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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

72 yr old had stroke

My 72 yr old father had a stroke due to occusion of the right carotid artery. Now he has expressive aphasia and paralysis of the right side. Can homeopathy help??
  4myaddguy on 2005-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have helped an 82 year old man who lost motor control of his extremities and was condemned to be in bed or planted in a chair for over a year. This was perhaps due to a minor stroke which cut off the circulation of blood to the brain centres controlling movement.

I gave him Arnica 1M in the water dose which was sipped twice daily and within 3 weeks he was able to walk aided and later in a few weeks more, unaided. He is now completely off any remedy and can be considered cured.

I would recommend that you use this same remedy which is made up by dropping 3 globules of Arnica 1M into a 500ml bottle of Spring water which you can get from a supermarket. This water should be shaken hard to ensure that bubbles are visible which is succussion and the secret of the success of this therapy. A teaspoonful is a dose to be sipped twice daily after succussion 6 times.

I hope that your dad will respond to this therapy.

Please report response from time to time.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you. We will try this and I will keep you posted.
4myaddguy last decade
You will be interested to read the case of a 21 year old boy who was in a coma for two months and woke up after an accident.

I suggested Arnica 1M and he is showing positive signs of improvement.

Joe De Livera last decade
My father aged 70 had a stroke last year & has slowly recovered except for his left arm that is totally paralyzed. Is there hope? He also suffers from depression. Could you suggest remedies to aid in his recuperation?
Thanking you
mirnah last decade
To Mirnah

I would recommend the same therapy which has worked in the case of a few patients.

I shall copy the instructions that I have given above which you can use for your dad.

I would recommend that you use this same remedy which is made up by dropping 3 globules of Arnica 1M into a 500ml bottle of Spring water which you can get from a supermarket. This water should be shaken hard to ensure that bubbles are visible which is succussion and the secret of the success of this therapy. A teaspoonful is a dose to be sipped twice daily after succussion 6 times.

I hope that your dad will respond to this therapy.

Please report response from time to time.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for your suggestions. We have started the Arnica water treatment on my father. I prefer to make a fresh bottle every week as using a bottle of stale water for 45 days does not appeal to me.
Regarding his depression, Nux Vom has been prescribed to be used only when he gets agitated, angry or depressed.Its not helping much & my poor mother bears the brunt . I believe that a 'Stroke' can affect every single family member as the entire family is so stressed out. Could you suggest something to be used in conjunction with the Arnica ?
Thank you very much
mirnah last decade
I regret that I do not have any experience other than to use Arnica 1M to help your dad. This has helped others and I hope that it can also help him.

I do realize the trauma that his illness is causing the members of your family and
perhaps others on this forum can help.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr Joe,
My father has been undergoing the Arnica Therapy you advocated & it must be doing something good as there seems to be a sense of “wellbeing” since he started on it .Besides Arnica, he is on medication for high BP, Aspirin and takes Apple cider vinegar daily (earthclinic.com). Hope nothing is in excess
Thank you Joe & God bless
mirnah last decade
I am indeed delighted to learn that the Arnica 1M therapy that I prescribed has worked at least in some way for your dad. This improvement in his general condition will continue and the ultimate will be if he too recovers the use of his left arm as some of my patients have recovered theirs. I can think of an 82 year old man who had lost his motor functions in his hands and legs and was confined to a chair for years who is now fully mobile and the latest is that he is eating too much as he states that he is always hungry. He is now off the Arnica 1M.

I believe that it is the wet dose method that makes this remedy work without creating any aggravations that may result if this high potency is taken in the dry dosage daily.

Nat Mur 6c in the wet dose can help with his depression and here again the dosage is 1 teaspoonful twice daily.

Does he have any digestive problems with constipation ? This too can be treated.

God Bless you and your dad.

Joe De Livera last decade
My mother just had stroke and although she is showing signs of getting better, she complains a lot about fatigue.

does the Arnica treatment will work for her???

could you explain better the suggested treatment.

Is this treatment safe or it could affect other drugs that she is taking???

please help,
jorge Ceballos last decade
I recently had a stroke and it affects right side. I am fighting hard to get back. Where can I get the arnica? I am open to trying anything?
Archieman11 last decade
You can go over to Joe's site www.joedelivera.com and talk to him about this.
He might suggest that you do the Arnica liquid in a lower potency.

The Arnica is available off this site ABC remedies shop in liquid or pills
If you are in the UK/Canada you can order it from Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy
or Ainsworths.
simone717 last decade
It Armica Montana or just Arnica? I checked and they only have arnica Montana .
Archieman11 last decade
simone717 last decade
It in capsule form? If not And to prepare it? If its capsule, how much to take? Does it have any side effect? Cuz I'm on other meds...
Archieman11 last decade

go over to joes site www.joedelivera.com and see some cases on there-have
a chat with him.

Joe has refined this further with Arnica. Start with a low dose bc
you can always go up in strength.

Joe is 84 and has been taking Arnica every night for 20 years - it is safe.
It is a huge remedy in homeopathy for injury, bruise, sprain or strain.
Inflammation. Use before and after operations.

Start with Arnica 30c. Buy it in LIQUID - take a 500ml spring water
bottle and pour out a little, Put only 3 drops in there.

Now, shake the bottle hard 10x before each dose-this changes the
vibration of the remedy a bit so your body has more reaction.

A cap of this is one dose. Start taking a cap morning and night.
You can keep the bottle in the fridge- label it and if someone drinks
it by mistake it won't hurt them.

Start with that and see how it goes. if you have little reaction and
then plateau you can then go up to 30 c liquid, and then go up
to 1M if needed. You want to go from low to high- never high to low.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:46:53 BST]
simone717 last decade

I see that Simone has prescribed Arnica 1M to help you to recover from your Stroke.

I would suggest that you take Arnica 30c with Nat Phos 6x thrice daily to help you as I have ample proof today that these 2 remedies taken jointly work more effectively to help you to recover.

You may like to read the account of Robert Ray on my website who relates his case in detail where he recovered from 3 strokes he suffered from in 2002 and recovered fully in 2011. He is now back at work in his profession as a computer engineer.

You can read his account by doing a search under 'Robert Ray' on my website.
Joe De Livera last decade
Is it natrum phosphorium? What r the side effect? Do they interact with ther meds? I order arnica 30c pills. Is it the pills or liquid?
[message edited by Archieman11 on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 17:24:18 BST]
Archieman11 last decade
Natrum Phos- is a cell salt. It will not interact.

Archie, what country are you in?

Natrum phos 6x has tiny amount of the mineral in it- it goes direct to
your cells, it balances out the cell itself so that the cells can work
properly. There are 12 cell salts, they look like little aspirin tablets,
they are safe and are taken usually 3 weeks at a time then one week
off. Use the bottle directions.

Arnica is an anti- inflammatory- Cancel what you ordered, you
need a LIQUID dilution and it is 30c strength.
simone717 last decade

On the Arnica. Homeopathic Arnica is diluted and there
is no substance of the plant in it. It is a water molecule

You can go to WEB MD and put Arnica in the search box.
They have not found where Arnica ( homeopathic) has
had any interactions with drugs, however they say
always ask your Doctor about this -taking a herbal
remedy is a very different thing than taking a homeopathic remedy, bc homeopathic remedies are highly diluted.
simone717 last decade
Hi there,

My uncle had stroke 10 years back and he is paralysed on his left.

I want to start Arnina 1M therapy for him but have Arnica 1M in liquid form. Will I have to prepare 3 globules of 1M to drop into the water or I can drop the medicine directly into the water?
aht786 9 years ago
It is best that you use Arnica 1M in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol preferably at 80% proof as this is the best for use to help your uncle to overcome the after effects of his stroke.

You will use just 3 drops of the remedy in Alcohol as per instructions below:

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol / Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
A friend drew my attention to this thread which dates back to 2005 where I recorded a few cases of patients who suffered from strokes whom I had the courage to treat with what classical homeopaths once derisively labelled “Joepathy”. They did so in the fond hope that my therapy would not work as I had predicted to cure the patient and even issued dire warnings of impending disaster in the event of the suffering patient changing over to my Joepathy when they boldly stated that greater damage would result like ending in C ancer!!!

There were a few desperate cases of patients who consulted me in spite of these warnings when they discovered that my therapy healed, while their combined efforts using their classical protocol did not. What is more, mine proved to be so very effective that there were instances of patients who were being treated by these same classical homeopaths for a variety of other diseases turning to me for help after many weeks of treatment under their classical therapy, which had not helped them at all.

It gives me some vicarious satisfaction today to visit this thread, 11 years after it was first posted on the ABC and to know that homeopaths, the majority of whom label themselves as “classical” may at least consider that it is not the methodology used to treat the patient that matters. It is the eventual CURE of the patient who is suffering who wishes to be cured ASAP that does matter and I can assure all who visit this thread that I have proved conclusively at age 86, that I owe my life to God in whom I have an abiding trust and the quality of my life to Arnica which I have used every night since 1996 for 20 years.

I have personally disproved the harsh criticism and the low jibes that I have had to suffer from classical homeopaths, especially one who hailed from Brisbane who felt that it was only he that was the final arbiter of how Homeopathy should be used, even though it was transparently clear that his prescriptions invariably ,did not work to heal the patient as his sole purpose in inflicting himself on my threads on the ABC was to criticise my Joepathy which he did, even after the patients themselves who were cured reassured him that they were positively cured of their ailments, at which point he would stoop to the level of warning them that they were only enjoying a brief respite from their ailment, and that they should await the dire doom and gloom scenario he painted for them, which he predicted would visit them shortly, which never happened.

It as at this point that I decided to establish my own Website in 2010 (www.joedelivera.com) to steer clear of this infernal nuisance as I discovered that I was spending more time in defending my Joepathy than I was spending on prescribing for patients who consulted me on the ABC and other Forums including my own Website to which he would follow me.

I am happy to state that I receive about 250 hits on my Website daily, and I treat about 10 patients with my Joepathy and always with the Wet dose protocol which I can assure you is far more effective than the pellets that are prescribed internationally by homeopaths.

I would like to place on record that I am not the sole purveyor of the “This for That” protocol which is the basis of my Joepathy. The Drs Prasanta and Pradeep Banerji (Website link below) also use the same protocol as I do with my Joepathy.


I would urge that you the consultants on the ABC to consider using my “This for That” protocol as I have proved conclusively that it helps to cure the patient in a far more satisfying manner than the classical protocol which I too used and discarded many years ago.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago

I agree with Arnica, it is very good remedy. My father condition is same, he is 76 years old.
Can anyone help as he is having constipation, bowel movement are not regular. Please help.

vivek2 7 years ago

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