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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Neck Pain

Dear Kadwaji/Doctors: I am suffering for the last one month on neck pain.I have this since 8 yrs once a year on avarage and so far i used only ayurvedic treatment. maharasanadi kwath,sallaki plus.
As this episode is not getting cured i went ot ful diagnosis and my cervical spine MRI scan saya i have disc protution at C3-4,C4-5,C5-6 and C6-7. I have shoulder pain and radiating pains into right palm amd mild occational numbness. Scan says disc prtution is causing mild compression to nerves..

Can this symptoms be cured by homeo medicines. I am currently into painkillers and anti inflamationary drugs and physio therepy. Please advice..
  srinupeddiraju on 2012-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Causticum 200 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in next 7 days.

Please take one tablet of trayodashang guggulu and chandraprabha vati after meals in the morning and evening daily. The tablets should be crushed and swallowed with water.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for your advice.
Do i need to take any calcium suppliments?
srinupeddiraju last decade
No. It is better to do yoga instead of physiotherapy.
kadwa last decade
My advice alternate Ruta 30 with Hypericum 30 . one drop or 4 pills every 4 hourly.

kakku47 last decade
Thanks for advice.Neck pain/shoulder pain has come down while i sleep or lying down but sitting/working postures its still there AND now its localised to a point in the neck. I am doing hot water coronation/aplying extenral oils for relief though. And stopped working in sitting posture a lot as its aggrevating. And travel also cauisng aggrviation though i am using neck coller/soft seating.

Yoga i need to start yet.

Shall i start Ruta 30, Hypercium 30 now?
srinupeddiraju last decade
thanks you got the relief but you have now pain more at a point. prior to giving you the advice related to medicine i wish to say please don't rub the part on which oil is applied. just apply and cover with some warm cloth.
regarding the medicine my advice is now take kali iod. 30 one dose in the morning and yes alternate ruta 30 with hypericum 30 four hourly,
kakku47 last decade

It is better if you read the names of people who are giving you suggestions. Don't mix suggestions and address a person than addressing a wall.
kadwa last decade
Dr.Kadwaji,Wahts my next step?
srinupeddiraju last decade
Please continue with chandraprabha vati and trayodashang guggulu for 7 days.
kadwa last decade
i really donot undersatnd what type of pathy Dr. kadwa ji is doing .one time he advices homoeopathy and the other time ayurvedic. please stick to one.
kakku47 last decade
Is it that homeopathy and ayurveda doesnt go well together? Or Is it that we dont know about them inside out?

As patients all we seek is 'curo-pathy'. We are glad to see that our doctors just doing this.
srinupeddiraju last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 25 Apr 2013 05:12:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
you are welcome!!
actually feel holistic treatment is where some of these can go hand in hand

homeo mediccine can activate life force within..but now a days we have weak life force hence some other medicine is needed as compliment???am i wrong
srinupeddiraju last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Thu, 25 Apr 2013 05:15:02 BST]
simone717 last decade
what ever you use the medicine but it is mechanical problem of spine... try to use cervical air retractor along with following meidicne...
causticum 30 4 tab thrice i naday
mag. phos 6x 30 gms 4 tab thrice i naday

for air color visit www.healtron.com

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
dear kakku47,

i am not against your suggestion. But as each homeopath has his own line of thinking, case management becomes very difficult if two homeopaths make suggestions at a time.

Good wishes to all.
kadwa last decade
dr.kadwa, I forgot to mention, my mom has arthritis pains

thank you all for the kind advice.
srinupeddiraju last decade
do anyone know about good quality air/water filled cushion seats of 'L' shape to absorb motion impact on body/spine/neck during travelling. I think such products are must for relief.
[message edited by srinupeddiraju on Fri, 24 Aug 2012 19:15:35 BST]
srinupeddiraju last decade
The remedies that you have been taking should help even if this is a hereditary problem.
kadwa last decade
yes Mr. kadwa ji i could understand you and your thought but sailing at the two boats is not good. In human suffering it is only manageable at times but not good mostly. The reason one is in crude form and other is potentised form and both have deeper tissue action in body.
kakku47 last decade
dr kakku47ji, About your comments on crude&potentised forms: This is precisely why i think Dr.kadwaji rejected when i asked if i can add Calcium supliments to his prescription of Causticum 200(is it potentised Caustic soda? or something like calcium hydroxide+ potassium bisulphate?). But other aruvedic medicines suggested here can turn out to be good for cure if they dont clash with Causticum; ofcourse its core of holstic cure

So is it not logical to think that in worst case a remedy in crude form and another in potentised form can only nullify tissue action but its actually two contradicting potentised remedies can create deeper tissue action.

if you see all this look like a hollywood movie..please pardon me.
[message edited by srinupeddiraju on Sat, 25 Aug 2012 18:24:04 BST]
srinupeddiraju last decade
actually u got result with causticum or with ruta + hypericum
HANMANTH last decade
Dear Hanmanth Ji
forget what brought the relief but the patient feels better with out any adversity that should be considered.
Hope there will not be ant controversy now.
kakku47 last decade
being a doctor u should not say forget what brought the relief
iam asking which remedy helped because it is very useful to others that is called experiance
sthousands are suffering from this problem try to understant
HANMANTH last decade
Dear Hannanth JI
Are you very sure that the medicine you give to a patient is the the only one that bring the cure. there are so many factors are there to achieve that. the medicines are having the therapeutic values only and while treatment in chronic cases there are numbers of separate medicines are to be given and so one cannot say that this is the final medicine that brought the cure.
still if you donot understand then there will not be any reply from my side on this issue.
kakku47 last decade

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