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depression.oversleeping about 10 to 11hours every day for god sake help. 1



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression,oversleeping about 10 to 11 hours a day please help.

I am unable to find a homeopathic medicine related to my symptom.my main problem is my sleep.trying to make a sleep routine early to bed but unable.from one year.and from last 3 years i am in depression.threre are lot of medicines in homeopathic for insomia for decreased sleep but there is nothing i foud about increased sleep in homeopathic on internet.there is a request please dont treat me on experimantel basis.only who learned about this condition or have treated patient like me for god sake help me.
  nachiii on 2012-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Other symptoms are same like a depressed person.lack of energy.tired all day.very weak memory specially short term.extream anxiety some time,mostly at night.i want to get rid from this condition.in my childhood i had a problem of bedwetting.at the age of 13 by a homeopathic that was cured.i had allergy from unknown thing.i think from dust because when i moved to another country without dust my allergy is cured.i had flue every week for 2 times sneezing and flue that last in aa day.in summer my skin burn for some days.i get releif from taking shower.or making towel wet with cold water then putting it on my arms and legs.because my legs and arms burns mostely at night for some days and i cant sleep without performing this.and lose erection and lose testicles.only shrink by taking shower with cold water.only morning erection otherwise all day no erection.
nachiii last decade

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