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Nat Phos 6x OK with probiotics?

Hi, I have just started my 2 month old son on the Nat Phos 6x remedy for his silent reflux; 1/2 tab after every feeding. I have a few concerns.

1.) I have started him on the Klaire Labs Therbiotic for infants, I give it to him in his breast milk in a bottle. Is it okay to give to him and then give the Nat Phos after the bottle?

2.) My son has also been taking PolyViSol multivitamins, same way as the pro biotic I put it in his breast milk bottle once a day. Is Nat Phos OK to give right after this feed as well?

3.) And lastly, sometimes it is hard to tell when my baby is entirely full. He may eat 4 ounces, I think he is done and give him the Nat Phos dissolved in a little breastmilk, but then he starts chewing on his hand or crying for more. Will the Nat Phos still work if I feed him more? I have noticed it says to administer it "IMMEDIATELY after a feed" so I am just wondering if in this scenario where he asks for a couple more ounces if I should give him another half tab when finished so he doesn't get painful reflux.

One more question I had about Nat Phos is what does it do exactly? Does it neutralize the acid, without blocking it? That is just my assumption. Hopeful to get some answers and excited to participate in these forums, and learn more about homeopathy as I grow as a new mom! Thank you in advance.
  mamaearthling on 2018-03-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You are doing joe de livera protocol . Joe is not on the forum -he is retired
At 85 years old. He is not a dr or homeopath.

There are other remedies for reflux besides nat phos. Nat phos 6x
Reduces acidic states. You can certainly feed the baby more after you have given it.

Nat phos, like other remedies can for a short time make the condition appear again if you give too much. I suggest try it after 3 feedings- morning,
Mid day and evening and see if it helps. If it does help reduce the doses
Until it is not needed. If it does nothing, then
Do a new thread on here, and someone can suggest.

I would give the pro biotic at a different feed.
And why is it you are giving the probiotic??
Sometimes probiotics do not agree and cause gas, cramps etc so it
Is better if you can watch effect .
simone717 6 years ago

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