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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5 year old boy with Eczema behind knee HELP


My son is 5 and he has had eczema since 1 years old.
His eczema went away when we moved from Arizona to Florida (dry to humid environment) and now his eczema has come back in a different form. It looks much different than it did when he was younger.

My son is very animated and loves to tell stories. He’s competitive and physically athletic. He is also very impatient and will break down and cry if he cannot have what he wants when he wants it. Sometimes he is able to compromise but when he is upset he gets angry and screams at the top of his lungs. He can also resort to hitting and saying bad words.
He doesn’t like to talk about emotions or anything sentimental. He will say “I don’t want to talk about that right now” and change the subject.
He can also be critical and rude to his family members when upset.

At night he wakes up almost always at same time crying. Between 11pm and 1:00 am

He likes to lay in the sun but doesn’t like to be too hot. He does get cold at night and will ask to be covered with a blanket which he will eventually kick off because he moves around a lot in his sleep. His most common sleep position is on the stomach with arms tucked under his body.

He likes to do things right so when it comes to learning he doesn’t like getting it wrong. He is very hard on himself.

There is a white discoloration with his papular rash behind the left knee. He also has the papules behind the right knee but everything is worse on the left side. He also has some random papules on his lower leg and butt cheek that look just like the ones behind his knee.
He seems to itch the most when he is warm and when he is still.

He also has some dry eczema around his mouth and nose. It looks more white with light flaky skin.

His favorite foods are eggs and butter toast and anything sweet.
His favorite animals are snakes

I have attached a picture for reference. This is his left knee.

Thank you for your help!
  Alizou13 on 2023-09-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pic not seen.Mail on my ID in my profile.
anuj srivastava 7 months ago

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