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Referral for pedriatric homeopath.

Hi, We are looking for an experienced pediatric homeopath. We want to establish a professional relationship with a classical homeopath to be our family homeopathic doctor. We live in South Florida (Broward) yet we are open to long distance consultations if needed. We are looking for someone with experience dealing with childhood illnesses plus constitutional treatment. Our son is 9 months old.

Thank you!
  lizajam on 2013-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- they don't have 'pediatric' homeopaths-you look
for a good Dr. (MD) homeopath or a homeopath who
focuses a lot on children.

Also for just run of the mill childhood illness you get
a book and kit for acute problems that come up and
those are fairly easy to do. You should also have a
pediatrician that you like bc in emergency this is
absolutely needed.

I had a homeopath MD for my kids, and a pediatrician
and that worked well. I suggest that you check out
Dr. Judyth Ullman, in Seattle, who is a very well known
Dr. and teacher and she does skype and phone appts.
She also has many books etc and ones for using
acute remedies at home. She can treat your child
with a classical approach and do the constitutional remedy-
she can probably also suggest who else you could try
locally, however with kids you have to do things fast
many times and cannot wait and I had that experience
with my MD homeopath who when remedies were not
acting fast enough told me to go over to the pediatrician
for short term allopathic treatment.
simone717 last decade

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