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Ignatia Amara: $4.19



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hello...by recommendation from a friend that studies and has used homepathy for many years...i took one dose of ignatia 30c for three days about 3 weeks ago. there were no significant responses, no aggravations but a lift in overall outlook. it was then recommended to take one dose of ignatia 200c which i did 7 days ago...and i have felt very bad since then...flu like symptoms, dizziness, queezieness, forgetfulness, feel somewhat disoriented, weepiness and depression, hypersensitive. ignatia was suggested (she is not a professional homeopath) for mental/emotional symptoms but now this feels worse. any suggestions as to what is actually happening?

thank you
  flowertea on 2004-07-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
did you ever experience these symptoms before ever in life?
John Stanton last decade
yes i have experienced all of these symptoms before...if i am about to have a sinus infection(it feels like face behind nasal passage and tongue are burning and have a headache and i am achey.. with flu like symptoms. forgetfulness ,hypersensitive,weepiness, disorientation feeling if i am feeling depressed. i also have a feeling of hollowness, emptiness...like butterflies in my stomach. i am unsure if i am really about to get sick or if this is aggravation from the ignatia?
flowertea last decade
1 doses camphor 30c --for 2 days

post back
John Stanton last decade
thank yu john for your response. is the camphor to antidote? could you please explain...i understood that if old symptoms came up after a remedy was taken then it was a good possibilty that the correct remedy was taken and if new never experienced symptoms came up then it is the wrong remedy? have i misunderstood?
flowertea last decade
camphor is only to stop overaction---if you observe this as an aggravtion of only old symptoms and intensity not too unhandlable then don't take camphor...
John Stanton last decade
is there another remedy besides camphor that i can take to stop overaction? i do not have camphor on hand i will order it but it will be 3 or 4 days?
flowertea last decade
list ALL symptoms as you are experiencing at this CURRENT (now) moment---establish and post which are new (never occured in life before now) since taking ignatia--and which are old (have had before in life)..
John Stanton last decade
all of the symptoms that i listed in the original post are the same today EXCEPT the flu like symptoms which i am not feeling anymore...all of the other symptoms i HAVE experienced before in my life but not felt so intensly. i am feeling very negative and irritable, heavinss in my head with headache, weepy, very worried and suspicious thoughts, depressed, over sensitve, sleeplessness, i have a sinking hollow feeling in my stomach...fearful like butterflies, i just do not feel fully present. none of these symptoms are new, i have experienced ALL of these symptoms before in my life...
perhaps these symptoms have just settled in the background of my life...they were not felt so intensly until taking ignatia. i hope this helps clarify. thank you john for your insight.
flowertea last decade
1 dose 'only" pulsatilla 30c

avoid all acidic foods and drinks--coffee,tea,vinegar,pepsi,coca-cola..and such,fruit and juices...etc
no fatty foods

start taking essential fatty acids supplement daily

post response or lack of
John Stanton last decade
thank you...i will take today.
flowertea last decade
hello john...i took one dose of 30c pulsatilla three days ago. there is only slight improvement of symptoms. the only change is today i woke up with a runny nose and stuffy head. shall i do nothing else for previous symptoms?
flowertea last decade
what symptoms actually ''slightly" improved?

ever have this"...runny nose and stuffy head ..." symptom before? (if so ) when?
John Stanton last decade
john...i am still experiencing all of the symptoms from previous post just less intensly...i just feel blue and weepy..a hopeless feeling without any motivation or energy to do anything...i have zero stamina and fearful worried outlook...and i want so badly to not feel this way...but i cannot seem to rise above it..i almost feel disconnected from my true self and that feels very bad. the runny nose and stuffy head that i have this morning i have experienced many many times before. i have had a lot of off and on sinus troubles over the past 2 years and was treated with antibiotics, decongestants and a few times with steroids.
flowertea last decade
go up in potency 1 dose "only" pulsatilla 200c

same restrictions
John Stanton last decade

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