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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Doctors do not interfere with others.Follow some ethics. Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
About expectations..I will do my best.Do not worry.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
Dr. Sharma

Make us happy and proud of you.

I will be the first to give you a hug.
Happyface last decade
That seems to have come to an amicable conclusion, but [the official line is]:

Please DO say if you feel another's prescription is wrong. It would be more helpful to all concerned if you say WHY you think another remedy is the appropriate one, rather than just 'no, don't try that try...'

[moderated: as sighmoon's post implied he was official, which he isn't. But yes, that's the official line.]
monza last decade
Dear Happy face,Sighmoon,
My friends I am here to help others.I do not have any problem to help Pankaj or others here.If they ask me or if I see there is something wrong I will definitely discuss it with them.
Because its not for me its for others and I can not play with life of others.Doctor has no right to play,he is to help others.

Dr.Dinesh Sharma
drdineshsharma last decade
intersting --why pankaj twists doc sharmas words but never an address to happyface====maybe in it together or fear or jealousy of doc...no matter ---whom are really he guilty --the man whom pulls the trigger or the one whom stands and watches without action to help----all depends on deep inner motives --doesnt it?
John Stanton last decade
Yea John...will make gud script for a movie !!!

Just have to decide...Hollywood or Bollywood !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
i knew you would like it pankaj..
John Stanton last decade

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