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Lachesis: Boiron Arnicare ®:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Drs, Kidneys pain after lachesis

My doctor gave me 4 different homeopathic medicines to take and I think I need some help.

He asked me to take 4 medicines daily:

ignatia 10M FC
natrum muriaticum 200FC
lachesis 30ch
lithium carbonicum 12ch

I had several new symptoms caused by daily repetitions, so I stopped all of them but lachesis, cause I thought it was good for me, but now I have kidneys pain!

It is a new problem. I am really worried about serious damage being caused to my kidneys. what should I do in order to antidote lachesis and lithium, since both of them can cause damage to kidneys if repeated too much.

I feel stiches and a burn on them Nd a discomfort.

Please help!
  julia2 on 2019-11-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is your “prescriber” a homeopath or some other
Health type person ? Your prescriptions are
Total overdosing and not how homeopathy is done.

Remedies are just a molecular diluted copy of the
Substance. They cannot do real damage- eventually
These things will wear off.

You can try taking nux vomica 30 c in the evening
For a few days to help. You can also get something
Like Vick’s ointment and rub on large portions of skin.
It has camphor and camphor antidotes almost
simone717 4 years ago
Hi simone, yes his is a real doctor, what about you?

I think nux is not recommended at all since it is inimical of ignatia and it would spoil the case and do God knows what with my body ability to response. My energy.

Sorry, but I prefer real doctors to answer my questions.

"Best to contact a real homeopath online or face to face for reliable advice." This is ecxactly what I did and still, you are questining it.

Haven't you noticed the "dr" on the title of my post? Sorry, but you always answer in the same suspicious way and it is getting on me.
[Edited by julia2 on 2019-11-30 16:58:33]
julia2 4 years ago
There are naturopath drs who have very little homeopathic
Education- they sometimes prescribe remedies
Like vitamin prescriptions in large amounts of
Doses. There are also chiropractic drs who do
The same. I was wondering whether you had one
Of those type of practioners prescribe.

You can click any user name and see what they tell
About themselves. There are no MD doctors on
This forum.

Best wishes for you to get well.
simone717 4 years ago
Why don't you ask your doctor? This is about case management, so your doctor should be managing your case.
Giving the first prescription is the most easiest part of the homeopathy, but what to do after a patient has taken a remedy is really up to the skill of homeopaths. Very skilled, experienced homeopaths can always manage a case when someone like you comes back say they started to have a new symptom or not feeling well since taken a remedy and all that.
Tui 4 years ago
"Very skilled, experienced homeopaths can always manage a case when someone like you comes back say they started to have new symptom or not feeling well since taken a remedy and all that."

In my experience? I don't think so!
JS123 4 years ago
I'm fully agreed with Simone.
When we see different symptoms and find different root cause, we should target the most violent one at first. The prescriber prescribed you a huge number of medicines. And happened so what is expected.
You may see various of cases here handled by single remedy and with very effectively and easily.
Follow the advice of Simone.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago

I don't know your experience with homeopath, but perhaps whoever you went to see wasn't a competent homeopath.

Good homeopaths can always predict after giving a remedy and they know exactly what to do in case of aggravation or proving. (Skilled homeopaths do NOT create aggravations or provings as aggravations are not always good thing as many people believe)
And They always answer your questions if you have any doubts and have a treatment plan for you so you know what to expect and for how long it will take to get outcome!

If your homeopath didn't provide those service, I can understand why you disagreed on my previous comment.
Tui 4 years ago
"You may see various of cases here handled by single remedy and with very effectively and easily."

Please confirm this.
JS123 4 years ago
I think you are here to argue. Why to confirm? Are you not able to search? I think you did not understand with the sentence or you want to debate. By the single remedy means only one remedy at a time.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago

Best course of action would be to stop all medicines and give a buffer period to let the effects pass. If after this period effects still persist anti doting may be done. You could also consult with your doctor to see what can be done further.

If you are doubtful about kidney damage get a test done. How many days have you done these medicines. By classical standards the prescription is not only unconventional but also potentially harmful especially given your sensitivity. However some intractable conditions may need such prescriptions with a trade off--that can be concluded only after looking into the case in detail.

Glen Bidwell MD wrote a master piece on repertorising cases. In the preface he says that only 10% of homeopaths ever get the basics of case-taking/repertorising/homeopathic analysis right. So medical training or not, Dr title or not, MD title or not---Homeopathy is a niche area and classical prescribing is further niche!

You would have seen the rider, 'This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals'---in default this forum considers every one as a common person with no medical knowledge but there may be members with qualification or medical training. You can always check out the profiles of members and their body of work available on the forum. Profiles can be cryptic. Like 'never judge a book from it's covers', always check out members' other threads/posts/cases and their healing aptitude.
maheeru 4 years ago

I have interacted with JS123 in the past on this board. He has taken homeopathy for more than twenty years but have not had results for his hernia problem(if my memory serves right)---in the course he has also seen some aggravations/provings. So I can understand where he comes from. But yes he also needs to search and find threads where some good homeopathy has been done over the years. There may be plenty of superficial threads but there are some really good stuff in the pile, one just has to look for it.
[Edited by maheeru on 2019-12-03 02:59:43]
maheeru 4 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.