be quite tricky to treat, and you need an objective party to manage and assess it. It is best to find someone to do that in person rather than over a forum like this, as homoeopathic medicines can cause a worsening of your symptoms, and side effects.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok then how should they be used? I was told that by someone here so assumed they knew what they were talking about. I have no idea how to find a homeopath in person, nor can I afford to honestly.
Hollyms last decade
someone has to take your case,
all the questions about likes and dislikes,
food, weather etc bc remedies are for
your individual person. For example
reading 3 cases of panic syndrome after
9/11 NY homeopath psychiatrist had
used a different remedy to cure on each
of the 3 people.
Where are you? in USA? perhaps I can
find someone who would be good-
and affordable, or else find you someone
online that could work with you for
a lesser sum of money. But you do need
someone who knows or is very
someone has to take your case,
all the questions about likes and dislikes,
food, weather etc bc remedies are for
your individual person. For example
reading 3 cases of panic syndrome after
9/11 NY homeopath psychiatrist had
used a different remedy to cure on each
of the 3 people.
Where are you? in USA? perhaps I can
find someone who would be good-
and affordable, or else find you someone
online that could work with you for
a lesser sum of money. But you do need
someone who knows or is very
♡ simone717 last decade
Simone, thank you very much. I am in the Chicagoland area, NW suburbs. I am a college student and unemployed so cheap would be helpful
Hollyms last decade
What is situation now regarding
your withdrawal? are you working
with a dr. or therapist? What is
your support exist of?
your withdrawal? are you working
with a dr. or therapist? What is
your support exist of?
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi- ok Hollyme, I am still looking
around-( some online out of country)
However, I want you to look at a certain
site- www
Steve and Aviva Waldsten- very experienced- click down on problems
etc and read the mental illness one-
read the entire site also.
- the first visit is the one
that costs the most- 380. then 80 a month later.They will do a skype
long distance and you can contact them to see if they feel they can help
you, but they look excellent. Maybe
they have a student discount- I would
contact them and check it out.
Chicago and Illinois has very little
selection- nothing in Chicago that
looks right to me.
Still need to know about your situation
with what is happening now and support etc before I would suggest
going online out of USA.
You can see the ones I liked on their
site they have you read a book and
understand how this all works before
you start taking remedies. This is
not the same as taking an aspirin
for headache -best simone.
around-( some online out of country)
However, I want you to look at a certain
site- www
Steve and Aviva Waldsten- very experienced- click down on problems
etc and read the mental illness one-
read the entire site also.
- the first visit is the one
that costs the most- 380. then 80 a month later.They will do a skype
long distance and you can contact them to see if they feel they can help
you, but they look excellent. Maybe
they have a student discount- I would
contact them and check it out.
Chicago and Illinois has very little
selection- nothing in Chicago that
looks right to me.
Still need to know about your situation
with what is happening now and support etc before I would suggest
going online out of USA.
You can see the ones I liked on their
site they have you read a book and
understand how this all works before
you start taking remedies. This is
not the same as taking an aspirin
for headache -best simone.
♡ simone717 last decade
I was the one who suggested that your case *superficially* looked like Aconite, and requested that you give more details so that a proper suggestion for a remedy could be made. However you never replied to my questions.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I appreciate the help. The withdrawal symptoms are VERY slowly but surely getting better. I still have symptoms that rev up every day around 5pm (typical of benzo wd). This includes jaw pain/popping, brain fog, aggitation, brain fog, and derealization, etc. I usually feel practically healed every morning, until 5pm rolls around. The mental symptoms are the ones that are sticking around the longest. Anxiety, phobia of and obsession with death, panic attacks, insomnia, obsessions, etc.
I'm not working with a therapist or doctor right now. They have kind of lost my faith after this whole long, painful, traumatizing ordeal with benzos. I get a little support from my family but not much.
I'm not working with a therapist or doctor right now. They have kind of lost my faith after this whole long, painful, traumatizing ordeal with benzos. I get a little support from my family but not much.
Hollyms last decade
Please check out the site I told you.
You might really hit it off with the
woman homeopath- Testimonial on
there from woman, with some
major abuse issues in her life- using
the woman homeopath as dr.
and counselor.
Once the first session is done,
then I am sure you can write emails,
and do follow up once a month-
so that is like $20 a week then for
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:57:31 BST]
You might really hit it off with the
woman homeopath- Testimonial on
there from woman, with some
major abuse issues in her life- using
the woman homeopath as dr.
and counselor.
Once the first session is done,
then I am sure you can write emails,
and do follow up once a month-
so that is like $20 a week then for
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:57:31 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
I looked up ND's who seem to be more likely to do homeopathy constitutionals or know someone who might.
I found the doctor below, and I think you may want to call her and ask her if she does homeopathy, or if she knows someone in Chicago who can take your case.
Her name is Jin PArk, and her Business is called Institute of Optimal Health.
She is in Northbrook, IL
Phone: 847-559-3200
I got this from AANP website, where you can FIND AN ND. I do not know her personally, but she seemed to me she might know someone.
Goodluck : )
I looked up ND's who seem to be more likely to do homeopathy constitutionals or know someone who might.
I found the doctor below, and I think you may want to call her and ask her if she does homeopathy, or if she knows someone in Chicago who can take your case.
Her name is Jin PArk, and her Business is called Institute of Optimal Health.
She is in Northbrook, IL
Phone: 847-559-3200
I got this from AANP website, where you can FIND AN ND. I do not know her personally, but she seemed to me she might know someone.
Goodluck : )
drkalfas last decade
I have submitted a post on forum
can you please help me
I have submitted a post on forum
can you please help me
drgreen203 9 years ago
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