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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

whooping cough

I need to know how best to treat whooping cough in a variety of ages. The homeopaths near me charge an arm and a leg and I have 8 patients - Heaven help me, I am on of them but also acting as Dr. Mom.
I can post the symptoms and patients particulars or....I would prefer to respond to an email.
  sag9home on 2004-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how you sure it's whooping cough?

8 patients? list each characteristics--seperate info- in definite manor..

post here or email--your choice---no matter what --these cases need tending...
John Stanton last decade
The cough began as a slight cough on July 2 and progressed to a whooping stage almost 12 days ago in my son who is 12 - he had his first cough free night last night and seems to be getting better daily - he never lost his appetite and is down to a cough only when exerting during the day.

The next two who came down with it (July 13)are both boys one 8 one 10. The 10 year old seems to be able to control his cough although at night he (last two nights) has been awakened 3-4 times with the cough but there is no whooping just a persistent cough in a series and thenm he goes right back to sleep after drinking water.
The 8 eight year old has episodes that last up to a minute of coughing where he can't catch his breath and sometimes he will throw up a small amount of mucous. The cough is sometimes accompanied by a whoop but not always. He then goes back to sleep at once for another two or more hours. His episodes have diminished in frequency to two per night and occasionally during the day upon exertion.

My 17 year old daughter has only coughing fits no whoop and it sounds as if she is very congested but does not produce any mucous. Her coughing is worse at night where she will cough for up to several hours at a time. She takes drinks of water as well as an herbal tincture for calming and it will help her go back to sleep.

My 13 year old daughter has almost the same symptoms except for the fact that her cough sounds dryer and more hacking.

My symptoms (I am 36) are the same as the girls although I cannot sleep without coughing and I have to keep a cough drop (vita c) in cheek at all times or I would not be able to lie in bed. I feel good during the day for the last few days. I have a constricted feeling in my chest that lends me to think that I have a bad cold that has not broken up yet.

My 1 year old is the one we are most concerned about as he has just began the bad coughing fits. He started coughing about July 16 only a few little coughs per day. When he cries he coughs and he wakes up at night coughing as if he can't catch his breath. He turns bright red but always responds to patting on the back and the sound of water running. His coughing lasts about 15 seconds. He is a very healthy kid 30 lbs at least and his appetite has returned over the last few days. He has not thrown up but has coughed up a bit of mucous at times.

My husband 44 has a terrible cough and headache to go with. He feels as though he has pneumonia as his chest is very tight - he has been coughing up mucous regularly but has not had a whoop or regular coughing fits.

We did not vaccinate the kids - our vaccinations are not up to date if we had them when we were young, we have been trying to treat this naturally with vita c, garlic, homeopathics and herbs as we do with all of our other maladies when we have them. AS a family we eat well -no junk - I have the Pertussin nosode in 1 M and 30 C and Drosera in 30 C but am not sure if we are too late in giving these now or would they help? We have gotten advice from other sources but need to get some solid answers for at least the baby as we do not want to take him to the doctor unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks for you time and response.
sag9home last decade
so far---

1 dose "only" arsenicum 30c for 1 year old...

what date 17 year old start with cough ?
John Stanton last decade
1 dose "only" sepia 30c for yourself..
John Stanton last decade
husband--1 dose "only" bryonia 30c
John Stanton last decade
with these prescriptions---please post response or lack of response to remedies--
John Stanton last decade
Which Arsenicum do I purchase ?
sag9home last decade
arsenium alba
John Stanton last decade
John Stanton last decade

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