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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

arnica 6 helped a diabetic

I was browsing 1 month back about various treatment for Type 2 diabetes there I saw people talking about ARNICA 6 in this forum I refered this to my maternal uncle who is homeopath doctor he told me arnica is muscle and tissue rapairing medicines and that happens when blood becomes thin and he also told me arnica action is fast and for short time so repeated dose is advisable I discussed with my allopathic doctor he told me in diabetes blood becomes like honey it's density increases and many impurities builds up in blood of diabetic so I started taking arnica 6 in half cup of water 5 drops to my surprise my HBA1C dropped from 6.3 to 5.7 again I discussed with my uncle who is homeopathic doctor he was surprised with the result even I have mild haemorrhage in retina and to my surprise 4 leake closed only one is remaining and now I'm taking wet dose of aRnice
Overall I can say that if blood is thin then muscle will absorb all sugar and blood remain free of high sugar
God bless Joe path
  Hamdaan on 2018-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hamdaan said I was browsing 1 month back about various treatment for Type 2 diabetes there I saw people talking about ARNICA 6 in this forum I refered this to my maternal uncle who is homeopath doctor he told me arnica is muscle and tissue rapairing medicines and that happens when blood becomes thin and he also told me arnica action is fast and for short time so repeated dose is advisable I discussed with my allopathic doctor he told me in diabetes blood becomes like honey it's density increases and many impurities builds up in blood of diabetic so I started taking arnica 6 in half cup of water 5 drops to my surprise my HBA1C dropped from 6.3 to 5.7 again I discussed with my uncle who is homeopathic doctor he was surprised with the result even I have mild haemorrhage in retina and to my surprise 4 leake closed only one is remaining and now I'm taking wet dose of aRnice
Overall I can say that if blood is thin then muscle will absorb all sugar and blood remain free of high sugar
God bless Joe path
Hamdaan 7 years ago

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