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Strangest thing that I am facing for the previous few months

Hello Doctors, I hope everyone is fine here. Doctors, First of all I am stuck here in a country where I cant find even a Homeopathic medicine or ayurvedic store thats why I am asking this here.

1) Right side of my head right above temple feels heavy, painful.
2) Right side of my nose also gets blocked sometimes (I think Sinusitis or whatever I dont really know)
3) My mind thinks on its own and strange type of things going on on my brain all the time I dont know whats happening.

I am tired of my conditions sometimes I fight with it when I cant sleep at night.
  prankstar1 on 2023-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Ars 12c OD. Feedback after a week.

Dosing: see my profile
Ziomih 11 months ago

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