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Maheru, would you mind taking a look?...

How are you?

I am so glad to see that you're back on this forum.

May I ask for your help here?

I am struggling lately and could use some sound homeopathic advice.

I took a dose of Lac Equinum about a month and a half ago and it helped me greatly-- took away a lot of my lethargy, impatience and gloomy mood. After about a month the impatience and gloom crept back so I thought another dose. But it's been about two weeks and it's only gotten worse.

I am so emotionally charged, I have very little patience and ADHD symptoms...can't seem to focus or get motivated, I lose my thoughts in the middle of going to do a thing/forget what I was going to do.

I have very little patience with my kids, but it's not like an angry impatience, it's exasperated, desperate, frustrated...I have thoughts of leaving the house, and want to be by myself.

I truly want to just enjoy my kids and relax and play with them, but I feel like I don't have time, and every time I try to do a project or chore of any kind there's an interruption and I don't have the patience to work through it, I just freak out and make them go away.

This makes me want to cry because I don't want to treat them this way, and I'm afraid I'm damaging them somehow. I feel like a failure as a mom.

It seems to get much worse around ovulation time. I am utterly irrational and want to cry at everything... it clears up around when my period starts and then I feel OK for a week or two.

I can't handle loud noises or competing noises...If someone says too many details to me at once in an explanation, especially having to do with numbers its as thought whatever they just spoke was a blur and I didn't even hear it or process it. I'm immediately confused and everything is jumbled.

I have been really off of food lately even though I feel like I need to eat. My stomach feels bloated almost all the time and I'd rather just not eat at all, but that doesn't work either....

I have a hard time shutting my mind off at night to go to sleep and though my sleep seems to be sound and relaxing, I can barely wake up in the morning, sleep in late and then feel lousy because not only did I get too much sleep (and that always leaves me feeling groggy all day) but I feel again like a failure because I've wasted half the day sleeping and let the kids sleep too long and set my whole day and next night into the same circle again.

I am desperate for clarity of mind, energy, and feeling mentally capable and strong.


As usual, I prefer single remedy/dose/wait/watch method.
Please ask if you need clarification on any points.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to talking with you!
  rom109 on 2020-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi again--

I had plugged in my symptoms to the Remedy Finder and decided on Sulphur which I took a dose of on the evening of the 29th.

I feel like it took everything I previously described from a 10 down to a 4 and it's been consistent this whole time. I do believe the remaining 4 is tied to nutrition and getting those elements right on a daily basis.

One thing I do have to complain about is ever since the Sulph dose I've had consistent neck tension and an irritating headache. It is especially difficult to go to sleep at night with the tension and my mind just not wanting to stop thinking about all the things...things i did today things i need to do tomorrow...etc..
And then I have bad dreams a lot. Of bad things happening to people I care about.

it's still hard to wake up in the morning, but a little easier.

I'd love for this neck and upper back tension to go away though...
rom109 4 years ago
Forgot to say....the neck tension seems like it's getting worse over the last couple of days.
rom109 4 years ago
Hi again Rom

May be you can try Nux v.
maheeru 4 years ago
Ok I did.
I used 30c and diluted it out in water cups 3 times about a week ago.

It changed the headache I had to just a different kind of pain for about a day and a half and then it subsided.

The last week or so prior to taking Nux my face has been breaking out with acne like crazy. I haven’t had anything like this since I was a teenager. They are small and deep in the skin and painful to the touch.

They don’t really come to a head, but just are red raised painful swollen bumps. I know I shouldn’t, but I pick at them and then they take forever to heal.

Weird thing is it’s only on my forehead, nose and the left side of my face.
I do tend to sleep on my left side, but I change my pillowcase frequently so I’m just baffled.

I have not changed any other part of my hygiene routine.

I am feeling much better emotionally, especially mid cycle, but my daughter, who is two and still nursing, is extra clingy, needy and emotionally volatile now.
I am having some wicked cramps though at the moment ...

The last couple of nights I’ve had bad dreams again...dreams I don’t want to fall back asleep into. They had gone away for most of the last week.
rom109 4 years ago
....and now my joints are becoming achey...
rom109 4 years ago
How about the neck pain and stiffness?
maheeru 4 years ago
Neck pain and stiffness is completely gone :)
rom109 4 years ago
Have been busy for some days now and my response last time was also done in a rush. I only could focus on your request to make this neck pain go away :)

If you think Sulph. is doing good, you may continue it, or if it's Nux you may continue it. Independent of these options one may also consider Silica.
maheeru 4 years ago
okay.....i'm really getting fed up.

everything is just a partial and aggravates other things and it just becomes this ridiculous rollercoaster...chasing a fairytale.

I decided to try Silica-- I haven't used that remedy in many years and I thought id give it a shot.

my acne improved by maybe 80% but what remains is totally festering.

I've noticed an incredibly frustrating decline in my memory and brain fog lately. A lot of the times I just feel like I'm drunk or stoned....all day long.

today my husband was out running errands, came home, told me he was going on another outing and a couple hours after he left I cold not for the life of me remember where he said he was going.

I keep forgetting things from one minute to another...it's like they're just completely gone. :'(

My thoughts are slow at computing and I will loose my train of thought mid sentence and literally forget what I just said.

I know homeopathy can do amazing things but there are times where I wish I could just erase all remedies in my system.
They make too much of an impression and too many aggravations.

And don't tell me to drink coffee cause I do and it doesn't change anything.

Please help, I need some balance....and my memory back.
rom109 4 years ago
Which potency and how was it dosed?

Yeah that's a challenge that remedies aggravate and they go off tangent most of the time.

Well have you checked if what you already take in terms of extra(supplements/vits) could be causing some of these effects?
maheeru 4 years ago
I took the Silica 1m ... that's all I had.
I always use the water method. Dissolve one pellet in 4oz of water, stir, and dilute at least 3 times in 4oz of water per each cup. Then take a tsp of final cup as a dose.

other supplements I currently take are vitamin D (I live in Seattle, Washington USA where the sun is absent for half the year. It's necessary) and a very low dose of selenium when I remember because it helps with the fatigue and evening energy crash.

That is all. There is nothing that I take that would explain how I feel, or the way that remedies have ALWAYS acted on me.

I've been trying to find the answer for years.

After writing that last update I tried Lycopodium 30c (dosed as noted above)
And it's helped much with the skin and the forgetfulness a bit.
The brain fog/inebriated feeling is gone until about exactly 5 PM every day and I feel very tired and my eyes feel swollen and dry with it. I feel like I need a nap but it's either terrible timing as far as my chores are concerned, or I just can't actually fall asleep.

Now I am noticing an increase in sensitivity to offenses. I feel defensive towards any kind of rejection or opposing opinion .... I have definitely felt this before in my life.

A woman I work with is very frank with me and tends to frame things in a negative way, and I end up feeling so angry and offended at her and assume that she is a terrible person. I'm constantly afraid that I am getting rejected and that people who are important to me are disapproving of me and maybe think I'm inferior. I'm also afraid of losing control of my ability to be rational. (this has always been my fear, but I am dwelling on it more now because I feel like it's happening.)

one thing i am noticing is also sticking is that I am here again at mid-cycle and I feel moody as though I would be PMS'ing.

I have Lycopodium in an LM potency. I'm wondering if it would be good to try that. But I'm not sure how to use LM's.
rom109 4 years ago
I will also like to add that I only recently began the selenium and these symptoms have been persistent in varying degrees for the last 12 years of my life.
rom109 4 years ago

1M for your sensitivity was a bit on high side. 200c might have been a good option.

For a few days my availability will be less, so if I'm unable to post for some days in a stretch I regret the inconvenience. However will try to post a brief note about LM dosing if possible.
maheeru 4 years ago

Since you know how to prepare wet dose, it'd be easy to prepare LM doses. Theoretically Centesimal wet doses would be prepared in less quantity of water --range would be 30 to 120ml and LMs in the range of 250ml to 600ml. But Centesimal wet doses are practically prepared in more water----so in actuality, the wet dose preparation will be the same in contour.

So in LM wet dose, you just take one pill to the water bottle that contains 400 ml water bottle. From this you could take a couple of drops as a dose. The succussion will stay the same as we have discussed earlier. But based on sensitivity, you may want to move these drops to one or more dilution cups from where you could take drop doses after stirring. LM1 is preferable if you start a remedy afresh or LM3 if you have recently taken 30c/200c already.
[Edited by maheeru on 2020-04-07 04:54:44]
maheeru 4 years ago
alright --
so this pattern of irritablility...

I just finished my menstrual cycle and It was like I was normal for a week.

Literally the DAY it stopped I began to get irritated at every little thing and people, people that I normally have patience for but all of the sudden feel like they're totally obnoxious, stupid, and unbearable. everything they say I am just put off by and picture them just being so disingenuine and think maybe they're manipulating me.

I'm frustrated, cranky, and over this, yet again.

My 2 year old daughter has also gone from sleeping through the night peacefully to restless and waking every few hours and begging to nurse.
This was the same pattern with her last month, too.
Prior to my cycle this last few weeks it was almost as if myself and both of my children were experiencing PMS. It was awful.
rom109 4 years ago
Lyc is also good for PMS. You can try various potencies.

Another suggestion is Sepia. I would not want to hop just because one medicine did not work in one cycle or so. These problems take time, these medicines need to be used over cycles to ascertain actual benefits or lack there of.
maheeru 4 years ago
It definitely wasn’t working and was getting worse over time. I’m not going to play with any further potencies. I’ve done that already. And I have tried Sepia quite a bit.

I actually tried Belladona 30 a day or three after writing you. It soothed my irritability by at least 80%.

The day of, I was in a horrible state of anxt, had gotten in a heated fight with my sister, and my cue was that I said to my husband as he walked in the room, “I literally just want to run away right now.”
Then I plugged in my symptoms and Bell came up. It’s got some scary indications but I think what scared me was a mirror of my own pain.

I don’t feel disinterest in my kids or hate for my husband...sepia just isn’t quite right.

Don’t think this was typical PMS.
Not a fan of generalities.
[Edited by rom109 on 2020-04-27 05:20:28]
rom109 4 years ago
I might have said it differently. It was based on what you said PMS like but not exactly PMS.

When I talk about remedies I do take the whole case(qualitative manner) into account. So Sepia was not based on just PMS or a particular generality (however generality has a significant place in homeopathy, J.T Kent says brilliant cures can be done only through generalities... anyways I know your sensitivities).

Interesting you said you chose Bella from the cue 'running away'---literally that's Bella, but metaphorically it could be Sepia after reaching the saturation point, exhausted, can't take anymore sensation, one just wants to escape the current difficult/overworked state.

Since you got benefit from Bell., you might want to keep Cham. also in the radar.
maheeru 4 years ago

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