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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Liver Problem Page 2 of 4

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Mr. John,
She is following all instructions strictly.. she stoped coffee fully. she take 1 glass apple ji=uice and rest hot water, How about Green Tea,..? to update: she was taking Sepia 30 three times a day earlier. now she stoped all homeopathy after Nux Vom. she was taking Ars Alb 30 and sepia 30 earlier. Her stomatch looks little bulged after Nux Vom (these days) after she stoped Homeopathy. no constipation. no indigestion. no retention of urine. all normal.. but stomach is swollen, as if filled with water. (not heavy)
i will give her Sepia 30 tomorrow morning one single doose. and let u know .
thanks regards
vinaya20 2 decades ago
One dram pills >>>> about 15 drops

-two dram pills about 30 drops

-1/2 oz bottle of pills about 60 drops.

Don't make bigger bottles as the liquit will not get evenly distributed.

donot shake the bottles violently and too often.

Keep in a cool dark place. away from Camphor and other scents etc.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Attn Mr. John,
She has taken sepia 30 single doose on Saturday morning. no changes till tiday. everything is same. Little swelling on face. legs swollen and pain. next.?
vinaya20 2 decades ago
go up in potency with nux-vomica ---1 dose"only" nux-vomica 200c...take in evening before sleep--at least 1 hour after last meal/food...no repetition at all of dose.on any other day or evening--

follow same restrictions

and post response or lack of
John Stanton 2 decades ago
how far down leg does "creeping" feeling extend? what areas exactly affected this way?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
stop usage of all other remedies --that include nat-sulph --
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Mr John,

something creaping all over her feet (like feeling) feet feels heavy. when touching ground. she feel her feets are heavy. she feels at when she get up after sitting for long time. (after resting for long time) and its hard and shining.

Well i will given her Nux Vom 200 tonight and let u know tomorrow.
thanks & Regards
vinaya20 2 decades ago
ok-i'm here
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Attn: Mr. John

She had taken Nux Vom 200 on friday night after dinner.
till today no much changes.
Shee feel more hungry. and thristy. Sleep good. pain as usual. ( swelling more on sitting for long )

Motion urin usual. ( no sign of constipation)

what next?
vinaya20 2 decades ago
"..feels uneasy on toilet..."is this during urination and/or stool?

any back pains at all?where exactly?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
...Yes...feels uneasy at Toilet... means,,,, she cant force when motion is tight. fear of uterus coming out.(she need to push it in..sometime)...she feels tired..after full meals, as if stomatch is full...very full...cant walk more after meals. hers ankles are still swollen.. face little.(reduced). she is not taking any homeopathy now. not even nut sulp
vinaya20 2 decades ago
single dose "only" calcarea phophorica 30c....

AVOID--all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee;tea;vinegar ;fruit and juices;alcoholic beverages;...etc
AVOID-- all carbonated soft drinks;frozen foods (ice creams and like)...

post response or lack of response...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Cal Phos 30 given Thrusday night. she got little headache next morning. rest all as usual. pain in the legs when streching. (as if pulled off) when getting up. headache reduced by noon. no other changes.
vinaya20 2 decades ago
has she had this type of headache before in life?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
not this type of headache...!!

she had migrane 15yrs back...(for about 10 years...it was terrible...)
but these (recent) 15-16 years no sign of headache.(migrane)she was taking Migranil/vasograin tabs (alopathic) once daily those days.
this is new ...of last morning.
vinaya20 2 decades ago
is the "pain in the legs when streching. (as if pulled off) when getting up." a new symptom?please explain..
is this above symptom still occuring?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
no, its not new symptom.. she experience this since she had her dropsy/swelling feet.more pain at ankle. not at toes . legs(between ankle & knee are hard shining & swollen)pain when streching..face little puffy...
vinaya20 2 decades ago
sinlge dose "only" carbo vegetalis 30c

MUST AVOID --all acidic foods and drinks...i.e..coffee;tea;coca-cola,pepsi,and the like;vinegar;sour foods;alcoholic beverages;fruit and juices;tomatoes;...etc

MUST AVOID-- ice and frozen foods;fats;milk products; rich foods

no other medicines-remedies-eye drops-skin cremes/ointments...etc

post response or lack of response to carbo vegetalis 30c..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Well she is taking protien supplement in milk (Protinex) and some Multi vitamin/minaral/amino acids capsules (Astymin forte) daily along with mid time protien biscute (Threptin), and once 200ml Apple juice. should i stop all these. shal i give Carbo Veg Night after dinner at bedtime or at morning on empty stomach...??
vinaya20 2 decades ago
give in morning 2 hour after eating breakfast and 1 hour before next eating--

no milk or apple juice---it is advisable to follow restrictions strictly until establish stable path to cure--then include foods as feel need--observing if aggaravtion ocur or not...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
ok. today i stop all milk protein drink and apple drink. tomorrow after breakfast i will give her Carbo Veg 30 . let u know tomorrow evening..
vinaya20 2 decades ago
after carbo veg no much changes...
but..she's got itching on her legs (foot between heel and toes) and once (4th day) she got mild headache. appetite is good...but indigestion..
no constipition...(motion tight) rest all as usual..
vinaya20 2 decades ago
"...itching on her legs (foot between heel and toes) and once (4th day) she got mild headache.... "...but indigestion.. ..."----are any these new symptoms (never occured before in life)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
yes.. new after Carbo Veg..
still she got constipition..(tight motion) she's scared to force...(she feel.. she lost her strenght when part of uterus comes out on forcing at toilet)..for about an hour or two...this symptoms will be there...then usual...feel uneasy..
no headache...appetitie as usual..if.. motion is free..she feel her uterus will be in place and she feel comfertable. otherwise (.) feel....uterus little down of its place..little outside...walking difficult and loss of strenght...(tired) she focus everything on her uterus prolapse probs...she dont worry about her feet/legs...swelling..
vinaya20 2 decades ago
has mother had any chest/respiratory illness(es) in past at all? when ? how treated?please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
has mother had any chest/respiratory illness(es) in past at all? when ? how treated?please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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