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Nasal Flux - Cranio-hydrorrhea


The Holistic Anatomy of the Brain's Nose

To breathe is to live and to be alive one has to breathe. In esoteric breathing, life is not measured in terms of years but in the number of breaths. Breathing is a mechanical act of inhalation and exhalation of atmospheric air, in and out of the body. Esoterically, breathing is effected through the " Holistic Nostrils of the Brain " , in the Cribriform Plate at the base of the anterior cranial fossa of the skull.

The brain ventilates and breathes through the perforations in cribriform plate,in the floor of the anterior cranial fossa, partly forming the roof of the nasal cavities.
The filamentary ramifications of the Olfactory Bulb [ 1st Cranial Nerve ], pass through these microscopic openings in the sieve-like cribriform plate into the nasal cavity for the processing of odours. Atmospheric air perfuses directly through the cribriform perforations into the Cerebro-spinal Fluid [CSF ] which is aerated through the thickness of an intracranial membraneous layer from the outer atmosphere.
The perforated cribriform or sieve-like plate is truely the nose of the brain with diffusion of atmospheric air into the circulating Cerebro-Spinal Fluid , bathing the brain and spinal cord serving much the same function as the ventilation of the lungs, with inhalation and exhalation through its " nostrils ".
The Brain is separated from the external environment only by a membraneous layer intracranially which encloses the Cerebro-spinal Fluid ( which cushions the brain ) at the perforated sieve-like cribriform plate.
A blocked nose caused by mucosal swelling or nasal discharge sealing the seive-like cribriform "nostrils " at the roof of the nasal cavities, often produces feverishness, mental confusion and nervous irritability, headache, dizziness, blurred vision and weakness . A disturbed rhythmicity in breathing and diaphragmatic excursions which help extra-cellular irrigation and drainage will lead to stagnation with impaired cerebro-spinal-fluid [CSF ] circulation and the flow of Qi. This may result in congestion of the nervous system due to the impaired CSF circulation , perfusion and diffusion resulting in febrile states
Nasal Hydrorrhea ( Nasal Flux )
" Therapeutics of the respiratory organs" by Francois cartier

" An excellent work of Molinie has clearly separated Nasal Flux or watery discharge , from catarrh of the mucous membrane of the nose. The liquid which is discharged from the nose or nasopharynx, sometimes as much as a quart daily( Poulson ),seems to be composed of blood-serum, to be not a glandular secretion, and to belong probably to a phenomenon of hypertension. This liquid is excreted by the mucous membrane of the nose; in some cases it proceeds from a sinus ( aqueous sinusitis ), and sometimes as a pathological rarity, the discharge comes from the skull ( cranio-hydrorrhea ). "
The hypersecretion of " blood -serum " from the skull ( cranio-hydrorrhea ) is obviously
a cerebro-spinal fluid discharge , through the cribriform plate in the floor of the anterior cranial fossa of the skull, esoterically , the " holistic nostrils " of the Brain.

I have included a few simple graphic pictures of the cribriform plate in my webpage.Those who are curious,please email me for the URL.

The following remedies prove their usefulness in nasal flux with their characteristics.

A: Allium cepa

1. A watery discharge,sometimes dropping slowly into the throat when lying down .
2. The discharge causes an irritationof the nostrils , nose and upper lip.

3. The lachrymation is not excoriating
4. The hypersecretion ceases in the open air but returns in a warm room.

B: Spigelia

Spigelia has also symptoms of a watery discharge with slow dropping into the throat.

C: Euphrasia
The lachrymation of Euphrasia is excoriating and gives visible irritation to
the palpebral commissures . The nasal discharge is bland. The alternation of these two remedies, Allium cepa and Euphrasia give good results.

D: Arsenicum album
The nasal discharge is more excoriating than Allium cepa, causing redness of the skin of the nose and upper lip. Clinically, Arsenicum causes excessive drying of the nose. The remedy is is useful in alternation with another. In gouty coryza, Jousset obtained good results with Kali Chloricum 6x.

E: In an article of Strickler's on the coryzas with watery discharges, in the North American, 1906, besides, Allium cepa and Euphrasia,
a. Kali Iodatum ( inflammation of all mucous membranes,including the sinuses)
b. Arsenicum iodatum ( coryza and hay - fever )
c. Arum triphyllum and Natrum arsenicum were mentioned.

With regards
  homeopathy on 2006-03-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You could try ---- I have found it effective for nasal catarrh

Hydrogen Peroxide is the most over looked chemical used by man. New uses of it are coming to light every day. Bad bugs be they, in your garden or your body, they cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.
At 69 years old my muscles were so tight that to get out of bed I would lay on my stomach and back out on to the floor, push down on the bed and stand up. I knew there was something to correct this bad situation. One morning while having coffee with a friend, I noticed he had brought a small stack of books with him. Being curious, I asked if I could look at the books. The one that stood out to me was "O2xygen Therapies". As I was scanning it, it became more interesting to me. I asked him if I could take it home. It was a week before returning the book. Being convinced Hydrogen Peroxide was what I was looking for, it was now going to into my system? The book gave three choices. Put 8 to 10 drops in an 8 oz cup and drink it, four times a day. Next was, put a pint of 35% in the bathtub and soak for 1 hour once a week. Or go to a doctor for intravenous infusion once a week. None of these had any appeal to me.
After a week or two I decided that the easiest, and most efficient way was to inhale the 3% peroxide into my mouth and on into my lungs. I just happened to have a “Nasal Spray Pump” (see sample picture below). I dumped the contents out, put in the 3% peroxide as it comes from the drugstore. Now, how many times do I pump? I settled for one pump per inhale, and 4 times a day. That went on for about a month. As I was laying down for a short rest, I noticed that I was breathing freely. No forced inhale or exhale. That was the first thing that I noticed while inhaling the peroxide. I then changed the time when to inhale the peroxide. Now I inhale 2 times in the morning and at night. While deep inhaling I pump the pump as many times as I can, usually 8 to 10 pumps each inhale. Another thing I noticed was, I sleep all night with my mouth closed. I used to have heart aches that were very uncomfortable, no more.
My wife and I have been inhaling peroxide for 9 years now and no colds, sore muscles, aches or pains. I take no medication or vitamins. I am less than two years to 80 years old. My lungs don’t give out when I work in my garden or other things around the house. My house is 160 years old, so the work never stops. Peroxide keeps our oxygen blood count in the high 90’s.
One of the first people that used the peroxide as I do was very interesting. He had a low self-esteem. I found out that he was on kidney dialysis. I discussed the peroxide several times with him. Finally one day I went to his house with a nasal spray pump. He opened it and poured out the contents and filled it back up with 3% peroxide. He sprayed it in to his mouth and into his lungs. I said you know how to do it, and I left. Three days later I called him to see if anything had happened. He said that he could breath easier. Four days latter he called me, he was so excited all he could say was “It’s working, It’s working". I asked "What did it do?". He said he was waking up about an hour and a half before normal and that he was coughing up all the bad stuff that was in his lungs. He went back to bed and when he woke up, he said he had not felt that good in years. From that time on his spirit was always good and his voice was up beat.
A couple of people told me after four or five years of using the peroxide they stopped. I ask why and both said they did not get sick, and they don’t think it was working. You can make that judgement. One friend of ours goes to the doctor for pacemaker check ups and the doctor tells him the peroxide will not help him but it will not do him any harm. He is using his second pacemaker. He has told me several times; if it were not for his inhaling the peroxide he would not be here today.
Bill Munro

Website: www.landrights.com
walkin last decade
Aloha Lew, I’d love to get your URL to see pics I’d the cribriform plate, etc.
I love what you shared here. Big Gratitude and thank you. Is this what you meant by emailing you?
Completefreedomall last year

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