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SECOND reply & question to itsme!

Thanks again for your expedient reply!

What I know for sure is that my overall condition is much better today than it was two years ago when I first had Lycopodium. Being Danish, I don't quite understand the meaning of "proving" a remedy, so I'm not sure if I have already "proved" Lyc!

Also, I get the upsetting impression that taking any homeopathic remedy in a wrong way can actually lead to fatal results - can this really be true, I mean, the Lyc I once took can't possibly still be working in me, can it?

Well, I have ordered Lyc. 1M and 30C on the net and expect it to arrive next week. What do mean when you say that 30C might"antidote" 1M. You say that I might just take 1M once - is that better than taking 30C?

The truth is that I'm not and never was seriously depressed, but I today suffer from a poor self-esteem, spent hours in front of mirrors, crave sweet things and prefer to be alone, which is typically Lycopodium! I'm not sick from depression, nor do I suffer from any serious physical desease!

Please, let me know what you think + explain CLEARLY, as I now feel a bit worried about taking Lyc again - in any potency!

Many kind regards,

Reidun, Denmark!
  guest user on 2004-09-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
"... poor self-esteem, spent hours in front of mirrors, crave sweet things and prefer to be alone..." is NOT! typically lycopodium..MUST ! have confirmatory symptoms to validate..
John Stanton last decade
I'm very convinced that the symptoms I've listed above ARE Lyc. symptoms - have read about lycopodium clavatum in a British homeopathic magazine, so I know lots of details. Besides, I have taken the remedy-finder test onthis site, and it referred me to Lyc.! But if you really don't agree, what could you suggest instead - when the fact is that...

- I hate speaking up for myself and talk in front of an audience
- Feel insecure about my body & my looks in general
- "Bossy" at home - crave order everywhere
- Nervous about failing in new projects, etc.
- Love sweet drinks/foods, but hate myself whenever I have given into my need.

Any suggestion about a Lyc. potencies or another remedy is welcome.

Thank you once again,

guest user last decade
not convinced lycopdium is wrong or right...

give full case (not just a brief mental sketching and like sweets) and will tell you better..include physical characteristics
John Stanton last decade

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