The ABC Homeopathy Forum
urgent help need old case of forum
femaleheight 5.1
wheatish complexion and getting darker towards black
dark circles around eyes
weight 50kg
menstrual cycle regular on time always but toward scanty by time ( no of days reducing )
diffcult to relax and most of time anxiety
no family illness
( my case history)
dr i m old patient of this forum , last medicine on this forum i got is vasicariaQ and lililum tag,take almost 15 days that cause a little improvement.. after that no respond here then i consult aleopathic dr she give me complete course of med one month and sugar & urine test are normal(problem still there)
after that is use FRAXINUS AMERICANA Q twice daily 15 drop it help me alot ,, use this medicine about 20days
dr all this problem occur after i got very high fever ,,almost one year back ,, first i got sores in my vagina and got medicine from this forum all other symptoms gone but this urine problem make my life miserable not able to move out and for that i had to use sanitary napkin for that to manage any urgency
Complaint of urination ( right now to unable to store for more time like more than one hour)
uterus looks like big organ(enlarged like spreaded) and left labia minora is prominent big ,, muscles are relax at down and vagina opening become too big loose large, also have down ward pressure .
my total water in take is two glass whole day that cause my skin dry and bad .
breast is getting smaller not no reason its reduced to 30 that make me embarrassed(is this interlinked)
find AURUM MUR NAT or CARBO VEG near to my symptoms ,,don't know wat to use..
plz help me ,suggest me right medicine to bring my uterus to normal size , i m very thankful
plz dr take my case and guide , urgent need ur serious help
mahsan on 2015-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please stop all medicines. your case will have to be reconsidered .please answer the following with as much detail as possible.
1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
11 dreams if any.
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
11 dreams if any.
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
♡ telescope last decade
no medicince right now
2 Age 32
3 sex female
4 Height 5.1 and Weight 50kg
5 Main problem uterus looks very big organ increased (enlarged) or spread and vagina very loose especially opening become too big or broad (large)
left labia minora is prominent big .
dr all this problem occur after i got very high fever103,104 ,,almost one year back
Frequent urination not able to stop or store more than one hour (it doesnt affect the quantity, quantity may vary from too much to normal. And downward pressure and sometime pain in lower back in morning at wakeup time.. But when started working pain diminish .And use to wear sanitary napkin to when going stop any emergency. Feeling of anxiety and afraid
6 Any other problem
Breast size reduction even it is 30 now,, very small and cause very embarrassment
Usually have muscles stiffness in upper arms some time not able to cut fruits and do mobbing.
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
No specific symptom
8. Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
No especial and thirst (increased some days when I drink too little just two glass daily)
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
Previously hot weather cause worry to me but when dr give me hydrocotile Q this problem gone
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preferred position.
Night sleep is not satisfying and trying to complete my sleep in day time when possible.
11 dreams if any. Not especial
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
Sometime early morning sweat during sleep (on forehead &hairs)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
Stool normal but whenever I sleep (even 30 minute) in daytime I had stool.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
Colour normal, quantity vary, frequency,,, just after drink liquid I have to go washroom within one hour, thats y I avoid drinking liquid as much as I can.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
I feel some time very angry with my surrounding and this illness cause me very short temper and very bad feel towards myself.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grandparents/brothers/sisters)
No family medical problem just I have urine issue. Even my sisters go to washroom very less and make fun of me.
18 Treatment taken in the past.
Taken Lilium Tig 200 twice daily.
Vesicaria Q 15 drops in half cup of water four times daily. In August and 10th September
19 present medication if any
Taken Fraxinus Americana Q about one and half month before, its helps me a lot but stopped usage feel of urine dropping,, so stopped on 15th day
20. Any other information you would like to provide.
My confidence level become very low
Complexion become dark with this problem.
very thankful u consider my problem
2 Age 32
3 sex female
4 Height 5.1 and Weight 50kg
5 Main problem uterus looks very big organ increased (enlarged) or spread and vagina very loose especially opening become too big or broad (large)
left labia minora is prominent big .
dr all this problem occur after i got very high fever103,104 ,,almost one year back
Frequent urination not able to stop or store more than one hour (it doesnt affect the quantity, quantity may vary from too much to normal. And downward pressure and sometime pain in lower back in morning at wakeup time.. But when started working pain diminish .And use to wear sanitary napkin to when going stop any emergency. Feeling of anxiety and afraid
6 Any other problem
Breast size reduction even it is 30 now,, very small and cause very embarrassment
Usually have muscles stiffness in upper arms some time not able to cut fruits and do mobbing.
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
No specific symptom
8. Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
No especial and thirst (increased some days when I drink too little just two glass daily)
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
Previously hot weather cause worry to me but when dr give me hydrocotile Q this problem gone
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preferred position.
Night sleep is not satisfying and trying to complete my sleep in day time when possible.
11 dreams if any. Not especial
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
Sometime early morning sweat during sleep (on forehead &hairs)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
Stool normal but whenever I sleep (even 30 minute) in daytime I had stool.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
Colour normal, quantity vary, frequency,,, just after drink liquid I have to go washroom within one hour, thats y I avoid drinking liquid as much as I can.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
I feel some time very angry with my surrounding and this illness cause me very short temper and very bad feel towards myself.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grandparents/brothers/sisters)
No family medical problem just I have urine issue. Even my sisters go to washroom very less and make fun of me.
18 Treatment taken in the past.
Taken Lilium Tig 200 twice daily.
Vesicaria Q 15 drops in half cup of water four times daily. In August and 10th September
19 present medication if any
Taken Fraxinus Americana Q about one and half month before, its helps me a lot but stopped usage feel of urine dropping,, so stopped on 15th day
20. Any other information you would like to provide.
My confidence level become very low
Complexion become dark with this problem.
very thankful u consider my problem
mahsan last decade
please take one dose only Sepia 200. avoid sour food and drink. report after 3 days.
♡ telescope last decade
dr i had taken sepia 200 one week before first two days are very positive especially urine issue is quite solved..but as the days pass problem return
i had down pressure esp right side with loose muscles down and some time feel back pain at the time of stool ( not constipated )
dr i had taken sepia 200 one week before first two days are very positive especially urine issue is quite solved..but as the days pass problem return
i had down pressure esp right side with loose muscles down and some time feel back pain at the time of stool ( not constipated )
mahsan last decade
♡ telescope last decade
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