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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

What happened to me.... Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Best wishes for your good health. i hope that you will soon resume your good work.
kadwa last decade
Wish you speedy recovery Dr. David. Hoping to see you back very soon.
AsadGhumman last decade
Hello Doc. David,
How is your health now?
HoneyKhanna last decade
Dear David,
I logged in to the forum after a long gap of time & was very sad reading about the unfortunate incident of your accident.
I sincerely wish & pray to God that you get well soon and start galloping in leaps & bounds as always that you are.
Remember, tough times do not last but tough people DO.
May God bless you with His choicest blessings!
daktersaab last decade
This has been a particularly difficult time in my life. A severe bout of (double) pneumonia earlier this year accelerated a mild form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that I had developed from asthma present during my earlier years. It accelerated it by about 20 years (however the doctors determine that), and put me under a lot of strain to find a natural alternative to the steroids they were trying to force on me. Just as I reached a level of health that I was happy with, I was nearly killed in an accident (caused by someone else) and am struggling again to repair the severe damage to my health. These two events have made me question exactly what I want to do with my life - it made me realise that I had entered into a kind of 'coasting' stage where things were comfortable but I was not necessarily achieving a lot. I began to think about many things I had wanted to do earlier in my life and never pursued - an unfinished science degree, travelling to particular places in the world that hold meaning for me, working with the poor in other countries where friends of mine are working right now, even exploring my interest in Buddhism (I can tell you my interest in spiritual matters has definitely risen, no surprise).

At present, I have had to give up my own practice to focus on my rehabilitation. I have also had to rely on my family for many things as my ability do things for myself has been limited. Many 'post-injury' remedies later I had not had much success with homoeopathy and have been relying instead on acupuncture. However recently, one of my colleagues who had recently returned from overseas took my case and prescribed a remedy I would never thought of, and the results have been good. My physiotherapist was surprised by my sudden jump in progress when I visited him yesterday. Homoeopathy is great when it is great (but when you miss it is a big empty nothing lol).

I went from being active and independent last year, working happily with my clients, fit and energetic, to a considerably reduced version of myself. It has been humbling in many ways to realise that no matter what you think of yourself, life can bring you low in an instant, and the only thing that matters then is who you have that loves and supports you. I am grateful that I found out who those people were, and that they have showed me a depth of kindness that has (you may be surprised considering the posts appearing at the moment) softened me.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear David,

Thanks a lot for sharing on the forum.
I do not know about others but for me it is a great learning about life & its uncertainities.

My wife was suffering of various ailments for last 42 years & my one point agenda of life was to cure her.
But God's will was not to be.
I lost her 3 years back & I experience a void in my life both at physiological as well as psychological level.
With my both children well settled & very loving and caring I still feel purposeless at this advance age of 72.

God has been very very kind to me by blessing a reasonably good health for which I am very grateful.
But since this body has to go the deterioration has to take place.
Now my only desire is to serve humanity in every possible way & give back to the world at least a small bit of what I have received.

Doc, events do happen in our lives it is upto our own perception & attitude that we colour it with.
I feel God has given all of us much more than what we need & deserve.
Let us go on counting our blesings!!!
Thanks once again to be kind enough to share.
daktersaab last decade
I can only imagine what it would be like to lose someone after sharing your life with them for so long. I think sharing such things about ourselves 'humanises' us in a medium that can often seem a bit emotionless and cold.

Thank you so much for sharing this with me.

brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well it appears that Nawaz has won, and had me banned from the forum.

Fighting endless rubbish and insults from pseudohomoeopaths like him have certainly become very tiring. Perhaps this is for the best. I guess he was cleverer than I realised, choosing a time when I was at my most vulnerable to attack.

For anyone who reads this, and who cares at all, I did enjoy my time here. It appears I may not have been quite up to the challenge put up by those on this site who felt threatened by me, but in the end I suppose it really is a pointless fight. They will always exist, they will always work to undermine and corrupt what we have achieved.

Good luck to those looking for help here. I hope through all that confusion and noise, some hope is found. I can go back to the real world now where I am surrounded by homeopaths who actually practice homoeopathy. My struggle here is done.
Brisbanehompath last decade
I am sorry to hear about your struggles David. And I dont understand what it means that you are suspended since you are still able to post. Please continue posting. I am especially looking forward to your reply on my post.
lovekaynine last decade
Lyco, like I said in the other post-
this forum is set up for ANYONE to
prescribe or give advice. That is the
basis of this forum.

so why go on a forum that is set up for
ANYONE to give advice and promotes
that ANYONE can give advice and try
to go against what the moderator set it
up for?

The moderator did not set this up for
just homeopaths to prescribe. All the
'HOMEOPATHS who set this up with
the moderator at the start of the forum
are self taught people. So you should
read the top page of the forum where
it says, these posts are not by medical
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 06 Jul 2012 16:36:09 BST]
simone717 last decade
Surprised to read that david has been banned. Would not imagine this being possible since I thought he is bringing lots of traffic to this website. But I guess it shows that the moderator is neutral without any sort of 'corruption' which is always a nice thing since this is so rare in this world these days...

Kind of sad to read this in case this means David wont be here anylonger.. Anyway I read the posts where the arguing happened and I must say David sounded there a lot like me which was kind of confusing a bit lol. Anyway, maybe I am to blame for all this.
Almost last decade
A poster is never banned at this forum. The moderator freezes transactions for the id against which (a valid complaint in the opinion of the moderator) complaint is received. The poster can always come back with another id.
Kuldeep was banned and the poster was back with the id girilal. Now the person who was instrumental in banning kuldeep enjoys good friendship with girilal. It is very obvious that such things will take place in a public forum that keeps live for decades. Change is the only constant in this world!!
kadwa last decade
It seems it goes around in circles - I remember all the arguments around Jacob and a few others around 2006/2007 and he was banned and yet I have to say in all honesty he was a good homeopath - his ways may have been different - but a good homeopath!

There will be someone else banned after Brisbanehomeopath - and it will all start again!

Good Luck Brisbanehomeopath.
kohler last decade
This is very sad!
AsadGhumman last decade
Hi Lycopodium,

'You say that you were not behind his being banned (implying he brought it on himself) but you did go to the moderator, is that correct? '

No, it is not correct, I did not email, The Moderator.

Please refer to his posts as I was called fake, having a secret life, not a doctor, not a homeopath, I could be arrested if in Australia, and much much more...

I never said, I am a doctor or a homeopath or I am practicing homeopathy anywhere in the world. It is cultural thing in India and Pakistan. When people receive suggested remedies, they keep on calling you doctor if you tell them over and over that I am not a doctor. A lot of people get help from me thru email, I tell them I am not a doctor.
But, going to my threads over here and telling/confusing/criticizing all patients currently under treatment have severely impacted case managements and caused major damage to my patients and to my health.

Please understand, I am 63, retired and my life is open book. Thanks to our creator, I have 6 children, 4 daughters and 2 sons and 10 grand children. I have no secret life. I would like to invite you and any member of this forum to visit me in Atlanta, GA USA to see that I am very simple and God fearing. I do not lie as it is not in my system.

Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Thu, 05 Jul 2012 12:16:04 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Apology accepted Lycopodium.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Not a problem. I understand. Please stay blessed! See, how beautiful human being you are:)

Many prayers for your good health and happy life.
nawazkhan last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Fri, 06 Jul 2012 16:39:00 BST]
simone717 last decade
One message to all of the users:

It takes long time to earn Goodwill but takes less time to destroy....& this is the universal truth.

carebd last decade
Very sorry to hear about what happened. I think Everyone will agree that it`s a wonderful thing you survived the accident and hopefully will be able to help yourself get back on your feet and be stronger than ever. And you are blessed that you have family who look after you while you are vulnerable. I wish you rapid recovery and much success in the near future! It`s a big loss to have you banned from this forum:( After you are at your full strength, you should start your own forum and many people will support it! Best of luck! Irina.
beyondmoon last decade
Hi Simone,
I feel better now.Thank you so much for the concern.The remedy Doc. Rahiq gave is working fine for me.
I just wanted to know Doc. David's health, since he is always asking us for the same, when we are in problem, that is why i posted here.
Wish you a spedy recovery Doc. David.
and I do not understand why people say he has been banned from using the forum, as he is one of the main doctor's helping suffering people.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Hi Honey- David said that he is rapidly
regaining his health. He was not
'banned' from forum, he was
suspended for being rude to someone.
He could come back on here with
another id if he wants -I don't know
if he wants to do that.
simone717 last decade
Unfortunate that even sober and 'get well' threads are also being used to score brownie points.

A suspended member can come back but he/she needs to make a request to the Moderator.

Thanks David and Daktersaab for pouring your hearts out letting us know the things going on in your personal lives.
maheeru last decade
Losing such a qualified and experienced homoeopath is unfortunate. Ultimately, the visitors of this forum will be at loss.
maraheem last decade
I think that this one life is too short to be wasted in bickering & criticising each other.
As healers we owe lot of responsibilty to the forum in contributing in much meaningful ways than this.

When we talk in terms of bounderyless world we need to set aside our so called 'ego' & work for the forum to achieve its basic objectives.
This & only this approach will win us the confidence of our patients.
Dear David, Hope you are much better now.I shall always be happy to read your posts on this forum.I am sure you will continue your valuable contribution.
daktersaab last decade
Very well said daktersaab. Thanks David & daktersaab for sharing your feelings & emotions with us. Hope to see David coming back to the forum very soon.
AsadGhumman last decade

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