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4 yr old with persistant, productive cough 4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

persistant productive cough

approximately 2 weeks ago i went in to the doctors for an extreme soar throat and stuffy/runny nose. the doctor checked to see if i had strep throat and the test came back negetive. He put placed me on amoxicilin because he felt that it was going to develop. 3 days after my visit i develop a productive cough. i began to take expectorant. last week i went in to the doctors again because i wasnt getting anybetter. he then put me on a medication for my nose and cough. it made the symptoms less severe but still they remained. until now i still have a runny nose and when i cough it doesnt produce much phlegm but it takes twice the effort to cough it out. i dont know what to do anymore. im definitely not getting worse but i dont feel like im getting any better either. should i go to a different doctor and see what he suggest? as of now im taking a chinese cough syrup. i just started taking it so i cant tell whether it's working or not. someone please help, i feel like i have reached a dead end.
  anjelle143 on 2004-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
start treatment single dose "ONLY" nux-vomica 200c

STOP NOW! all other medicines.

MUST AVOID milk products;spicy foods;condiments;all acidic foods and drinks...i.e ..coffee;tea;coca-cola,pepsi and like;vinegar; all fruits and juices;alcoholic beverages...etc

NO!! other medicines -remedies- antibiotics-expectorants...etc

post back response or lack of response to nux-vomica 200c
John Stanton last decade

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