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Attention - Dr Maheeru : Unmotivated,lethargic,AngerRages, Defiant Depressed Teen

Dr. Maheeru,
Seeking your help. Quite desperate to get my child help.

My son in class/grade 11 is wanting to stop studying totally. There is some level of depression or feeling of not being good as other students. Also his effort is zero. Has terrible rages and very nasty behavior and argumentative at home. (Not in front of others). Sits in his room all day. Blames others for everything. Very sharp and intelligent. Very bad anger. Manipulative if he wants something. Has big ideas but does not have the patience or desire to put them to reality even when we offer him the resources.

He is 18 years old. He does not want to study and wants to quit school. Sits watching political and comedy shows all day. Has started failing in his classes. He will NOT do homework in order to sabotage himself. Some description below. Please help!

He is about 5'8 about 65kg. Likes to eat fried heavy foods, chips, nonveg, juices, sugary items and cold soda like pepsi. Likes cheese too. He is asthmatic and has allergy to dust. His skin is on dry side. He feels extra warm always. Coldest part of his body are his feet. He is not physically active and stays indoors mostly. (Wants to be in sports but feels not good enough so wont try out to be on team). He is arrogant, domineering and will hit us too. He is sensitive to smells and does not like loud noises. He speaks loudly (but his hearing has always been normal though as child he had tinnitus which is now ok).
He also has problem focusing in class, perhaps mildly Attention Deficit Disorder AND ASPERGERS (But he is high functioning just not motivated and has trouble focusing for uninteresting things like homework). I have noticed that multiple instructions at one time is something he has always had problem processing. His room is like a tornado went through with stuff everywhere. He is not organized. He does NOT brush teeth most of the time . Has started taking bath regularly though. He threatens to kill himself if we take his laptop away but I am convinced those are mere words to scare us. He does not like germs..bit of OCD there.

Some more :- Likes to eat fried foods, juices, soda, chips, burritos, cheese, yoghurt. Likes sweets. Is always thirsty, craves sugary drinks or juices.
-Tendency is to constipation as eats lot of junk food.
-Feels warm, sensitive to noises and smell and also light.
-No tobacco, alcohol. Eats meat but not everyday.
-Feels hot in body. Does not like sunny weather.
-- Depression. (Also low self esteem. Perhaps that caused depression)
-- ANGER (When angry , is not able to see reason and is very nasty
-Curses a lot
-Doesnot feel refreshed in morning when he wakes up
-Doesnot brush teeth, but must take a bath in the morning before going out.
-No patience. Gives up very quickly on any task not going ok according to him.

So far we have tried Nat Phos 200 and Nat Sulph 200 but no change.
It was suggested by another user and today I click on his profile and it says it is suspended! Would like to start over. I have read many posts on this forum and I like your approach to homeopathy. I hope you can help us.

Please suggest something for depression/low self esteem, anger , mental balance to think clearly like "If you want to succeed in life then you must study and go to college" . (Right now there is a disconnect where he does not connect effort to success ) I would like to add that he is not dumb or slow as he is very quick to learn but only if he wants.
  Jess1 on 2018-03-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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simone717 6 years ago
Simone, I didn't understand your instruction. Pls what Up to top means?
Jess1 6 years ago
I would like to add that today he had an exam. He did not go for that exam! Its and important exam and it cost us lot of money to pay for it.

First he didn't wake up (as he didn't go to school yesterday he slept a lot during day). Then he woke but refused to go. After more than one hour of arguing with us, he is awake but at home. Finds test taking to be tedious. Has trouble focusing in the Reading/Comprehension parts (says math is easier).

He is not a good communicator in the sense when things are not okay he cannot/willnot be clear about what he is feeling. Just "You do not understand..go away..its my life and I can spoil it if I want" . Only today he mentioned that he finds focusing trouble in Reading/Comprehension. He can get help and tutors and the exam is sort of a practice exam. He refuses to get any help saying he will just do the final exam and not practice exam. However he does not connect (or accept) that the practice exam and the instructor will help him overcome some of the issues with strategies taught there. He feels he knows better than anyone else.
Jess1 6 years ago
Hi, people put “bump up” etc on a post to have the post go to top of forum -
So it gets more attention, and when they are not getting a reply. Maheeru is not on everyday, so I put post up to top for him to see it better.
simone717 6 years ago

Please get a remedy Nux Vom. 30c either in pill or drop form whichever is easy for you to give your son.

Just one hour before bed, give him one pill/drop. Pill may have to be sucked, so drop may be better. Nothing to be consumed (food/liquid) 30 minutes before and after the dose.

Give him six such doses on six consecutive days.

Wait for a week to observe changes and post.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thanks, I will start giving him remedy. I understand that after sixth dose, I wait one more week to see the effect of the remedy. After these 13 days I report to you again. I hope my understanding is correct.
Many Thanks!
Jess1 6 years ago
Yes your understanding is right.
maheeru 6 years ago
Hi Dr. Maheeru, I have not seen any change in him.
He is still totally unmotivated, anger rages and ALWAYS curses.
Jess1 6 years ago
His workload at school is reduced now a bit, but he is still failing in subjects as he wont do his homework. No effort. Gets very angry if reminded. He is brilliant. Workload is average or below average most days and still he wont do it. His teachers have given him opportunity to make up for many many missed assignments but he just wont do it. Feels its useless as it wont help him make big money. Some delusional/disconnected feeling with his perception and actual reality.
Jess1 6 years ago
Give him Anacardium 200c.

Give it once a week. The dose will be two pills/drops. Maximum of eight or nine doses. If he aggravates in between stop and report.
maheeru 6 years ago
Thanks so much.
Jess1 6 years ago
Dr Maheeru, I want to give you an update. My kid refused to take medicine last month. Nothing at all. He is put on depression medicine (Lexapro). It doesn't seem to make too much difference overall. Couple weeks ago he quit school totally, with only 3 weeks of school left. Will just lay in bed listening to music. I think I may be able to give him Anacardium now (he is at home and more calm) if you instruct me to.

He does want to go to college. He got scared when he realized other students are getting better marks than him and aiming for popular universities. Strangely he is not at the bottom of his class ..but somewhere average to just below that average mark. However he lost confidence and his stubbornness is not to do anything about it. School has accommodated by saying he can finish from home and just come in for final test but he wont put in any effort at all. He also has lofty ideas like finishing two years of math courses in one year (but he is not wanting to finish his current math even..we have offered him tutoring help, extra classes but he is not open to anything ). He seems to have lot of hate for us (parents) and lack of trust.
Jess1 5 years ago
Any known reason why he doesn't take medicine?
maheeru 5 years ago
He is obstinate for sure. If he is upset and doesn't want to take it then he will refuse.
I don't know if he is afraid of taking it for sideeffects.

He is definitely afraid he may have had heavy metal toxin on lead in his body as he has read on the internet that ADHD is often caused by these. This sort of paranoia has extended to homeopathy medicine.

He does not talk much as in sharing his feelings. He has nightmares too sometimes thesedays, especially in early morning. I think there is fear in his mind regarding ADD and Aspergers diagnosis. Sometimes he feels better using this diagnosis as a shield/excuse for not doing his work or bad behavior
Jess1 5 years ago
Ok we may revisit Anac. later. Give him Hyoscyamus 200c first. If you can convince him to take no problem. Instead of directly taking pills on the tongue, dissolve two pills/drops in 250ml water in a water bottle and from this bottle ask him to take one drop two times a week. Just before taking the dose someone has to shake the bottle up and down for five times.

If it has to be indirect administration---then put two drops of the medicine into the glass from which he drinks water. Make sure others do not drink from this glass and when the time comes to stop the doses, dispose this glass and get him a new one. You need not add medicine every time, the first time would be enough. Medicine's impact will remain even if the glass is emptied and refilled again and again.
maheeru 5 years ago

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