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♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
I overdosed lycopodium dose one year back to stop my masturbation problem. At that time after searching internet i self prescribed lycopodium for my excessive masturbation problem. It helped me fight my urge for masturbation. So i kept on taking more and more doses. I guess i took lycopodium 200 (2 drops in water) everyday for consecutively for 10-15 days. I stopped it because i was feeling too much anxiety due to overdose and then i searched internet if there is something related to overdose. But i think it was too late. Since then i have developed this anxiety problem. My hair began to fall at very fast rate. Burning sensation on right side of my throat when i take any medicine.etc. After 4-5 months when anxiety didnt go i took pulsatilla to rectify overdose of lycopodium but then it had very little affect. I dont know what to do know. Maybe i should wait only ? What do you suggest sir ?
I overdosed lycopodium dose one year back to stop my masturbation problem. At that time after searching internet i self prescribed lycopodium for my excessive masturbation problem. It helped me fight my urge for masturbation. So i kept on taking more and more doses. I guess i took lycopodium 200 (2 drops in water) everyday for consecutively for 10-15 days. I stopped it because i was feeling too much anxiety due to overdose and then i searched internet if there is something related to overdose. But i think it was too late. Since then i have developed this anxiety problem. My hair began to fall at very fast rate. Burning sensation on right side of my throat when i take any medicine.etc. After 4-5 months when anxiety didnt go i took pulsatilla to rectify overdose of lycopodium but then it had very little affect. I dont know what to do know. Maybe i should wait only ? What do you suggest sir ?
Ayush1 8 years ago
1st use camphor as mentioned and after we reaccess case-- all symptomology that exists at that time..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Ayush1 8 years ago
no camphor...sorry
use as antidote for left over anxiety after lycopodium...
single dose aconite
1 pellet in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
after dosing case need be reaccessed from there...
no repeat dose
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use as antidote for left over anxiety after lycopodium...
single dose aconite
1 pellet in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
after dosing case need be reaccessed from there...
no repeat dose
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♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
Ayush1 8 years ago
--aconite for addressing current state of illness--with strong consideration of lycopodium overaction..
♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
single dose aconite 30c
1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
after dosing case need be reaccessed from there...
no repeat dose
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1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose..
after dosing case need be reaccessed from there...
no repeat dose
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♡ John Stanton 8 years ago
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