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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

humphrey's 11

I just got a "surprise" positive pregancy test results. My period is only one day late so it's probably very early in this pregnancy. Is humphrey's 11 a safe option for homeopathic termination? I open to any other suggestions PLEASE?!
  tr7176 on 2004-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
proper homoeopathic treatment during pregnancy not a problem---- dont recommend ''blanket combination remedies''' though ---use totality of symptoms -access ---prescribe single remedy based upon characteristics in totality...
John Stanton last decade
humphreys 11 is for delayed period - not for termination. there is no such thing as hom. termination.
the only way you can do this, is by "proving" a remedy and react with termination.
he thing would be, to find a remedy, that CAN cause it, take so many doses as it needs to produce proving symptoms, and hope, you are the type of person which reacts in the "right" way.
proving a remedy can bring out the foot-symptoms in one person and the throat symptoms in another, and the genital symptoms in a third.
as one can never predict, what the reaction will be, you might end up with a swollen throat instead of what you wish for.
hom. is intended to HEAL your vital force, not to damage it. and i don't think you want to go through a proving without prof. supervision :-)
itsme last decade

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