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Pain in upper right quadrant of abdominal Page 11 of 13

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Lycopodium 200C

Dissolve 2 drops/5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this ONCE only.

Restrictions: As discussed before.

Update after 10 days. Use disposable spoon n cup for dosing
Zady101 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

It's been 10 days and last 3 days I feel pretty good on my right side. I also got Liv 52 DS by Himalayas. I started to take it two days ago. My tongue quite normal color now, just a bit white left. The bitter taste almost gone.
I am still constipated along with the feeling of fullness in my stomach and intestines, occasionally I feel uncomfortable in very low right abdomen.
I had a pelvic ultrasound recently and will go to the doctor tomorrow to discuss it. Technician mentioned I still have a few cysts in my left ovary, fibroids.
May I also ask for any suggestions of remedies for anxiety and fear of flying plus motion sickness. I need to take a long flight and it always stresses me out.
Thank you so much for all your help!
koshka 9 years ago
Cocculus Ind. 200C

Take one dose (three pellets dry) when you step on the plane and take another dose when you step off.
Zady101 9 years ago
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
What should we do about my tummy? Shall I wait for another 10 days and report back or would you suggest anything else?
koshka 9 years ago
Chelidonium 6C

Dissolve 1 pellet in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once everyday.

Update after 1 wk.
Zady101 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

I wanted to update you on my pelvic ultrasound. So the doctor said fibroids re small, 1 cm and less, nothing to worry. However, I have a few cysts in the left ovary, one of them is 2,6 cm. They drew today blood for screening and have to repeat ultrasound in two months. The blood test results should be in by the end of the week.
I have already started to take Chelidonium.
Thank you again!
koshka 9 years ago
We would look at cysts and fibroids once the other problem is resolved a bit.
Zady101 9 years ago
Sounds good! Thank you very much!
koshka 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Zady,

Today was the 5th day of Chelidonium. I am reporting back a bit earlier, because tomorrow I am going on the trip. Is it ok to take both Chelidonium and Cocculus on the same day? I also might not be able to contact you for a week since I am not sure about internet connection.
So, on 2nd day of taking Chelidonium I felt pain stronger and was planning to report to you. It turned out my period started the next day. I had the pain whole evening. The following days it comes occasionally, not strong, just enough to remind about itself.
Shall I complete whole week of Chelidonium and report later, whenever I'll be able to get online or would you recommend anything else?
Also, I've received a phone call from my gyn: the blood test is normal, but they want to repeat ultrasound in 8 weeks to monitor all those cysts.
Thank you so much!
[message edited by koshka on Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:39:07 BST]
koshka 9 years ago
The day u hv to take Coc. Ind., do not take Chel on that day
Zady101 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

I was not able to read your reply untill I came back from the vacation. So for past 10 days I did not take Chelidonium at all, beside that I could not follow the diet during that time. But I would say my pain was not that bad, may be on 3rd day of the vacation I woke up with the strong one and it felt more 'physical' like twisted muscles in that area or something like that. It was painful to bend, turn to the side or breath very deep. Gradually, that pain went away.
Thank you for advising on Cocculus! I felt good during flights (even there were a lot of turbulence) and after!
What shall I do now? Shall I continue with Chel. as you recommended?
Thank you very much!
koshka 9 years ago
Zady101 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Zady,

First two days were not great, pain was not strong, but rather dull and through most of the time, especially on empty stomach. Then next days were good, and last two days I felt pain comes and go, again not strong, did not bother physically much, but mentally.
I am almost done with Hymalaya Liv.52 DS. Shall I order some more or take a break? I actually like this supplement. Seems to be going well with me :)
Would appreciate your next recommendations,
koshka 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

I wanted to add to my previous note, that the same evening I've got different type of pain (sharper, feels like piercing, but scale of pain is not high, may be 4 out of 12). It is still going on today, as well as my period started today( a bit earlier than expected) with cramps that I have not have long time.
Sorry to bother you again, just wanted to let you know.
Thank you so much!
koshka 9 years ago
Take Mag phos 6X during your periods. 2 doses a day
Zady101 9 years ago
Shall I still continue with Chel as well? If yes, do I need to stop taking it during periods? Thank you very much, Dr. Zady.
koshka 9 years ago
Yes. Pls take ONLY Mag phos 6x
Zady101 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

My period is almost over. Shall I switch to Chel. again once it will stop?

Thank you!
koshka 9 years ago
What r the current symptoms
Zady101 9 years ago
I feel pretty good. The piercing pain in right side and cramping were gone after first two days of the period.
The dull pain would come a few times a day briefly, does not last long, usually happenned on empty stomach scale 1 to 2 out of 12, again lightly constipated. I also finished Hymalaya Liv.52.

Thank you!
koshka 9 years ago
Hello Dr. Zady,

In addition to the above text I wanted to add that my period got longer than usual last time, after that I felt a bit low ab. ache for a two days or so and now I feel yeast infection is coming back. As for the right side, I felt the same dull pain few times a day, lasts seconds, light.
Would you suggest anything?
koshka 9 years ago
What is the status of pain now, and yeast infection?
Zady101 9 years ago
Low ab pain is gone, yeast infection is still the same: it does not go further than itchiness, a bit of smell, less to no discharge. But I started to have light low back ache along with neck pain (left side, back) and last 3 days heartburn. I think baked vegetables triggered it.
koshka 9 years ago
Do u hv Sepia in any potency
Zady101 9 years ago
i have 200c
koshka 9 years ago
Sepia 200C
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once

Upd after 1 wk
Zady101 9 years ago

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