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How Do I Address This Statement?

Recently I was on another health discussion forum and started to discuss some homeopathic remedies.

A person replied back to me that 'Homeopathy Is A Scam'.

Since I am reasonably new to the homeopathy world and don't have successes except for Calms Forte' for sleep, what would I say to this person?

Thanks for your comments.
  joyce martino on 2006-08-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Best thing to say is -nothing.
That person is just living a miserable life and wishes to share it with everyone, just follow your instincts and don't listen to negative minds.
Homeopathy goes all the way back to Hippocrates, so unless an opponent is well versed on the history of medicine you are wasting your breath. (energy)
saltOftheEarth last decade
Some people will say that because it is what they truly believe, and maybe they tried it once and it didn't work for them. Others appear to have an agenda.

Some may say that it sort of or sometimes works (which to me is a strange statement - either these energized microdilutions work or they don't, which should be enough to spur someone to examine it further).

I started out extremely skeptical myself, until I saw that it worked and that it couldn't be a placebo. At that point I stopped worrying about why it was possible.

For those of us raised in western science, accepting homeopathy as real can be a huge step.

There is a fair amount of science out there, but not as readily organized as I would hope. So I don't bother passing it on, I just continue to relate the experiences of myself and those close to me (including my pets). I think many people who make the jump do so because they became desperate enough to give it a try, and they lucked out with the right remedy.

Homeopathy goes all the way back to Hahnnemann, in the late 18th century. As far as I know, he was the one who discovered potentization of medicines. At least that is how I define it.
Daisy43 last decade
Of course, the best is no reply. But you may yourself have the doubt, as you have stated yourself to be new. The best verdict would be from the beneficiaries and not from the doctors (of both disciplines).

I would like to tell you the success of homeopathy over Allopathy in my own family. My brother had diabetic Nephropathy. You may ascertain that the dept. of Nephrology has its own difficulties, because every antibiotic you take has to be filtered only by kidney and when it suffers, loading more antibiotic puts more pressure on it. We came to know that he has Nephropathy only thru blood test. High Blood urea and Serum Creatinine. There was a fear that he might slip into coma, even to Allo. docs. I daring told the Allo. docs and gave him Serum Angullae. In four days he responded and in one week, the blood test proved that Nephropathy has gone down. A month later, Its gone......

Second: I wrote my brother's case in this forum and Walkin told me to tyr BC potency CM and wait for one month. YES.... It did respond.... A person of 65 years age bedridden for 8 months could take steps and walk with support. THIS WAS NOT POSSIBLE BY ALLOPATHY. I can quote many such incidents. For example, Chickun Gunya. It is being treated very simply here with Eupatorium and Rhus Tox. Patients get well in 3 to 5 days. Do you have anything to say ........? Is there any medication in Allopathy for Virus ????????
kns_3 last decade
Ignorance is the cause of a lot of 'mis - guided confidence'.

I started learning homeopathy at the age of 28 years. Even today I wish I had started learning it at the age of 14 years. All those years I suffered becoz of the make shift treatments of allopaths for my sinus problem....which only got better for a few days each time I took treatment from them.

Ultimately homeopathy cured it completely.

Then homeopathy became my life time passion. Hundreds of people (literally ) have benefitted from my advice and their thanks keep pouring in from far and near.

By the way, many homeopaths who have written books of value and have done homeopathic research were originally allopathic doctors. They turned to homeoapthy for a more permanent cure for diseases.

Best wishes,
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks for your good words, Pankaj. I guess it's just that there are so many remedies and you must try many before you hopefully find the right one. And my lower back condition is so long and chronic. It started when I was 18 and I'm 68, so that's 50 yrs.

I'm doing the second course of Sepia today and again tomorrow and will report back to you. I almost thought I felt a little less tightness in my back earlier this evening, but don't know for sure.

Another recommendation I got was Hekla Lava 3x (1 tab 3 times per day) and Ruta 30c (4 tabs 3 times per day), but need to take this every day for 3 months. What do you think of this recommendation.

It's interesting a good friend of mine has a 56 yr old son who has been in the computer world for years is now starting on a second career and he's learning homeopathy. I have a call into him to talk about his decision to go this route.
He lives in San Diego, CA and I live in Santa Monica.

Will report back to you soon. Thanks very much.
joyce martino last decade
Let us see the response of Sepia, will think of other meds if this doesn't work.

But there are good chances...this will work.

If it shows a positive response..you will have to take Sepia for a longer period to get rid of the problem completely.

Best / Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Interesting this morning I feel like there is some change in my lower back stiffness. I don't want to get too excited but I feel a slight change. Will keep you posted, of course.

So if there is some change I would need to take Sepia for a longer period which is just great....
joyce martino last decade
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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