The ABC Homeopathy Forum
NCH - Questionnaire for Homeopathic Patient
NCH - Questionnaire--------------------------
A homoeopath needs to know some more information besides knowing your name of disease, like location of illness, organ affected, type of sensation, modalities, mental & physical disorders, causations, concomitants strange or rare or peculiar symptoms, personal history of illness, family history with serious or chronic sickness.
This information will help the homeopath to select a proper medicine for you. If you are not sure about the answer of some the questions mentioned below, please leave them blank but do not fill with wrong entries. Underlined entries are most important to answer. You may get help from your Medical Nursing Staff before submitting this proforma. (Homeopath)
Personal Information:
Full Name:
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Blood Pressure:
Color of Tongue:
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
(How is your thirst?)
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?
Are you a smoker?
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff?
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc?
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Prepared By: &
ABC Hompath on 2005-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This I found a simple but comprehensive questionnaire for filing case at forum.
Those patients who are interested for classical homeopathic prescription are directed to fillout this proforma and submit your case where ever you are interested to post.
This questionnaire is also helpful in chronic and acute cases.
Those patients who are interested for classical homeopathic prescription are directed to fillout this proforma and submit your case where ever you are interested to post.
This questionnaire is also helpful in chronic and acute cases.
ABC Hompath last decade
Color Edition is available at this site:
Enjoy reading and filling the post.
Enjoy reading and filling the post.
ABC Hompath last decade
I appreciate the input of this user. Good work
The NCH forum is moved at another place for the time being. As quoted through email and as intimated at various forums.
Regular members can join it again.
The NCH forum is moved at another place for the time being. As quoted through email and as intimated at various forums.
Regular members can join it again.
Dr SS last decade
Pakistani last decade
To Mr Joe,
Thanks for quick response. I am sending the required information as desired by you.
1. Name: shasif
2. Sex male
3. Age 65
4. Weight 130 lbs
5. Height 5 ft 5 in
6. Temp normal (96.5 F)
7. BP: ranges between 110/70 to 140/80 with medication Diaovan 160mg
8. Color of tongue: white appears somewhat coated at this time.
9. Occupation: Retired from senior position in government.
10. City: Islamabad
11. Pakistan
12. E-mail:
13. Name of diseases:
Coronary heart. received two stents in 2004, which are working satisfactorily. Last engio was done on 12 Feb 2009.
14. Prostritis. Enlarged prostrate since 1998. First took sabal serruluta Q but casually. Started with cardura in 2004 but soon shifted by Urologist to flowmax and proscar in 2005. Size rduced from from 65 to about 37 gm and when I stopped proscar it again increased to 68 gms and then Urologist started avodart with flowmax and last ultra sound was done in July 2009 and size reduced to 38gms and post void was negligible. Avodart was stopped in july a2009 and flowmax on 15 feb 2010. Now I am mainly on R25. In addition, I do take of and on Conium 200, canthris 200, or thuja depending on symptoms.
15. Borderline diabetes since 2005. I take Amarly 1mg. In addition started Syzegium Q 1X about 1 week ago. I also take cinnamon 1/2 tsp
16. Glaucoma. Since 2006. Eye Pressure under control (10/10). Taking Naphthaline 200 and eye drops Trusopt. With left eye I see objects small and blurred and lines are wavey. In right eye I have floaters and flashes in right corner. Seeing with both eyes I have no problem.
17. I have knots on right hand palm which are better after I took medicine from homeopath. I had a lump in right leg which got dissolved by taking lot of Augmentin and Calc flour. I still feel dull pain in the same area but apparently no lump.
18. I have a small 3/4 inch almost square spot on left cheek for the last 10 years. Biopsy was done and diagnosis is 'sub acute eczema' I am under treatment of skin spslt whose has given me Teczam and Advantan creams for local application. Recovery is slow/uncertain.
19. patients description. I need to go to wash room more frequently. During day time I need to go every 1 to 2 hours. At night I some time get up once. Before starting R-25 I used to go at least twice. I get a feeling that few drops are struck in the urinary tract. When going out I must visit 2 or 3 time to push out last drops and then I stay comfortable for 2 or may be 3 hours. Stream is weak. Sometimes stream is forked and rarely like a shower.
20. About 2 month back I felt that I was staggering or going right or left instead going straight. My Homeopath gave me conium, I think, and it improved. Some time I feel light headed and within few seconds it becomes alright.
21. Once in a while I get pain on the right or left pelvic area near rectum. Homeopath said it was problem of nerves and gave some medicine and it improved. Recently I had couple of episodes gain.
22. Impending hernia right side since 2004. I take Lycopodium 1M as needed. Some time slight pain is also felt in testicles.
23. Lab reports: BS (Fasting ) 109 and HbA1c- 6.0
Cholestrol- 165
Triglycerides- 134
HDL- 47
LDL- 94
ESR- 10
Uric acid- 3.4
serum creatinine: 1.2
serum bilirubin- 1.0
Alkaline Phosphate- 106
Thanks for quick response. I am sending the required information as desired by you.
1. Name: shasif
2. Sex male
3. Age 65
4. Weight 130 lbs
5. Height 5 ft 5 in
6. Temp normal (96.5 F)
7. BP: ranges between 110/70 to 140/80 with medication Diaovan 160mg
8. Color of tongue: white appears somewhat coated at this time.
9. Occupation: Retired from senior position in government.
10. City: Islamabad
11. Pakistan
12. E-mail:
13. Name of diseases:
Coronary heart. received two stents in 2004, which are working satisfactorily. Last engio was done on 12 Feb 2009.
14. Prostritis. Enlarged prostrate since 1998. First took sabal serruluta Q but casually. Started with cardura in 2004 but soon shifted by Urologist to flowmax and proscar in 2005. Size rduced from from 65 to about 37 gm and when I stopped proscar it again increased to 68 gms and then Urologist started avodart with flowmax and last ultra sound was done in July 2009 and size reduced to 38gms and post void was negligible. Avodart was stopped in july a2009 and flowmax on 15 feb 2010. Now I am mainly on R25. In addition, I do take of and on Conium 200, canthris 200, or thuja depending on symptoms.
15. Borderline diabetes since 2005. I take Amarly 1mg. In addition started Syzegium Q 1X about 1 week ago. I also take cinnamon 1/2 tsp
16. Glaucoma. Since 2006. Eye Pressure under control (10/10). Taking Naphthaline 200 and eye drops Trusopt. With left eye I see objects small and blurred and lines are wavey. In right eye I have floaters and flashes in right corner. Seeing with both eyes I have no problem.
17. I have knots on right hand palm which are better after I took medicine from homeopath. I had a lump in right leg which got dissolved by taking lot of Augmentin and Calc flour. I still feel dull pain in the same area but apparently no lump.
18. I have a small 3/4 inch almost square spot on left cheek for the last 10 years. Biopsy was done and diagnosis is 'sub acute eczema' I am under treatment of skin spslt whose has given me Teczam and Advantan creams for local application. Recovery is slow/uncertain.
19. patients description. I need to go to wash room more frequently. During day time I need to go every 1 to 2 hours. At night I some time get up once. Before starting R-25 I used to go at least twice. I get a feeling that few drops are struck in the urinary tract. When going out I must visit 2 or 3 time to push out last drops and then I stay comfortable for 2 or may be 3 hours. Stream is weak. Sometimes stream is forked and rarely like a shower.
20. About 2 month back I felt that I was staggering or going right or left instead going straight. My Homeopath gave me conium, I think, and it improved. Some time I feel light headed and within few seconds it becomes alright.
21. Once in a while I get pain on the right or left pelvic area near rectum. Homeopath said it was problem of nerves and gave some medicine and it improved. Recently I had couple of episodes gain.
22. Impending hernia right side since 2004. I take Lycopodium 1M as needed. Some time slight pain is also felt in testicles.
23. Lab reports: BS (Fasting ) 109 and HbA1c- 6.0
Cholestrol- 165
Triglycerides- 134
HDL- 47
LDL- 94
ESR- 10
Uric acid- 3.4
serum creatinine: 1.2
serum bilirubin- 1.0
Alkaline Phosphate- 106
shasif last decade
To Joe,
Sorry I missed one thing. I also have acidity problem. I took a number of homeopathic remedies in the past but it did not help. Presently I, am taking Nexum 20mg one capsule a day and it helps. Recently went through endoscopy and it was clear. Thank God no ulcer. So Dr gave me Nexum.
In early 70s, I had kidney pain and had a stone Calcium oxalate. Thanks to homeopathic medicine, the stone cleared one day in 1983.
Thanks. I think I have given you lot on information and my medical history.
Advice please.
Sorry I missed one thing. I also have acidity problem. I took a number of homeopathic remedies in the past but it did not help. Presently I, am taking Nexum 20mg one capsule a day and it helps. Recently went through endoscopy and it was clear. Thank God no ulcer. So Dr gave me Nexum.
In early 70s, I had kidney pain and had a stone Calcium oxalate. Thanks to homeopathic medicine, the stone cleared one day in 1983.
Thanks. I think I have given you lot on information and my medical history.
Advice please.
shasif last decade
Hi Joe
here is my questionnaire.
Full Name: Bol
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Weight: 101kg
Height: 186cm
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue: Normal (Pink)
Occupation: Tree Lopper
Optional Information:
Country: Australia
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
Obstructed Bladder Neck
Patient Description:-
Frequency and Urgency of Urination, soemtime the feeling of not completly emptying of bladder. No pain.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(3 years, March 2007
Results of major Laboratory Tests: Normal
(Investigations / Pathology Reports) Normal
Comfortable Position:-
Makes no difference.
Change of Weather:-
Makes no difference
Good Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) It doesn't change with time of day.
(How is your thirst?) Normal
(How is your appetite?) Normal
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Ventolin for Asthma
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? I drink 3-4 beers most days but not every day
Are you a smoker? ex smoker
Are you fond of drinking tea? sometimes but not coffee
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Salty and spicy.
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) sometimes normal sometimes loser. I have a bit of bowl trouble from time to time. It feels like Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slightly over weight.
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
Depends on mood
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? very small wart on hand and on face, and I just had a mole removed from my leg a few weeks ago
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
b.Chicken Pox in 2000
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a.Hep A and B
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
here is my questionnaire.
Full Name: Bol
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Weight: 101kg
Height: 186cm
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue: Normal (Pink)
Occupation: Tree Lopper
Optional Information:
Country: Australia
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
Obstructed Bladder Neck
Patient Description:-
Frequency and Urgency of Urination, soemtime the feeling of not completly emptying of bladder. No pain.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(3 years, March 2007
Results of major Laboratory Tests: Normal
(Investigations / Pathology Reports) Normal
Comfortable Position:-
Makes no difference.
Change of Weather:-
Makes no difference
Good Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) It doesn't change with time of day.
(How is your thirst?) Normal
(How is your appetite?) Normal
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Ventolin for Asthma
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? I drink 3-4 beers most days but not every day
Are you a smoker? ex smoker
Are you fond of drinking tea? sometimes but not coffee
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Salty and spicy.
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) sometimes normal sometimes loser. I have a bit of bowl trouble from time to time. It feels like Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slightly over weight.
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
Depends on mood
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? very small wart on hand and on face, and I just had a mole removed from my leg a few weeks ago
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
b.Chicken Pox in 2000
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a.Hep A and B
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
easygroove last decade
Does any one know where I can find the color NCH form spoken of here? Both websites are no longer active.
jaymethunt last decade
Full Name: Jon Bon Jovi
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Weight:105 kg
Height:181 cm 5'11'
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: 130/85
Color of Tongue: Faded and Cracky
Occupation: Unemployed at the moment
Optional Information:
Country: Australia
(With city and country codes)
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Hypertension, Asthma
Patient Description:-
Stiff Neck Muscles, Asthma, Obesity, Ache in Joints of big Toes of Both Feet, Ache in Point finger and middle finger of right hands, Hypertension, Post Nasal Drops (Thick Mucous), Fatty Liver (Non-Alcoholic), High Cholesterol,
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Asthma 1999
Hypertension 2004
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. Low Testosterones
b. High ALT and AST enzymes (Liver Fat)
c. High Cholesterol
Comfortable Position:-
Laying on ground for Stiff Neck
Change of Weather:- Doesn't matter much. Cold weather brings more mucous. Eating hot food make my face sweat. Purging brings perspiration around anus
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
Take hot shower all year round and go to swimming pool for aqua exercises.
Good Time:
night, just about to go to bed
Worse Time:
when I am thinking of past episodes
feel thirstier:- Yes but not much
List of medicines used so for:
a. Atacand, Olmecip, Presolar, Amlodipine (High Blood Pressure)
b.Flixotide, Ventolin (Asthma)
c.Various Ayurvedic medicines to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
d. Prednisolone for Nasal Polyps
Going for long walk, Aqua exercises, sitting or lying in front of computer for a long time
Are you addict of alcohol?NO
Are you a smoker? NO
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff?
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
OK, bad after very heacy food.
Are you slim smart or obese etc?
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
craving for good healthy food
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
A lump just near the right shoulder blade on the back.
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
None except Tonsillectomy and Polypectomy Operations
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a.Fatty Liver
b.High Blood Pressure
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
Swine Flu Vaccine (Had a very bad reaction, nearly got killed)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Weight:105 kg
Height:181 cm 5'11'
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: 130/85
Color of Tongue: Faded and Cracky
Occupation: Unemployed at the moment
Optional Information:
Country: Australia
(With city and country codes)
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Hypertension, Asthma
Patient Description:-
Stiff Neck Muscles, Asthma, Obesity, Ache in Joints of big Toes of Both Feet, Ache in Point finger and middle finger of right hands, Hypertension, Post Nasal Drops (Thick Mucous), Fatty Liver (Non-Alcoholic), High Cholesterol,
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Asthma 1999
Hypertension 2004
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. Low Testosterones
b. High ALT and AST enzymes (Liver Fat)
c. High Cholesterol
Comfortable Position:-
Laying on ground for Stiff Neck
Change of Weather:- Doesn't matter much. Cold weather brings more mucous. Eating hot food make my face sweat. Purging brings perspiration around anus
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
Take hot shower all year round and go to swimming pool for aqua exercises.
Good Time:
night, just about to go to bed
Worse Time:
when I am thinking of past episodes
feel thirstier:- Yes but not much
List of medicines used so for:
a. Atacand, Olmecip, Presolar, Amlodipine (High Blood Pressure)
b.Flixotide, Ventolin (Asthma)
c.Various Ayurvedic medicines to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
d. Prednisolone for Nasal Polyps
Going for long walk, Aqua exercises, sitting or lying in front of computer for a long time
Are you addict of alcohol?NO
Are you a smoker? NO
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff?
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
OK, bad after very heacy food.
Are you slim smart or obese etc?
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc?
craving for good healthy food
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
A lump just near the right shoulder blade on the back.
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
None except Tonsillectomy and Polypectomy Operations
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a.Fatty Liver
b.High Blood Pressure
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
Swine Flu Vaccine (Had a very bad reaction, nearly got killed)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
bonjovi last decade
Full Name:
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: male
Height:165 pounds
Blood Pressure:normal
Color of Tongue:pinky
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-dont know
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-7 months with a very bad chronic throat burning,heartburns
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / have Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:Dec 09
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests: HIV/Throat cancer
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)walking outside
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)after lunch throat is killing me for the rest of the day
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:evening
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
(How is your thirst?)
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?no
Are you a smoker? use to i quit in dec 09 because my throat was hurting
Are you fond of drinking tea? started 1 week ago, fruit base
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? i quit the spicy but still use salt
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc)loose
Are you slim smart or obese etc?slim smart
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? no
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? none
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: male
Height:165 pounds
Blood Pressure:normal
Color of Tongue:pinky
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-dont know
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-7 months with a very bad chronic throat burning,heartburns
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / have Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:Dec 09
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests: HIV/Throat cancer
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)walking outside
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)after lunch throat is killing me for the rest of the day
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:evening
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
(How is your thirst?)
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?no
Are you a smoker? use to i quit in dec 09 because my throat was hurting
Are you fond of drinking tea? started 1 week ago, fruit base
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? i quit the spicy but still use salt
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?carnivore
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc)loose
Are you slim smart or obese etc?slim smart
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? no
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? none
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
patmatrix last decade
Personal Information:
Full Name: s.sethi
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Age: 27yrs
Blood Pressure:
Color of Tongue:Red / Pink
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Servical spondilytus, headaches, obesity
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
had a bone missing in my ankel - left foot from birth coz of which have been operated thrice , medicines had stioroids used had affted me with overweight and blood pressure which shoots sometimes, i dont have medicines now for my foot
Servical spondilytus - pain in shoulders, neck followed by headache
Cause of your disease / Problem: feeding baby - wrong posture while sitting and sleeping
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: few months
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- sitting with a bcak rest
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-working , bending neck sometimes
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: morning and night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- normal
(How is your thirst?)
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.Baledona 30 (sometimes - as i see no effect for headaches)
b. NAt Phos 6x for overweight - as suggested by Doc Joe
c.Dashmularishtha and Ashokarishtha
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? 1-2 cups in a day
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? moderate of salty and sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? have non - veg sometimes
How is your bowel movement? normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? -obese
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? NO
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? mole on my face on my chin
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Full Name: s.sethi
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Age: 27yrs
Blood Pressure:
Color of Tongue:Red / Pink
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Servical spondilytus, headaches, obesity
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
had a bone missing in my ankel - left foot from birth coz of which have been operated thrice , medicines had stioroids used had affted me with overweight and blood pressure which shoots sometimes, i dont have medicines now for my foot
Servical spondilytus - pain in shoulders, neck followed by headache
Cause of your disease / Problem: feeding baby - wrong posture while sitting and sleeping
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints: few months
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- sitting with a bcak rest
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-working , bending neck sometimes
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: morning and night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- normal
(How is your thirst?)
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.Baledona 30 (sometimes - as i see no effect for headaches)
b. NAt Phos 6x for overweight - as suggested by Doc Joe
c.Dashmularishtha and Ashokarishtha
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? 1-2 cups in a day
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? moderate of salty and sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? have non - veg sometimes
How is your bowel movement? normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? -obese
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? NO
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? mole on my face on my chin
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
saisethi last decade
Full Name:Kondola
Blood Pressure 120/75
Color of Tongue:normal
Occupation: GIS technologist
Optional Information:
Phone:027 769222602
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
anal fistula (opened surgically on 17 September 2010)
Symptoms:spasms/cramps in lower abdomen and anal area,
some bleeding after stool passing, a bit of yellowish discharge;
LA grade A reflux disease
Symptoms (after one year on Pantoloc 40mg in the morning)
mild pain 2 x per week in lower esophagus area, some bloating, sometimes nusea and seldom vomiting
Cause of your disease / Problem:
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Fistula started after abscess in February 2010
Reflux esophagitis in December 2007
Results of major Laboratory Tests:For esophagitis: Endoscopy: LA grade A reflux disease
Colonoscopy : normal
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
Esophagitis: resting on left side
Fistula: resting on the stomach
Worse state of disease:-
Esophagitis: bending
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)NO. I live in warm climate
Fistula: relief with hot sitzbaths with coarse salt
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)Morning, Night
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?): forenoon/afternoon
(How is your thirst?)NORMAL
(How is your appetite?)NORMAL
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.Esophagitis : 40MG PANTOLOC (morning
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? SWEET
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? BOTH
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) Loose motion or constipation (I have IBS and regulate my diet accordingly)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? SLIM
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? SWEETS, COFFEE
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
(First check your body with care)NO
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
CLOT IN LEFT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN (2x angioplasty with stents) (probably due to excessive dieting and exercising, lack of sleep),
HEMORRHOIDS (surgically removed in 2002,
VARICOSE VEINS(moderate - after 3d child)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
all usual vaccinations complete
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Blood Pressure 120/75
Color of Tongue:normal
Occupation: GIS technologist
Optional Information:
Phone:027 769222602
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
anal fistula (opened surgically on 17 September 2010)
Symptoms:spasms/cramps in lower abdomen and anal area,
some bleeding after stool passing, a bit of yellowish discharge;
LA grade A reflux disease
Symptoms (after one year on Pantoloc 40mg in the morning)
mild pain 2 x per week in lower esophagus area, some bloating, sometimes nusea and seldom vomiting
Cause of your disease / Problem:
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Fistula started after abscess in February 2010
Reflux esophagitis in December 2007
Results of major Laboratory Tests:For esophagitis: Endoscopy: LA grade A reflux disease
Colonoscopy : normal
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
Esophagitis: resting on left side
Fistula: resting on the stomach
Worse state of disease:-
Esophagitis: bending
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)NO. I live in warm climate
Fistula: relief with hot sitzbaths with coarse salt
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)Morning, Night
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?): forenoon/afternoon
(How is your thirst?)NORMAL
(How is your appetite?)NORMAL
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a.Esophagitis : 40MG PANTOLOC (morning
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol?NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea?
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? SWEET
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? BOTH
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) Loose motion or constipation (I have IBS and regulate my diet accordingly)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? SLIM
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? SWEETS, COFFEE
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?
(First check your body with care)NO
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
CLOT IN LEFT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN (2x angioplasty with stents) (probably due to excessive dieting and exercising, lack of sleep),
HEMORRHOIDS (surgically removed in 2002,
VARICOSE VEINS(moderate - after 3d child)
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
all usual vaccinations complete
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Kondola last decade
Personal Information:
Full Name: Redstone
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Weight: 85 ( ealrier 96)
Height: 6 feet
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue:Pink
Occupation: JOB
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease) ANAL Fistula
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
My case is of Anal Fistula. It started with pain in my upper anus ( Surgeon diagnosed this as Fissure initially) and after 25 days pus started coming out from the 6 O clock opening. Surgeon was able to see an Ulcer inside my rectum on the right side with some pilesstarting as well. MRI showed a shoe horse grade 4 high fistula entering the fat muscle as well. I have been on Homeopathy after that with medicines like Nitic Acid, Cal Sulp, Cal phos, Silicea, Arc alb etc. After passing the stool the upper rectum portion starts unbearable pain. If Pus get discharged I get relief otherwise it keeps paining nad would not even let me walk or stand. I have also noticed brown spots ( freckles) on my thighs & my stool have lot of black black spots with blood stains occassionally.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(Day, Month or Year when it was started) 5 months
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. HIGH ANAL Fistula Grade 4 ( MRI report).
b. Blood in stool ( occult)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?) PAIN after passing stool & this remain for long untill there is PUS discharge.
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?) HOT water or HOT cloth helps in relieving pain.
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room) Relaxed.
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) Evening & Night
Worse Time: Morning
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Normal
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
b.Nitric Acid
c. Arsenic Alb
d. cal sulp
E. Cal phos
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? NO
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carni
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) Normal with black spots in stool
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Normal
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? NOt at this time.
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? Yes at Chin & One pus like boil on the skin ( Blackhead infection).
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Malaria at age of 12
b. Chicken pox at age of 28.
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Diabeties
c. Hypertension
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Full Name: Redstone
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Weight: 85 ( ealrier 96)
Height: 6 feet
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue:Pink
Occupation: JOB
Optional Information:
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:-
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease) ANAL Fistula
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
My case is of Anal Fistula. It started with pain in my upper anus ( Surgeon diagnosed this as Fissure initially) and after 25 days pus started coming out from the 6 O clock opening. Surgeon was able to see an Ulcer inside my rectum on the right side with some pilesstarting as well. MRI showed a shoe horse grade 4 high fistula entering the fat muscle as well. I have been on Homeopathy after that with medicines like Nitic Acid, Cal Sulp, Cal phos, Silicea, Arc alb etc. After passing the stool the upper rectum portion starts unbearable pain. If Pus get discharged I get relief otherwise it keeps paining nad would not even let me walk or stand. I have also noticed brown spots ( freckles) on my thighs & my stool have lot of black black spots with blood stains occassionally.
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(Day, Month or Year when it was started) 5 months
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. HIGH ANAL Fistula Grade 4 ( MRI report).
b. Blood in stool ( occult)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?) PAIN after passing stool & this remain for long untill there is PUS discharge.
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?) HOT water or HOT cloth helps in relieving pain.
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room) Relaxed.
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?) Evening & Night
Worse Time: Morning
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Normal
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
b.Nitric Acid
c. Arsenic Alb
d. cal sulp
E. Cal phos
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker?NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? NO
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carni
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) Normal with black spots in stool
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Normal
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? NOt at this time.
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? Yes at Chin & One pus like boil on the skin ( Blackhead infection).
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Malaria at age of 12
b. Chicken pox at age of 28.
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Diabeties
c. Hypertension
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
redstone1976 last decade
To: Mr. Joe
Personal Information:
Full Name: Sohail
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 40 Years
Weight: 63 KG
Height: 5.4'
Temperature: 98 99
Blood Pressure: 120-90 or (80)
Color of Tongue: Normal (meat Color)
Occupation: Information Technologist
Optional Information: Working as System Administrator
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan
Phone: 92-21-35083615-6
(With city and country codes)
Email Address: sohail at gentipak dot com
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Diabetics
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor Mr. Mukhtar (Diabatologiest)
Patient Description:-
1. Large quantity of pale urine and i can not hold it for little time also.
2.Sensation in foot's thumbs
3.Less sexual desire (no attention), erection is poor
4.Pain in knees when up stairs and down
5.Pain in small joint eventually (not constantly)
6.burning at tows 's sides
7.Appetizing problem
8.Buller vision some time, fogi
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Almost 1 year
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. Fasting 228
b. Random 399
c. U/D Clear no infection
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Don't Know
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
When work in standing position for long time feel pain in legs in night
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
In Warm i feel very comfortable
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
Some mornings are very comfortable for me
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Evening time when i at home after office
Very Little, some water is enough for me in hole day
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Metcon Plus (Allopathic)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker? NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? Yes but without Sugar
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Every thing but in normal range
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? I am not Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Some time Constipation
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? I am not Slim, but not fati
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Soft drink, like diat 7UPs Etc
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? yes Many moles i have
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. Asthmatic Allergy
b. Typhoid
c. Chest infection
d. Cough (when allergy accord)
e. Congestion in chest
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Asthma (in my mother)
b. Diabetes (in my father)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a. All Vaccination has been done
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Personal Information:
Full Name: Sohail
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 40 Years
Weight: 63 KG
Height: 5.4'
Temperature: 98 99
Blood Pressure: 120-90 or (80)
Color of Tongue: Normal (meat Color)
Occupation: Information Technologist
Optional Information: Working as System Administrator
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan
Phone: 92-21-35083615-6
(With city and country codes)
Email Address: sohail at gentipak dot com
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Diabetics
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor Mr. Mukhtar (Diabatologiest)
Patient Description:-
1. Large quantity of pale urine and i can not hold it for little time also.
2.Sensation in foot's thumbs
3.Less sexual desire (no attention), erection is poor
4.Pain in knees when up stairs and down
5.Pain in small joint eventually (not constantly)
6.burning at tows 's sides
7.Appetizing problem
8.Buller vision some time, fogi
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:
Almost 1 year
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. Fasting 228
b. Random 399
c. U/D Clear no infection
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Don't Know
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
When work in standing position for long time feel pain in legs in night
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
In Warm i feel very comfortable
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
Some mornings are very comfortable for me
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Evening time when i at home after office
Very Little, some water is enough for me in hole day
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Metcon Plus (Allopathic)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? NO
Are you a smoker? NO
Are you fond of drinking tea? Yes but without Sugar
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Every thing but in normal range
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? I am not Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Some time Constipation
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? I am not Slim, but not fati
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Soft drink, like diat 7UPs Etc
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? yes Many moles i have
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. Asthmatic Allergy
b. Typhoid
c. Chest infection
d. Cough (when allergy accord)
e. Congestion in chest
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. Asthma (in my mother)
b. Diabetes (in my father)
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
a. All Vaccination has been done
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
msohails last decade
Personal Information:
Full Name: Avinash Sharma
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: M
Age: 32
Weight: 80kg
Height:5 Feet 7 Inches
Temperature: 98 Degrees
Blood Pressure: -
Color of Tongue: Normal
Occupation: IT
Optional Information:
City: Gurgaon/Greater Noida
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Bronchitis Asthma
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Difficulty in breathing, Cough and Cold. Happen only in summer season in non humid environment. Starts with sneezing and grows in to complete asthma attack
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem: Heat and Dust
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:31years & 6 months( intensity has reduced over the years)
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- Sitting Straight and controlling breathing
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:- Exposed to House dust and Heat
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- yes
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- In cold room I am fine, but hot room is bad for me, just increases the frequency of attacks.
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: Morning after 4am
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: Noon & Night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Goes down during attack, generally okay
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Salbutamol
c. Aerocort
d. Combination Homeo Pathy Liquid and Tablets.
e. Augmentine 625
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Coffee not Tea
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweet & Fried
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Little heavy
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Chocolates
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-,
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. typhoid
b. Whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. High Blood Pressure
b. Diabetics
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Full Name: Avinash Sharma
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: M
Age: 32
Weight: 80kg
Height:5 Feet 7 Inches
Temperature: 98 Degrees
Blood Pressure: -
Color of Tongue: Normal
Occupation: IT
Optional Information:
City: Gurgaon/Greater Noida
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Bronchitis Asthma
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Difficulty in breathing, Cough and Cold. Happen only in summer season in non humid environment. Starts with sneezing and grows in to complete asthma attack
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem: Heat and Dust
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:31years & 6 months( intensity has reduced over the years)
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- Sitting Straight and controlling breathing
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:- Exposed to House dust and Heat
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- yes
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- In cold room I am fine, but hot room is bad for me, just increases the frequency of attacks.
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: Morning after 4am
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: Noon & Night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Goes down during attack, generally okay
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Salbutamol
c. Aerocort
d. Combination Homeo Pathy Liquid and Tablets.
e. Augmentine 625
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Coffee not Tea
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweet & Fried
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Little heavy
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Chocolates
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-,
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. typhoid
b. Whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. High Blood Pressure
b. Diabetics
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
avinash.v.sharma last decade
Personal Information:
Full Name: Avinash Sharma
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: M
Age: 32
Weight: 80kg
Height:5 Feet 7 Inches
Temperature: 98 Degrees
Blood Pressure: -
Color of Tongue: Normal
Occupation: IT
Optional Information:
City: Gurgaon/Greater Noida
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address: Avinash.v.sharma at gmail dot com
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Bronchitis Asthma
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Difficulty in breathing, Cough and Cold. Happen only in summer season in non humid environment. Starts with sneezing and grows in to complete asthma attack
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem: Heat and Dust
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:31years & 6 months( intensity has reduced over the years)
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- Sitting Straight and controlling breathing
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:- Exposed to House dust and Heat
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- yes
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- In cold room I am fine, but hot room is bad for me, just increases the frequency of attacks.
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: Morning after 4am
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: Noon & Night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Goes down during attack, generally okay
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Salbutamol
c. Aerocort
d. Combination Homeo Pathy Liquid and Tablets.
e. Augmentine 625
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Coffee not Tea
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweet & Fried
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Little heavy
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Chocolates
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-,
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. typhoid
b. Whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. High Blood Pressure
b. Diabetics
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
Full Name: Avinash Sharma
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: M
Age: 32
Weight: 80kg
Height:5 Feet 7 Inches
Temperature: 98 Degrees
Blood Pressure: -
Color of Tongue: Normal
Occupation: IT
Optional Information:
City: Gurgaon/Greater Noida
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address: Avinash.v.sharma at gmail dot com
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Bronchitis Asthma
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:- Difficulty in breathing, Cough and Cold. Happen only in summer season in non humid environment. Starts with sneezing and grows in to complete asthma attack
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
Cause of your disease / Problem: Heat and Dust
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Period of Disease / Complaints:31years & 6 months( intensity has reduced over the years)
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:- Sitting Straight and controlling breathing
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:- Exposed to House dust and Heat
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:- yes
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:- In cold room I am fine, but hot room is bad for me, just increases the frequency of attacks.
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time: Morning after 4am
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: Noon & Night
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Goes down during attack, generally okay
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Salbutamol
c. Aerocort
d. Combination Homeo Pathy Liquid and Tablets.
e. Augmentine 625
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Coffee not Tea
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweet & Fried
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?Vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Little heavy
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Chocolates
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-,
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. typhoid
b. Whooping cough
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. High Blood Pressure
b. Diabetics
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
avinash.v.sharma last decade
Hello Dr Joe,
My details as requested:
Personal Information:
Full Name: Nilesh Shekokar
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Weight: 64 Kg
Height: 5ft 5in
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue: Pink
Occupation: Software Engg.
Optional Information:
City: Cary
Country: USA
Phone: --
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Alopecia Universalis
Patient Description:-
I had thin hairs on the top of head, First occurrence: started with hair fall with patch on beard. Then hairs just near to wrist.
Beard and mustache was full gone
I contacted Aurvedic medicine from one of the doctor from Mumbai, it didnt help then started with Alopethic with Flucort & Anbuta(immunity buster)
In one year there were patches in whole body hairs, on the scalp on top, little on eyebrows just above nose.
Then contacted ayurvedic medicine from Ayurved farmacy, coimbatore, which includes onion application, some malthyadi oil application on scalp and some blood purifier tablets.
Only beard and mustache hairs came back almost all.
Now, there are 1 big patch on the top of head, front, both sides, above neck hairs, patches near both side-locks near ears, patches on hand, legs, back, stomach, one eyebrow half hairs gone, its almost everywhere.
Now under homeopathic medication: Reckeweg R89, Ustilago Maydis 200C, Wiesbaden 200C from 15 days. Hairfall is normal, not much now.
Cause of your disease / Problem: Auto-immune
Period of Disease / Complaints:
2+ years
Results of major Laboratory Tests: Allopathy doctors said, its Alopecia (auto immune disease).
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal.
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Normal.
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Flucort lotion, some tablets, Anbuta
b. Ayurvedic medicines: hair oil, tablets
c. Reckeweg R89, Ustilago Maydis 200C, Wiesbaden 200C
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Yes
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Spicy
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Non-Veg
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Spicy food. But not taking much of spicy now a days.
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. Typhiod at the age of 18
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a. angioplasty done for Father.
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
My details as requested:
Personal Information:
Full Name: Nilesh Shekokar
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Weight: 64 Kg
Height: 5ft 5in
Temperature: Normal
Blood Pressure: Normal
Color of Tongue: Pink
Occupation: Software Engg.
Optional Information:
City: Cary
Country: USA
Phone: --
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- Alopecia Universalis
Patient Description:-
I had thin hairs on the top of head, First occurrence: started with hair fall with patch on beard. Then hairs just near to wrist.
Beard and mustache was full gone
I contacted Aurvedic medicine from one of the doctor from Mumbai, it didnt help then started with Alopethic with Flucort & Anbuta(immunity buster)
In one year there were patches in whole body hairs, on the scalp on top, little on eyebrows just above nose.
Then contacted ayurvedic medicine from Ayurved farmacy, coimbatore, which includes onion application, some malthyadi oil application on scalp and some blood purifier tablets.
Only beard and mustache hairs came back almost all.
Now, there are 1 big patch on the top of head, front, both sides, above neck hairs, patches near both side-locks near ears, patches on hand, legs, back, stomach, one eyebrow half hairs gone, its almost everywhere.
Now under homeopathic medication: Reckeweg R89, Ustilago Maydis 200C, Wiesbaden 200C from 15 days. Hairfall is normal, not much now.
Cause of your disease / Problem: Auto-immune
Period of Disease / Complaints:
2+ years
Results of major Laboratory Tests: Allopathy doctors said, its Alopecia (auto immune disease).
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Good Time:
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time:
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- Normal.
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- Normal.
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Flucort lotion, some tablets, Anbuta
b. Ayurvedic medicines: hair oil, tablets
c. Reckeweg R89, Ustilago Maydis 200C, Wiesbaden 200C
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Yes
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Spicy
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Non-Veg
How is your bowel movement? Normal
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Spicy food. But not taking much of spicy now a days.
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? No
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. Typhiod at the age of 18
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a. angioplasty done for Father.
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:-
(If not covered above)
nilesh.shekokar last decade
Full Name: Natwar
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 5feet 6 inches
Temperature: 97 F
Blood Pressure: 120/80
Color of Tongue: pink
Occupation: service sector
Optional Information:
City: Gaya
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- ocular Myasthenia Gravis
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
1. Diplopia (double and blurred/ confused vision)
2. Ptosis in both eyes
3. Photophobia
4. extreme tiredness of eyes
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Cause not known
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
started in September 2011 with extreme itching in eyes and overtaken by confused vision and finally ptosis.
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. MRI of Brain: Normal
b.MRI eyes and orbit : Normal
c. Tensilon test: positive; when they gave injection of neostigmine both the eyes opened completely
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
When I keep my eyes closed
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Trying to look upwards and a little tiresome work
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)No impact
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Although it has no effect on disease, i feel better in a bit cold environment.
Good Time: Same always
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: after stressful work
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- less than normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- normal
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Prostigmine bromide
b. Prednisolone
c. lycopodium clavatum CM (1 dose)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? No very much although I take occasionally
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Take both
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) no constipation
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slim built but prednisone turns me round faced and fat which I stopped taking about 8 months ago and preferred to live with disease than the side effects it gave
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? no
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? a small mole on left cheek, a small wart developed some two years back near elbow of right hand
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. tuberculoma ( TB of Brain in 1998)
b. Chronic urticaria ( after stopping medicine for TB after cure in 1999)which sometimes erupt even now
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. TB
b. hypertension developed in old age in parents
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:- Iaking stopped taking the prednisone as it had severe side effects. i becaame almost bald in three years on my temples. Doctors told that this disease is not curable but can be controlled by prednisone. Hence i decided to live with disease than the side effects. I started looking for other modes of treatmen like ayurveda, homeopathy etc. I took Lycopodium CM (1 dose) and Carbo Veg (1M ) for 15 days on suggestion of a practitioner but had no relief.
(If not covered above)
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Height: 5feet 6 inches
Temperature: 97 F
Blood Pressure: 120/80
Color of Tongue: pink
Occupation: service sector
Optional Information:
City: Gaya
Country: India
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Name of Disease:- ocular Myasthenia Gravis
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-
(Important: Write your major complaints
& symptoms briefly in your own words priority wise.)
1. Diplopia (double and blurred/ confused vision)
2. Ptosis in both eyes
3. Photophobia
4. extreme tiredness of eyes
Cause of your disease / Problem:
(If you dont know leave it blank)
Cause not known
Period of Disease / Complaints:
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)
started in September 2011 with extreme itching in eyes and overtaken by confused vision and finally ptosis.
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. MRI of Brain: Normal
b.MRI eyes and orbit : Normal
c. Tensilon test: positive; when they gave injection of neostigmine both the eyes opened completely
Comfortable Position:-
(Which activity / position / work
make you better and provide relieve
in your disease or problem?)
When I keep my eyes closed
Worse state of disease:-
(Which activity / position or work
when perform make you discomfort
and creates uneasiness or pain?)
Trying to look upwards and a little tiresome work
Change of Weather:-
(Does change in hot and cold
season have any impact on your
disease or symptom?)No impact
Hot & Cold Application:-
(How do you feel in hot or cold
application or when you take bath
or live in warm or cold room)
Although it has no effect on disease, i feel better in a bit cold environment.
Good Time: Same always
(At what time you feel trouble-free
or comfortable or painless?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Worse Time: after stressful work
(At what time you feel uneasiness or discomfort?
Morning / forenoon / evening / night etc?)
Thirst:- less than normal
(How is your thirst?)
Appetite:- normal
(How is your appetite?)
List of medicines used so for:
(Homeopathic and allopathic or Herbal, if any etc)
a. Prostigmine bromide
b. Prednisolone
c. lycopodium clavatum CM (1 dose)
(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? No very much although I take occasionally
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Yes
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Take both
How is your bowel movement?
(Loose motion or constipation etc) no constipation
Are you slim smart or obese etc? slim built but prednisone turns me round faced and fat which I stopped taking about 8 months ago and preferred to live with disease than the side effects it gave
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? no
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? a small mole on left cheek, a small wart developed some two years back near elbow of right hand
(First check your body with care)
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a. tuberculoma ( TB of Brain in 1998)
b. Chronic urticaria ( after stopping medicine for TB after cure in 1999)which sometimes erupt even now
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
(Examples: Asthma, Diabetes
High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism or T.B)
a. TB
b. hypertension developed in old age in parents
Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:-
(If you remember)
Further Explanation:- Iaking stopped taking the prednisone as it had severe side effects. i becaame almost bald in three years on my temples. Doctors told that this disease is not curable but can be controlled by prednisone. Hence i decided to live with disease than the side effects. I started looking for other modes of treatmen like ayurveda, homeopathy etc. I took Lycopodium CM (1 dose) and Carbo Veg (1M ) for 15 days on suggestion of a practitioner but had no relief.
(If not covered above)
greatguy12 9 years ago
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Dear Sir,
Please help me my daughter age 1.8 yr diagnosed with blood sugar we found yesterday only.She complains regular stomach pain. We need your help,as we cant see her pricked over her whole body. Please Reply
Full Name: Divi
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Age: 1.8 years
Height:84 cm
Blood Pressure:normal
Color of Tongue: light pink
Optional Information:
City:Bangalore 560066
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Normal child just got vaginal infection and increased thirst and hunger
Name of Disease:- diabetes
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-
She is having stomach pain at night and all day.She feels down everytime
Cause of your disease / Problem:
Period of Disease / Complaints: we found just 3 days before on 20-7-17
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
a.Glucose in urine - 0.25g/dl
b.Ketones 50mg/dl
Comfortable Position:-
Sleeps at stomach
Worse state of disease:-
stomach pain every time
Change of Weather:-
Hot & Cold Application:-
feels cold
Good Time: Morning
Worse Time: night
Thirst:- too much
Appetite:- too much
List of medicines used so for:
a.syzygium jambolanum
Are you addict of alcohol? - No
Are you a smoker- No
Are you fond of drinking tea- No
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? - Sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?- vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? - constipation
Are you slim smart or obese etc? - slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? - sweets
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?-no
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Chiken pox
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a.Diabetes to her father
Please help me my daughter age 1.8 yr diagnosed with blood sugar we found yesterday only.She complains regular stomach pain. We need your help,as we cant see her pricked over her whole body. Please Reply
Full Name: Divi
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Age: 1.8 years
Height:84 cm
Blood Pressure:normal
Color of Tongue: light pink
Optional Information:
City:Bangalore 560066
(With city and country codes)
Email Address:
Detail Patient History
Normal child just got vaginal infection and increased thirst and hunger
Name of Disease:- diabetes
(Diagnosed by Your Medical Doctor
Or if you know the name of your disease)
Patient Description:-
She is having stomach pain at night and all day.She feels down everytime
Cause of your disease / Problem:
Period of Disease / Complaints: we found just 3 days before on 20-7-17
Results of major Laboratory Tests:
a.Glucose in urine - 0.25g/dl
b.Ketones 50mg/dl
Comfortable Position:-
Sleeps at stomach
Worse state of disease:-
stomach pain every time
Change of Weather:-
Hot & Cold Application:-
feels cold
Good Time: Morning
Worse Time: night
Thirst:- too much
Appetite:- too much
List of medicines used so for:
a.syzygium jambolanum
Are you addict of alcohol? - No
Are you a smoker- No
Are you fond of drinking tea- No
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? - Sweet
Are you vegetarian or carnivore?- vegetarian
How is your bowel movement? - constipation
Are you slim smart or obese etc? - slim
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? - sweets
Do you have any wart or mole on your body?-no
List of your major past illnesses / diseases:-
(examples: Mumps, chicken pox, whooping
cough, pneumonia, malaria, typhoid etc)
a.Chiken pox
List of major closed family persons diseases:-
a.Diabetes to her father
sprabhat2005 7 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.