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Dr. srivastava or AsadGhumman or first available to help. Page 2 of 2

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I have the pills do I take 2?
instantcoffee 8 years ago
Yes, please take 2 pills per dose.
AsadGhumman 8 years ago
Thank you again for your help. Here is an update on my condition.

I have to confess I've missed some of my doses due to busy lifestyle.

Better but note gone:
-boil on face
-gas and abdominal pain
-brain fog
-itchy/crawly scalp

-chest pain
-constant sleepiness at work

still needs improvement:
-depressive state of mind
-cold tolerance / desire for warmth
-dry / crusty / tenderness inside nose
-white film on back of tongue
-vision fuzz like TV with no channel, shooting stars

-sudden pain in broken tooth where previously there was none radiating into jaw.

-increased joint pain in knees, feel weak like they're not well connected
[message edited by instantcoffee on Mon, 14 Sep 2015 18:29:43 UTC]
instantcoffee 8 years ago

please get hold of Bryonia Alba-30c
AsadGhumman 8 years ago
I have the Byronia, how should I take it?
instantcoffee 8 years ago

Please take it once daily early in the morning, 30min before breakfast for 7 days & report.

1 dose = 2 drops in quarter cup of water or 4 pills chewed without water.
AsadGhumman 8 years ago
I'm now getting indigestion from a grain of rice I could eat without problem in the past. Flatulence, burping, diarrhea.

A new boil / abscess showed up in my left arm pit.

Brain fog and mental fatigue improved. Physical fatigue still comes and goes. I want to exercise but most days I don't have the energy.

Weight has been harder to maintain and appetite is decreased.
instantcoffee 8 years ago

Please get hold of following remedy:

1- Phosphorous-30c.

Take it once daily for 5 days & report.

1 dose = 2 drops in quarter cup of water or 4 pills chewed without water.

Also I would strongly recommend you to find Carduus Mar-Q if possible.

AsadGhumman 8 years ago
Thank you again.

I will order these soon, it looks like Carduus Mar-Q is available from the canadian store, so I should be able to get it.

I wanted to mention one other symptom I'd forgotten about, in case it's important.
I get sick very quickly when exposed to cold. If I spend 30 minutes to an hour in cold temperatures I often catch a cold the next day and it lingers for a while.

I was out last Friday night for no more than 30 minutes or so in cold weather and I've still got fluxuating temperature with running nose and scratchy throat.

Oddly I've noticed that being intoxicated can prevent this. Last year I went out several time in below-freezing temperatures but had alcohol before going out and never got sick on the days when I'd had alcohol.
instantcoffee 8 years ago

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