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Insomania issue

i am presently on sleeping pills, 40 years old female, but that are not working to give me proper cure, i am very emotional for my family and also have fear of any bad news, i do not like cold at all and prefer warm, i hate noise and strong smells very much.
anyone can recommend any homeopathic remedy ????
  kbai99 on 2014-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
this will need overall examination of your personality, buy you can try,

take COFFEA 30, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,dnt eat or drink anything 30 minutes before or after medicine,
{if pills then 3 pills as single dose}

report how you felt in mental freshness and insomania after 10 days of stopping the course,

also make her do some exercises like SURYA NAMASKAR (google it or youtube) 5 TIMES DAILY for proper blood flow in whole body,

BHRAMARI PRANAYAM (google it or youtube) 10 TIMES DAILY for mental freshness and insomania,

homeo.mzp last decade
sorry doc. for late reply, i have taken the medicine in pills form for 2 days and now i am seeing some improvement in mental freshness and insomania.
sorry again for being late and please consider my case further.
kbai99 last decade
ok no problem, but the remedy i recommended was a hit and trail medicine from me, insomania is deep issue and i think i need to get full question answers from you,

but before that click on my username then visit my website and do tonngue diagnosis for 3 days morning just after wakeup then report,

are you doing BHRAMARI PRANAYAM tell the truth,


[message edited by homeo.mzp on Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:19:53 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
yes i am regular with the yoga you told.
my tongue colour is slight white not as white as in your picture and taste sore throat problem.
kbai99 last decade
ok then take anothe single dose of COFFEA CRUDA 30c, early morning, not daily.

keep doing yoga, BHRAMARI PRANAYAM is excellent brain calming exercise that effectively distributes oxygen to all brain nerves.

take biochemic salts after 3 days of medicine,

NAT MUR 6X -- 3 pills in morning

KALI PHOS 6X -- 3 pills at night

report hoew felt after 20 days,

homeo.mzp last decade
i am having some stomach upsets these days, but i am felling somewhat extra relaxed after my usual house work. just wanted to tell you.
kbai99 last decade
ok no problem, report after 20 days. i will examine further,

try to reduce sleeping pills for alternate days and not daily.

homeo.mzp last decade
respected sir,

i have managed to reduce the sleeping pills to alternate days.
i am sleeping calmly nowdays.
kbai99 last decade
good progress keep going.
homeo.mzp last decade
Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- calmness=
2- emotional stability=
3- confidence level=
4- love and affection with others=
5- sleep=
6- fatigue=
7- fear of bad news=
8- patience=

[message edited by homeo.mzp on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:17:13 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
Improvement analysis
[write better, same, worse]

1- calmness=better
2- emotional stability=better
3- confidence level=better
4- love and affection with others=better
5- sleep=best proper sleep
6- fatigue=better
7- fear of bad news=better
8- patience=better

thank you very very much.
kbai99 last decade
ok then,

1) from next month on every FIRST SUNDAY take COFFEA CRUDA 30c single dose only, not daily.

2) reduce biochemic salts from daily to wednesday, thrusday and friday only.

do step 1 and 2 process till 3 MONTHS.
and be regular with YOGA.

you can cut down or leave sleeping pills as you wish, you can also take them in case of any emergency,
its up to you.

ok then your case closed,

you can click on my username and visit my website for more info. about me.

[message edited by homeo.mzp on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:38:03 GMT]
homeo.mzp last decade
do not worry, i have just donated via paypal.

thanks again.
kbai99 last decade
ok got your help.

thanks a lot !!!!
homeo.mzp last decade

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