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Hyperacusis (sound hypersensitivity caused by a loud sound)


This just happened to many very recently, about 3 weeks ago. I was watching the fireworks. I was puzzled because the boom sounds slightly hurt in my ears. That has never happened before. I even checked if some other people watching were fine and they seemed to be. I thought that the pain would pass soon.

But when I got home, I noticed I had became hypersensitive to all sounds. I could not tolerate any music or even talk from computer or tv etc. There was also some ringing in my ears and some ear pains, too.

Almost 3 weeks later and the situation is the same. I am very sensitive to normal sounds that shouldnt bother me at all. They either cause me pains in the ears, or feeling of fullness or ringing in the ears.

This has been very devastating. Many websites say that there is no cure for such a problem except maybe some treatments with certain sounds and it can take even a year before there is improvements.

Any ideas if some homeopathic remedy might help?

  Owuff on 2023-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Sepia 30 single dose. Feedback after a week. Avoid coffee.

Dosing: see my profile
Ziomih 8 months ago
Nux vomica 6C - three granules a day
Theridion 30C - one granule every three days or once a week
[Edited by heliodor14 on 2023-09-15 12:28:09]
heliodor14 8 months ago

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