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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

more on prove every remedy

Recently I took one dose of pulsatilla at 6C. A day later I could not get out of my apartment I was so foggy. I also became very weak ( I have been battling aneamia.) So I antidoted a day later using a method I learned from a homeopath online. She suggests taking the original dose and diluting it in water 12 times. On the 12 cup one takes a sip. I am now on th 60th cup and my original symptoms ( burning feet ) are back with a vegence. I don't know if I need more or less!

One of you recommended tissue salts. At what dose?

  virginiawoolf on 2005-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what ailments are you treating yourself for with pulsatilla??
erika last decade
burning feet chronic headaches, and fogginess.
virginiawoolf last decade
Erika will deal you better.I hope very soon your problem will be solved.It is not too complicated.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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