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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help me About Depression. Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Sir,
Actually I do not know the name of my disease.
Myself I find out it as depression. But the
medicine I used by doctor, on its product details I
saw it used to treatment Panic Disorder. So what
Homeopathy Medicine do you suggest here?
Thanks and regards.
sd121 8 years ago
Dear Sd,

Panic disorder is extreme anxiety. Anxiety and depression go together,
they are like the two sides of a coin.

In homeopathy- one does not treat "names" of things. 5 people with
a common cold, could all have 5 different remedies that cure them.

Homeopathy is individual to each person, it is based on your particular
symptoms. In a chronic case like yours, the homeopath needs to know
details of everything, like what was going on when this began, what
makes you in particular feel better, or worse, etc. The remedy is matched up
to those things.

In allopathic medicine, they give medicine based on names- it is a one
size fits all, and many times all this does is Suppress your symptoms, it
does not cure you at the core.

So you have to give details. Dr. Mohla prescribed Bach flowers as they
are gentle and change your moods. That is how he wants to begin
your case.

If you want to ask another person, I suggest you do a New thread,
and ask for Rishimba in your headline. He can ask you the needed
questions and find the remedy that is a match for you after he
studies your information.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks and regards, will follow this suggestions.
sd121 8 years ago

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