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Hi Joe

The Bryonia 30c is not working at all for the headaches. Have a major headache as I write this. It's a beautiful morning and I went out and rake the lawn, came back in with this terrible headache.

I am sleeping better with the Arnica and I went out to get the Nat Mur 6c but, I bought the wrong thing. I noticed when I got home that it was Nat Mur 6x. I didn't use it because I don't know if it makes a difference.

Let me tell you more about these headaches. This all started in 1989 after a sudden death in the family. The shock of it all got me real sick. I couldn't eat for day's and then I came down with what I thought was a sore throat. I was bounced around from one doctor to another with no relief. More trauma and stress followed so the sore throat never went away. It took years to finally figure out that the sore throat came from all that. To this day I still have the problem. My whole body is out of whack! Exercise, food, weather changes, laughing of all things and I could go on.It all brings on the sore throat and headaches.

As a matter a fact I couldn't take the Bryonia. I got all congested and my throat was hurting.

I was a healthy, energetic, outgoing person before all this happened.

I am so tired of waking up to headaches and fatigue every single day.

Thanks for your help trying to help me Joe.
  doril on 2005-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
U need conium and conium only.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I believe that I have the reason why Bryonia did not help your headaches. You stated in your post:

"It's a beautiful morning and I went out and rake the lawn, came back in with this terrible headache."

Your headaches are caused by your sensitivity to light also called Photosensitivity, which triggers off your headache. I must thank you for your very precise description of the cause of your headache which I presume you did because of the intenst pain that you were feeling.

Your remedy is Glonoine 30c.

I shall copy Boreicke's Materia Medica on this remedy for the Head:

Head.--Confusion, with dizziness. Effects of sunstroke; heat on head, as in type-setters and workers under gas and electric light. Head heavy, but cannot lay it on pillow. Cannot bear any heat about head. Better from uncovering head. Throbbing headache. Angio-spastic neuralgia of head and face. Very irritable. Vertigo on assuming upright position. Cerebral congestion. Head feels enormously large, as if skull were too small for brain.*** Sun headaches; increases and decreases with the sun.*** Shocks in head, synchronous with pulse. Headache in place of menses. Rush of blood to head in pregnant women. Threatened apoplexy. Meningitis.

Please use the same method I outlined in my reply to your first post of the Wet Dose using Glonoine 30 and I hope that your headaches will be helped.

This is one of the problems that we who prescribe on the forums face as we tend to use the obvious remedies that have invariably worked like in your case Bryonia for a Headache. When you reported that you were having frequent violent headaches for which you had been prescribed Extra strength Excedrin which you stated was beginning to take its toll due to frequent use, on your stomach I naturally concluded that you were confusing your headache with Migraine for which Bryonia would have been the remedy.

You must also use Sun Glasses whenever you have to go outdoors especially from the dark inside of your house to the lawn which is bathed in sunlight.

Do not use any drugs like the Excedrin Extra strength. If you think that your headache is unbearable you can use ice cubes which you can put into an Ice Bag which I believe you can get from your chemist, on your head. This will bring down the intensity of your headache. Any plastic bag will also do for the moment.

I shall await your response after you have used Glonoine 30c with interest.
I feel confident that it will work and help you to overcome your chronic headaches.
Joe De Livera last decade
What is conium? How do I take it, how much and for how long?
doril last decade
Bell is also a possibility.
Minsa last decade
conium is a homeopathic medicine.take 5 drops in a little water thrice daily atleast for 7 days.potency of conium is 30c.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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