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ongoing costrochondritis 1


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help with costrochondritis

I'm a healthy female mid 20's who was recently diagnosed with costrochondritis. I noticed the pain after exercising and weight lifting, but did not notice the pain until hours later. Took NSAIDS for 5 days (prescription dose) and even though i feel alot better than I did 10 days ago, i'm still having this intermittent discomfort between 3rd-7th rib area and some pain with movement that is quick and comes and goes. What is the typical duration for this condition and what alternatives can I take if I am not instructed to continue taking the NSAIDS?
  sat413 on 2006-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sat413, I suffer with costo a lot. Like you, the pain often comes later - long after activity.

I don't know if you ever see a D.O. or a chiropractor, but very often costo is the result of a rib being out of place. A good D.O. or chiropractor can usually put the rib back in. You still may need to continue the NSAIDS awhile to get the inflammation to subside, however. And it is a good idea to stop doing whatever started the whole process until the inflammation is gone.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Truthfinder last decade
thanks for that advice, I have access to a D.O. that could look into that for me. Thank you!
sat413 last decade
You are welcome - I do hope you get relief. Costo can be pretty miserable.

Truthfinder last decade
Know about this disease

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint — where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. Pain caused by costochondritis may mimic that of a heart attack or other heart conditions.

Costochondritis is the most common cause of chest pain originating in the chest wall. It occurs most often in women and people over age 40. However, costochondritis can affect anyone, including infants and children.

Your doctor might refer to costochondritis by other names, including chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome and costosternal chondrodynia. When the pain of costochondritis is accompanied by swelling it's referred to as Tietze's syndrome.

Most cases of costochondritis have no apparent cause, and most go away on their own. This makes it difficult to treat. When there's no obvious cause, treatment is aimed at easing your pain while you wait for costochondritis to resolve on its own.

Sign & Symptom
Costochondritis causes pain and tenderness in the places where your ribs attach to your breastbone (costosternal joints). Often the pain is sharp, though it can also feel like a dull, gnawing pain. Pain associated with costochondritis occurs most often on the left side of your breastbone, though it can occur on either side of your chest.

Other signs and symptoms of costochondritis may include:
Pain when taking deep breaths
Pain when coughing
Difficulty breathing


Injury. A blow to the chest could cause costochondritis.
Infection. Infection can develop in the costosternal joint, causing pain.
Fibromyalgia. Recurring costochondritis could be a symptom of fibromyalgia. People with fibromyalgia often have several tender spots. The upper part of the breastbone is a common tender spot.
Pain from other areas of your body. Pain signals can sometimes be misinterpreted by your brain, causing pain in places far away from where the problem occurs. Your doctor might refer to this as "referred pain." Pain in your chest can sometimes be caused by problems with the bones in your spine compressing the nerves
Homoeo medicine are
Arnica , Belladonna, Bryonia alb, Phosphorus ...etc

for that you have to send all the detail (when increasing and dcreasing )after that homoeopathy will help you to select the right medicine when you send detail.
deoshlok last decade
Thank you Dr. Sharma. The pain has been decreasing. It seems to occur at random times--when I'm driving, sitting in certain positions for long periods of time. I have no pain during sleep and I have actually been sleep quite well. Coughing and Sneezing does not cause/aggravate the pain. Ice seems to help tremendously as well as the Ibuprofen I took per my MD.
The pain was aggravated when she palpated it though. But it subsided over the course of 3 days. Now, the pain is waxes and wanes. Deep Breathing does not cause pain either. mostly movement. The pain has been sharp and quick at times and sometimes dull and achy around the lower rib area. It lasts for a few minutes or so, then goes away. I really can't seem to predict when the pain is going to occur. Also, during the evaluation I was very tender (moreso than I thought I was) around the 3rd rib on the left side. The pain/discomfort has moved though its on both sides occurs randomly.
sat413 last decade
1. 26
2. F
3. 160
4. US
5. midwestern region: seasonal
6. Pain with movement, sometimes sharp sometimes dull. It just happened a minute ago while I was brushing my teeth and talking on the phone
7. I usually desire something sweet
8. I drink alot of fluids so i 'm not usually thirsty
9. Tongue---normal?
10. How do you feel? Sorta down because of the pain and the restrictions its had on my busy lifestyle (exercising, moving around)
11. How does this affect you? It frustrates me
12. How does it feel like ?
13. What comes to your mind ?
14. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
15. How did that feel like ?
16. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
17. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
18. current medicine you are taking? Advil (not sure if its working)
19. family back ground (paternal hx: obesity, gout
maternal hx: gallbladder sx, muscle pain
20. qualification of patient
21. Nature of working--busy i'm in allied health, PT/athletic training
22. desire and aversion of food--love sweets, trying to stay away from dairy (cheese), no red meat in months,
23. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so.. would like to give this info in different area of forum. But i am usually in a hurry, nervous, agitated, etc.
24. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)--The pain comes and goes sharp and stabbign to dull late morning with movement, to late afternoon at work while sitting at desk or with helping patients and moving around.
I appreciate your help.
sat413 last decade
Oh boy do I know the costro. It first started after an intense few months of climbing, sea kayaking, and soccer...first with pain just at the sternum, then spread to ribs and rest of chest. I tried every NSAID out there (Vioxx, Celebrex, ect)without much luck, and was seeing a physical therapist twice a week. 5 day steriod dose packs were the only thing that helped, though even that relief only lasted about 10 days max. However I don't like taking the steriods...the make me jittery. After a year and a half it magically went away...but not for good. Whenever I worked too out much too often I'd get a brief little pain again, a not so friendly reminder that could return. Sure enough, though I've no idea why (just working out the usual moderate amount...) I started getting pain around two weeks ago and it has been slowly but surely getting worse. Ibuprofen never did much, but since I can't get to a doc for a while, its better than nothing. It is very depressing...I am afraid it will be like before, where it hurt incessently, and the only exercise I could really do was to walk, and it was even difficult to sleep because of the pressure put on my ribs from lying down. Also it has been bothering my back too, which occured before but not as noticably. I am not sure how to head it off before it gets any worse...if that is even possible, that is.
cinamin last decade
Ive had costro pretty much since may and its been downright awful. It started as nothing big but in september it just got brutal and it pretty much has made my entire chest sore.

aleve/motrin/advil dont do jack, but ive found flexeril helps a little but. biofreeze, like bengay but better, also helps.

since its not even getting better I a getting so worried as to how long it will last. its pretty much ruining my life.
Lundqvist30 last decade

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