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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Long term hair loss and acne, history of ME

Im not sure how detailed i can be but basically..
I was renouned for my extremely thick hair and great complexion, that was until about 1996/97 (when i started college) when my hair gradually started falling out but i put up with it thinking it was my head trying to free up energy to think.
However, in 1999 i had a wierd fungal/viral infection (never determined) and was on a course of antibiotics..soon after i sufered from ME but my Doctor does not beleive in such things and classifed me depressed and put me on prozac-owing to the fact that i was doing a difficult medical degree and i was finding it difficult to cope..this was far from the truth as i must humbly say that i am very bright and have a very good temperament and didnt find it a problem at all...
thereafter my hair started falling drastically and i stopped the prozac.
My ME has subsided due to rigorous acupuncture, though obviously its left me 'half the person i was' but i think it was my own personal strength that healed me more than anything. However,my hair fell out in massive amount and my hair thinned to a tiny handful..most of it falling on the top of the scalp. Also i developed acne (at the age of 20) and have never recovered from it since. I have tried many homeopathic remedies from a gp but theyve not REALLY helped...the hair loss has slowed a little but im still 'very thin on top'.I have tried topical antibiotics but no avail..oxytetraciline has helped me but im not fond of the antibiotic.
After my ME i developed an allergy to milk...as my eczema reoccurred after 8 years or so.
Also, i have had extremely painful, dark and clogged periods since the age of 16..i am now 24.
I find sleep is sometimes refreshing sometimes not at all.
i feel lethargic alot and prone to minor illnesses...and as soon as i do get such an illness im very tired and fall asleep for a long period but wake up and feel much better..
Usually i cant sleep till after 1/2am.
I am usually slighlty constipated...eat,drink and exercise well...also i find that my muscles are quite 'flabby' regardless of exercise im never toned (perhaps due to ME)
my bp is an average 95/60 and heart rate varies between 60 to 80 at rest, no real reason for difference.
i hope this is descriptive enough and that somebody out there is able to help me.
PS the doc has just started me on: sulper 200c bd
phosphorous 200c bd
weisbaden 200c bd
any comments??
im not on the pill, never used it, single, no children.
  naryssa on 2004-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what illnesses -cirumstances occur between 96/97 and 1999?please explain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The loss of hair, acne and sleep problem can be cured with Arnica 30c. Dose 2 balls taken thrice daily with the last dose increased to 4 to promote deep restful sleep.

You should notice a marked reduction in your hair loss in 2 weeks and new hair can be identified in about a month after starting on this remedy. Your Acne will disappear in a week and you will find that you will sleep deeply if you take the 4 balls last thing at night.

Arnica can be taken quite safely for extended periods as I have used it every night since 1996 and my BP is 120/80 pulse 65 at age 75.

Vit E 400 IU and any good Fish liver oil will also help with your Allopecia. Use Johnson's Baby Shampoo on your hair as it is very gentle. It also stops Under-arm BO if a few drops are massaged into the armpit to create a lather and washed off.

Stop coffee, cola drinks and food containing Saltpeter like bacon and sausages. Also stop all other medication unless absolutely essential.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Joe De Livera: Thankyou very very much for your advice, i shall wait for John Stantons opinion also and let you know of progress...glad to know your so healthy :D Many thanks.
John Stanton: I had no illness or problems in 96/97 apart from the fact that my hair had started to fall out alot.
In summer 1999, i somehow had an infection which started on my right calf...where it was almost like an organism drilled a hole in my skin, i could almost see my bones,and then the 'hole would fill up like a blister which would be extremely painful. This then occured in the same place on my left calf and then finally on on my right thigh just above the knee. all three where on the 'internal' side of the leg.this subsided with the antibiotics and have not had such an infection since. I think it was about 3 months later, in early 2000, that i developed the ME.I felt very much like a vegetable where i was numb to all feelnigs and harldy slept and was drained all the time, regardless of the fact that i hardly did anything physically or mentally
naryssa 2 decades ago
please describe menses characteristics? when (date) last menses ?when next due?
what complaints-symptoms are associated (just before..during..just after) with menses (even if semingly small and unrelated)?

what condition of fingernails and area around?any white spots on/under fingernails?

what is family health history (please be as thorough as possible)?

please describe clearly and thoroughly your personal symptomology concerning ME..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
An average cycle is 25 days long and it has stabilised to this after much intensive acupuncture chinese and homeopathic medication...although i find i still falter a few cycles after stopping a certain course. I develop extra pimple a couple of days before menses but have no other symptoms or indications before menses. Usually on first occurance of menses i suddenly develop sharp,tearing and extremely painful cramps(causing me to feel faint and almost as though i am not actually within my body) i also feel pretty nausious. However there is very little or no bleeding and i feel extremely cold even in the summer i have been recently on holiday where minmum temperature was 40C yet i still felt very cold and had to wrap myself in blankets..The extreme pain lasts 6-24 hours before bleeding finally occurs and the pain begins to ease and sometimes totally vanishes. Once the bleeding does occur, its very heavy, dark (almost black) and extremely clogged.After 3/4 days there is very little bleeding and the average period lasts 6 days.My last menses was 12th to 18th august. I was due today but have not yet started, though i have had the tell tale pimples.
My fingernails are in pretty good condition, although since the ME theyre not as tough and there is occasional peeling around the fingernails, but very little. I do now occasionally also have white specs on my fingernails, usually on the finger next ot my little finger.
ASthma and diabetes in paternal grandparents. grandfather past away due ot a stroke.
Maternal grandmother is extremely healthy but grandfather also passed away due to sudden stroke. History of stomach complaints and elevated blood pressure in my mothers fanily.
Me symptoms: Started with just feeling drained all the time, then found myself being frustrated at not being able to complete simple tasks because of not being able to concentrate.I developed eczema on my left palm (im left handed)which was very water filled and itchy. Apettite was fine, if not increased. GRadually i began to lose strength in my legs till i would find it difficult to stand as my thighs would twitch violently all the time and even whilst seated my legs felt lifeless.Also i found my speech was effected, where i meant to say a particular word i somehow managed to say a similar sounding incorrect word. thereafter i gradually lost strength in all my limbs and found it difficult to even sit up and so spent aboujt 3months in bed...i didnt have the strength to study or the concentration and my short-term memory was almost non-existant,i had a lot of acunpuncture done and the therapist told me my body is very 'cold' in terms of chinese medicine i was told to stop milk, which helped ease and then eventually treat the eczema. a month later i mustered the courage to study (as minimal as it were) and sit my exams, which i sat with great difficulty.my mental symptoms improved slightly over the next two months and I managed to pass in 6th position but the physical symptoms were around for a lot longer. it was not until summer 2001 that my physical symptoms started to improve very slowly but i still feel 'lazy' and low in energy all the time.
naryssa 2 decades ago
what occur in summer 1999 (prior to calf infection mentioned)?what exactly was going on ?think --no matter how seemingly unimportant /unrelated.......relationship started ended;grief;accident;trauma of ANY sorts;illness....etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i cant think of any major trauma...i wasnt in a relationship at the time...
the only thing that comes ot mind is that i made a whole set of new friends and that i was at my most happiest as i felt they were true friends, this started in december 1998...In spring 1999 i met and bonded extremely well with my uncle who id not seen for 10 years and missed his presence when he returned to his country, but i wouldnt say i was depressed or anything because i still had my good friends..Apart from that i cant think of anything at all...
naryssa 2 decades ago
Mr. John Stanton can you please offer me assistance also. Here is my information.

I have been slowly losing my hair for 5 years.
It started back in 1999 when I was getting ready for my high school graduation. My mother was helping me wash my hair when we noticed a quarter size bald spot in the back of my head. We did not think much of it and my mom said it was due to stress. Soon I noticed the front of my head had started thinning. I went to a specialist who gave me cortisone injections and minoxidil to apply to my hair. The cortisone injections helped the one spot in the back of my head which has grown back completley. However I began loosing large amounts of hair. My hair was very thick and now has become very thin where you can see my scalp in some areas mostly in the front. This is very fustrating as I am only 22 years old and this has started when I was 17. Here is some information.
1. I have have thyroid test twice. All normal
2. I have been very healthy all my life.
3. I have had vitamen and hormone test done. all normal.
4. I was on no medication when the hair loss started.
5. I have been pregnant and had a child no effect on my hair loss. also prenatal vitamins did not help my hair regrow.
6. I have been on the birth control pill and have recenlty gone off it. I see slight increase in hair falling out.
7. Doctors say may be female pattern balding but not even my mother has such thin hair as I do.
8. I once Had very thick hair did not know what do do with it.
9. I see sometimes the falling gets worse and sometimes it is better but the empty spots have not filled in in 4 years.
10. I have recently tried applying black seed oil to my hair I have not seen any results as of yet.
11. I have tried many shampoos with no help.
12. My mom has also had a bald spot the size of a quarter when she was 40. Her spot has filled in also.

My question is could this be alopecia diffusa caused by the one incident of alopeica areata and what can I do. I am very fustrated and just want the hair I have lost. Will it ever come back and what should i do. I do not know of any Homeopathic doctors in my area.
I do tend to take on alot of stress mostly due to my hair. I also have always had hair on my body and legs which is very thick contrary to what is happening to my hair. Please help me! I also have small slight pin marks. first they were on my index finger and now my pinky finger.
SWhair 2 decades ago

did hair falling out start before or after prozac usage?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
it had already started falling out about 2/3 years before that (1996/7) but the prozac accelerated it greatly and it was after this that my hair fell in clumps at the root, without any stress or pulling, much like you would fined in chemotherapy recievers, but obviuosly not as drastic.
naryssa 2 decades ago
please describe thoroughly relation with mother and father...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i apologize for 'slackery' in not keeping up to date with your case..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
please describe thoroughly relation with mother and father...

what supplements you use?vitamins?minerals?...etc
John Stanton 2 decades ago
hi i am extremely close to my mother, we have no secrets..she is my best friend, my relationship with my father is very close too but not in comparison with my mother..
i have been taking 'perfectil' vitamins (for hair skin and nails) and evening primrose oil capsules for a long while but stoipped three months ago on advice of homeopath..
re: the sulphur/phosphorous/weisbaden my homeopath has suggestd (in first post) my hair is healthier but my skin is quite oily and ive had major pimples since starting, larger and more profuse than i would 'normally' have
naryssa 2 decades ago
".... developed eczema on my left palm (im left handed)which was very water filled and itchy....."

concerning above statement---how was eczema treated? did you ever have this prior to the mentioned occuring?
please explain..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
i was given betnovate for eczema but it only worsenedso i decided to let nature tak its course and beared with it till it cleared up (took about 6 months) i did used to have eczema as a toddler upto when i was 14 but this vanished when my asthma cleared up at the same age
naryssa 2 decades ago
what treatments used for asthma mentioned?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
between the age of 4 and 10..i was prescribed salbutamol syrup and inhaler alternately
naryssa 2 decades ago
please explain symptomology asociated with asthma..

what childhood illnesses remember (or told) occur prior to age 4?

what illnesses in family health history?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
eczema since birth...just sudocrem was given as treatment...
i lived in india between age of 2 and 6, had 'near death' experience at about 3years old where i was suffering from malaria (not sure if it was actually malaria or some other sort of infection) and was close to death as a result..was given heavy dosing of antibiotics (dont know wich) to cure)
ASthma was particulrly bad between ages of 7 and 8, i.e eczema and asthma always near-to vanished when in india apparently because the hot eather suit my system...
family history i quote from above:
"ASthma and diabetes in paternal grandparents. grandfather past away due ot a stroke.
Maternal grandmother is extremely healthy but grandfather also passed away due to sudden stroke. History of stomach complaints,overactive/underactive thyroid, and elevated blood pressure in my mothers fanily."
naryssa 2 decades ago
naryssa 2 decades ago
single dose "only" sulphur 30c

must avoid = all sweets (all products made form refined white sugar);all artificial sweeteners;breads;fats;milk;all acidic foods and drinks (..i.e..coffee;tea;vinegar;fruits and juices;alcoholic beverages;coke,pepsi, and like.....etc)

no other medicines;remedies;skin cremes/oils/ointments;aspirin/pain-killers;antibiotics...etc

post back as to response or lack of response to sulphur 30c
John Stanton 2 decades ago
hi ive noticed on difference having followed your advice but i do feel that my face is 'hotter than normal' and seems pretty red
naryssa 2 decades ago
have you experienced such symptoms ever beforr in life?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
no, not previous to this
naryssa 2 decades ago

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