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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

please do be kind enough to suggest any remedy ..

1. Age : 26 ( born in august )
3. Sex : male
4. Single/Married : single
5. weight : 68
6. Height : 5'7'
7. country : India
8. climate : tropical

complaints and some other symptoms and descriptions :

A. fissure ( as diagonised by local homeopath)
Its about 8 months or so and been on and off and realised it started after i took ashwanadha for some days.
Burning cut like sensation during bowel movements and trouble sitting on chair for long time. about an inch or so inside rectum found a small
bulge smaller than pea sized ( enlarged papilla??). no bleeding . and painful to touch scar texture feeling ( like cut ) inside rectum by touch. i had constipation problem for years.
i took > Ratanhia 10m one time and Paeonia Off 200 for two months in august 2013 as directed by local homeopath then.
symptom eased a little but didn't go away ( both bulge and cut like ) and am still troubled with dampening dull pain though not they much sharp pain like earlier.

B. Burning felling in upper stomach for some days n night ( of recent ) and after meal or much water intake.
Much gas passing throughout the day (smells bad ). I had complain of indigestion, acidicity and constipation for many years but i try to regulate it .
I intake more water of recent to ease constipation. But i feel much acidic formation by the smell of the stools and acid refluxes. stools are of diff textures (dark/yellow).
I realised ashwangadha upsets my stomach too.

C. With changing of seasons and at arbitary times i find ulcer formation in mouth and tongue often. My elder brother also has the same problem.

D. I am experiencing frequent wet dreams for some years.I do feel i do ejaculate quickly.I had practice of masturbation. As a teen earlier ,others used to tell that i have a troubled sleep like talking n shouting in sleep and restless legs . More over these days it's like i dream assorted topics most nights and mornings. I generally stay up late at night for academic purpose.

E : i do have frequent acne eruption on face.

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic : non diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt : sweets
13. Thirst : moderate
14. Tongue and Taste : coated tongue at morning and kind of acidic taste (may be)
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) : assume to be normal

16: I feel tired after a small bit of work or when get back home after work.

17. How do you feel? : i feel upset about the situation.I am in anxiety for about more than a year regarding job and exams.

18. How does this affect you? i feel lack of energy and tired.

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past? Of recent Ratanhia 10m one time and Paeonia Off 200 for two months in august 2013. and started taking it again.

26. Family Background : educated family

27. Educational Qualifications of the patient : graduate

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? looking for a job, going through exams.

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food : sweet and spicy foods . Though taking less of it recently.

30. Name of foods which increase your problem : aswandha

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
I am a below moderate stammerer so i have anxiety feeling sometimes during formal communications or when i get stuck ( when emotional ). mostly these days spending time alone with stuffs . But with good company i get along fine. I think on matters more than required and thoughts and fancies swirls in my mind for long. I tend to think and make small matters big.
i am kind of shy and introvert. not so much impatient but get irritated sometimes.

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. : urine normal. saliva ( tend to accumulate more when having mouth ulcer )// stool color and texture varies from dark (when in constipation) to yellow .

sorry if some descriptions are not helpful and please do ask if any more needed and pardon with my english.
would be really helpful to give me directions :) thanks in advance
[message edited by azzuro on Sun, 23 Feb 2014 19:28:20 GMT]
  azzuro on 2014-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop all previous medicine.
Start taking Sulphur 30 empty stomach in the morning and Nux vomica 30c at bed time .
Dose . 5 drops or 4 pills
Report changes after 7 days.
libra981 last decade
Tq doc for the reply. i shall follow as directed and report in a week. pls check i did update some symptoms.
Re to fissure/hameroids : can i use any ointment of any sort? i am tensed about it.

again tq for your time
[message edited by azzuro on Sat, 22 Feb 2014 15:12:09 GMT]
azzuro last decade
dear Dr libra and rest ..

I took sulhpur 30 and nux vom 30 as directed by you for 9 days ( tuesday to thursday this week )
Though this is short time interval for realising a 360 turn around changes or so . still i am trying to post the diffences i felt :

1. about the fissure : I would like to describe the fissure that i didnt do the last time. The horizonal ( in side ways ) cut that is on the left cheek 1 inch or so
which i felt a cutting pain during stool or sitting long time. I feel it heald to some extent as not painfull like earlier
during stool or to touch. The small lump like that i described earlier is situated on the postier part on the midline 1 inch or so inside rectum.
It was never painfull to touch just feels like a small hardened lump. it did never bleed or now . And it is still there present.
about reduction in size that i am not sure of as there is hardly any difference noticible or if there is may be small.

2. The burning pain in upper stomach starting from little right ( or just right) to the navel
and upwards (till below rib cage ) eased a bit on the first two - three days of medication and then it like came back and was troublesome on the rest days .
The pain doesnt spread and its burning did take some antacid gel on the last three days and a tablet at morning two times. This is also troubling me .
It was much on yesterday too .Today it is bit less. i will try to keep u updated about this.

3. About wet dreams . It never happened since i took your meds ( 9 days ). Time span is too short time to comment on this about being gone .

4 . about acne i am feeling postive . there was not much or 1 or 2 eruptions .. and it did go down easily.

5 . The stool was bright yellow and soft on the first couple of days . Then ocassionalyy it was dark.
One day or so was bit reddish may be due to the consuption of beet on salad.

thank you for having a look at this and suggest me the future measures and meds i need to take.
[message edited by azzuro on Sun, 09 Mar 2014 04:02:41 GMT]
azzuro last decade
Eagerly waiting for a response...
azzuro last decade

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