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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

GERD with breathlessness


I am 50 year old female and suffering from acid reflux, gas and breathlessness. Also from menopause. Can you please suggest some remedy.

  Dhillon28 on 2020-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Arsenic Alb-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Natrum Phis-12x 3 pallets twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2

Pl take above treatment for one week and then give feedback

homeo helper
homeo_helper 3 years ago
thank you for the response. I have ordered the medicines and in the meantime I had Natrum Phos 6X which I am taking twice a day. And Arsenic Alb 30C also I had and I am taking twice a day. So far breathlessness is little better but acidity is still bad. Burning sensation in the throat and chest is like painful knotted feeling. I dont feel like eating but I am scared so i eat a little khichdi.

Thank you again. I will let you know more after a week.
Dhillon28 3 years ago
The acid reflux is caused by food choices over time.
Eating and drinking acidic foods starts to turn
The body cells into an acidic ph. The cells are supposed to be an alkaline ph.

You have to eliminate acidic items for about 3 weeks. Such as
Black tea, citrus fruits and drinks, chocolate,
Coffee, spicy foods-google acidic forming foods
And alkaline foods- once you start this the condition
Will improve. After you reset your cells you can add in
Acidic things again- and you will know you
Have had too much when you start symptoms again.

Homeopathy will help, but it will not cure if
The diet is wrong.
simone717 3 years ago
Dear Dhillon:

a) Keep away from Aspirin, as it causes ulcers in
food pipe and stomach.

b) Chew Mulathi or Licorice stick or drink Licorice powder in warm milk at night. It acts like vegetable-steroid. It will

c) Use two pillows to keep acid in stomach.

d) The primary cause is typically constipation. On straining, the acid comes up in food pipe.
I was responsible for testing of 300 patients over 5 years in testing Valve between food pipe and stomach.

e) You can also try Carbo Veg. Homeopathy Carbo Vegetabilis 30 c, few granules under tongue, every day for 20 days. It is
actually Charcoal in Homeopathy form. It will remove gas and toxins from intestine.


paul_chahal 3 years ago
anuj srivastava 3 years ago

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