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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

curious about an answer posted?

hello, a woman posted a question about her sons cough, and the dr listed to put pellets in a glass and fill glass under faucet, dump it out and do this six times, and then give the child a few tsps of the water. i was just curious what is the purpose of filling the glass 6 times dumping it out each time? very curious/trying to learn. also why throw the glass and spoon away aftewards? thank you for your help!!
  DAS1965 on 2013-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- you throw the glass and spoon away bc there will be
vestiges of the remedy in there and so if used again by another person
they are going to be taking a remedy unknowingly.

The other is a way of getting rid of an aggravation from a remedy
without antidoting the remedy.

Google Aggravation Zapper-
There is information about using this on Hpathy.com on how and why
to do this.
simone717 last decade
hello, thank you so very much for answering me curious question, i appreciate it and will google aggravation zapper. :)
DAS1965 last decade

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