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I was wondering if you could help me out? I have 2 female pet rats and would like to give them acidolphilus as its seems to have many benefits.

Is it something they can take daily/weekly even if they're healthy or is it just used if they're sick?

Could you also tell me what dosage you give your rat? Mine are only 10weeks old.
Bryony last decade
You guys might ask at your local pet store for books on this subject.

My brother used to read books on pegeon racing and that is where he learned about acidophilus and I think garlic also.

The books he read told him to give them this supplement(s) to keep the pegeons from stopping to eat while they were racing.

He was always so proud of the status his pegeons had and he attributed it to the acidophilus and/or garlic.

If I remember correctly, my brother used to buy the supplements in liquid form at the animal/pet supply store. He used to add it to their water.

Acidophillus/garlic is also used to cure a desease in humans called Candida that causes hunger and cravings and makes all of the organs in the body not function properly and makes people very sick.

I personally had this desease (Candida) at a very serious state that kept me feeling like I was always starving and always craving things that I was allergic/addicted to and I was so very sick with migraine headaches, cramps that felt like labour pains, etc, etc,

If you are interested in learning about the use of acidophilus in humans, the best book I have read on this desease is:

The Yeast Syndrome by Dr. Trowbridge. You can get a used copy of it at half.com or amazon.com or check your local bookstores.

I feel very strongly that all humans should learn about this disease called Candida, which immitates many deseases and causes so much human suffering.

I'm just sorry that I don't have any experience with homeopathic remedies used to treat this nightmare of a desease.

Before I knew anything about homeopathy, I always gave acidiphilus to my dog whenever I gave her antibiotics. However, one time I didn't do this and he got so very sick I had to take him to the emergency room in the middle of the night where he was administered IV because he was so dehydrated.

When God made living animals, he put good bacteria and fungus in our digestive system. The yeast is in there to keep our digestive system clean of debri, and the good bacteria is there to eat the fungus if there is too much of it. In otherwords, the good bacteria keeps the fungus from going out of control. Antibiotics destroy both the bad and the good bacteria in the digestive system and when the bacteria is gone the fungus takes control over the entire body from brain to toes.

Acidophilus needs to be ingested to replace the one that is no longer there.

Here where I live, animals are fed antibiotics (sometimes to prevent deseases) and so it gets into our food. And if the animals aren't treated for Candida, then we get the desease from them also.

I personally have always used my intuition to know how much to take myself or how much to give to my dog or how much to give to a baby.

Wish you the best.
Pat2006 last decade
Forgot to mention that garlic is used to kill the yeast. The acidophilus is the friendly bacteria that is used to replace the one that has been destroyed.

In the past when my vet had me give me dog three capsules of antibiotics a day, I would also give him two capsules of acidophilus a day.

Homeopathy is by far a better option than antibiotics. Homeopathy is extremely inexpensive and it works super fast. A wound can heal in 3 days.

On this forum, I read about a dog who got severe wounds and recovered from them in about a month with homeopathy.
Pat2006 last decade
Hello Bryony,
Your best bet would be to research the use of acidolphilus. I haven't used specific doses, etc. Good luck.
ratmama last decade

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