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Posts about Depression

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression3Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression191Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1anxiety, urine drops, depression2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc..etc...i am very sick: please help !!! Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Alfalfa Q, I will print off all your mail and study it.I will then need to ask you quite a few more questions..are you happy to disclose more information on this forum?
I am classical, ie only one remedy at any one time, single dose and wait a while, and I only take mental ie mind symptoms. I will not ask you to stop taking your medication as I would not even consider that a good idea until I had seen an improvement in your overall condition. If you wish to go ahead and at least hear the remedy I would prescribe for you I am willing to do so. Whether or not you choose to take it is up to you...and of course I make no promises, but I will do my best for you.
stephanieG last decade
Sorry a PS....If I do prescribe you would have to stop the general tonic as you term it. I assume the remedies in it are potentised? They would almost certainly interfere with any constitutional remedy.
stephanieG last decade
sorry, but the one who wrote 'Remember depresseion results only when we donot want to accept the answers we know and still keep on denyying it and keep finding the external answers..' doesn't know what he's talking about. It's as if you're blaming the victim. It could be chemical imbalance, definitely has something 2 do with what he went thru as well.

Did you also check your thyroid levels (regular drs do not know that tsh should be in the Lower range!). EVen when my tsh wasnormal, an alternative dr. did a specific test (forgot what it was called) and found I was hypothyroid which contributes greatly to depression. Stress can lead to hypothyroidism.

Taking my mercury fillings out also helped me alot.
stickysnap last decade

Take a mix of these five bach flower remedies.. for a month or two.. they will help A LOT...

1. Olive
2. Hornbeam
3. Holly
4. Wild Oat
5. Centaury

Try to take them hourly... put a drop of the mix in a litre of water.. and consume this water.. a mouthful every hour... hold for 5 seconds or so in the mouth before you swallow..

Wild Oat and Holly can help a lot in wiping away these bad emotional states...

Donot go above five remedies in a mix.. and stick to the mix for atleast a month...

I would also urge you to try out this system of Qi Gong - Falun Dafa

w w w .falundafa. org/ eng /index .htm

You could start by going through the nine lecture videos here...

ww w. falundafa . org / eng / media . htm#GUANGZHOU

and the book Zhuan Falun ...

ww w.falundafa. org/eng/books.htm

The exercises may be learnt using the video instructions on the page.

ww w.falundafa. org/eng/exercises.htm
rdilip last decade
still the mind....practice it for three moon cycles for the your metabolism to get back to its normal state....Stop indugling the body and the mind in senseless activities and just do only those actions that which are absolutely necessary for survival. In the sense 'You will have to eat just for the Sake of survival for quenching your hunger and thirst'.
Stop using all external medicines and let the body heal itself. Understand that all imbalances have thier origin in the mind. Practice relaxation,calmness and peace.
Observe nature,everything in it heals by itself. But man alone keeps looking around for external cures and keeps vacillating.
In observing, you will find all the answers that which you are looking for.
gamer555 last decade

my name is sebastian; i 'm a 32 year old male diagnozed borderline; i was in a recovery phase but have 'relapsed' since a few months which i hardly accept; would you know some helpful remedy for borderlin personality dissorder; i was thinking about STAPHYSAGRIA; what do you think?

yours sincerely
emoseb last decade
Sorry Sebastian,
Nowhere near enough information to prescribe. What makes you think you need Staph?

stephanieG last decade
well, masturbation since very young; very sensitive to music; dancing when happy; the fact i kept angriness inside beecause of dignity, rumination, wanting everything to be perfect and very depressed i can t be; very mood changing; i also hesitate with carinosine...
emoseb last decade
It sounds ok but I would still not prescribe on that info...sorry, I am not being awkward. Have you posted your case on ABC or do you want to give me more details. This can be done privately if you are concerned.
stephanieG last decade
sure i can give you more details; how can we manage to do it privately?
emoseb last decade
I know this post is old but in case he reads it. He sounds a lot like he needs carcinosin.
Acne food sensitivites perfectionism suicide lots of remedies seem to fit. I know cuz this was just prescribed for me!
I believe you have spiritual problems as well probably spirit posession and should Investigate into Jesus Christ.
iloveyou last decade
Have BAIDYANATH STRESSWIN capsules....quite effective n curative...
zaqwsx9900 last decade

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