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Possible Covid infection and treatment

Myself, M/47yrs, 6ft tall (overweight at 99kilos), hypertensive but not diabetic. Non-smoker, vegetarian and do not consume any alcohol. Was doing brisk-walking for min.

Since 2 days having few symptoms that might indicate possible Covid infection. Started with feeling feverish, hot eyes, head heaviness. From day-2 felt sore-throat (could sense the buildup of irritation). Since then slight body pains were noticed that came and went, fever responded to paracetamol 650mg, but last 18hours been without it, and feel like I have a low-grade fever, with pain behind/around eye sockets, started having runny nose from last night, with some coughing. Only in some very specific positions of lying down on my back with head-up against bedpost like to read a book, do I feel a slight wheezing sound from lungs, but otherwise do not notice any breathing issues so far. SPO2 has been around 96-97.

Coughing is not much, and sometimes coughing does bring up clear, wet, slimy phlegm. Have been taking steam twice-thrice since yesterday, and gargle with salt-water or Betadine 5% diluted twice. So far continuing with Hepar Sulpher 30C and Belladona twice daily (until today).

Side note, day-1 when I got symptoms, it was the 2nd day of me caring for my son, who was exhibiting what we thought were Dengue like symptoms -- high fever with chills, upset stomach, body-pain, significant weakness, malaise. His Dengue panel came out negative. He is much better now, but not 100%.
  falcon74 on 2022-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Calcarea Carb 200 one dose only. Do not repeat medicine. Do not take sour food or drink for two weeks. Update daily for three days.
telescope last year

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