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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I'm starting this thread despite of so many others threads on hypothyroid to explain my problems. I'm Indian male, 36 yrs - vegiterian, IT professional based in london. I was diagnosed with a bit high TSH on Oct,05 by my GP in london. The aparent symptoms that time were: lethargy, disturbed slip, hair loss, lack of concentration, stress in family & work life, lack of spirit/concentration.
I have been put on levothyroxine 50 mg since then. My test results so far have been as follows:

25/10/05 TSH:7.04 T4: 11(levothyroxine starts)
30/03/06 TSH: 6.0 T4: 12
11/07/06 TSH: 3.0 T4: 15

Hb, Cholesterol has been under limit all of these times. Now my GP tells my TSH is under control & stable.
However, I haven't find any apparent improve of my problems since I started the meodicine. I still have disturbed sleep in night, feel drowsy during the day,feel lethargic & lack of concentration. Hair loss has increased, and also they are greying faster than ever. my skin feels very dry, feel puffy & swelled under both eyes. I've been on homeopathy throughout whenever needed & like to switch to homeopathy for this thyroid issue. I'm looking for opinions from experts/doctors in this forum on my condition.

Thanks in advance.
  romafrm on 2006-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thyroxin is nasty dangerous stuff - read up on the side effects!.

You could use a single dose of Kali Carb 10m and wait 3 weeks to judge result.
walkin last decade
I totally agree with Walkin, please stop taking allopathic drugs, they will make the case worse, as long as I was on thyroxin, the reports were normal, but i was awful. I have stopped taking thyroxin, and I am much better now, thanks to homeopathy. I can give you the following advise

Read Mary Shomon's book on hypothyroidism, find a classical homeopath, and stick to him for a while, meantime you can take what Walkin has suggested

Please inform, are your extremities cold (hands,feet), are you constipated, do you drink milk regularly, are you gaining weight??

sazim last decade
Hi Walkin/Sazim,
Thanks for your advise. I'm also desparate to move to homeopath - as I have always been relying only on homeopath throughout my life so far (when I was in India). Only things which have stopped me doing so were: -
1. I don't have much info on homeopath in/near London.
2. I'm a bit doubtful if it would cause me any herm if I stop the levothyroxine and TSH goes high again.

Also to answer Sazim's queries -

I don't have any unusual cold sensation. Instead I always use to feel warmer than others even in extreme cold environment througout my life so far. No constipation. I dont take much milk since my teens as I can't digest it properly. No apparent increase in weight - my weight has been more or less constant around 74 kg (5ft 7 inch) for long time. However, unable to decrease it despite of exercise and strict control on my calorie intake.
romafrm last decade
Dear romafrm

74 kg with your age and height is towards the high side if you have a small/medium frame, your other symptoms do not point towards a full blown hypothyroidism, sometimes thyroid gland can get inflamed as well, which can be corrected by changing diet (are you drinking hot tea/coffee, eating spicy/oily food, if yes, try to reduce them gradually, and you should notice a difference).

There are some good doctors in London, but they are expensive, google, and you will find them.

I would still suggest, you contact a classical homeopath in India (Dr.Kumar on this forum), and try to read mary shomon's book, educate yourself as much as possible, it will serve a long way, and remember precaution is always better than cure.

Your less intake of milk points toward 'Calcarea Carb', read about Calcarea Carb homeopathic remedy on the internet.


sazim last decade
Dear Sir
My daughter gone for Harmones

check becouse of Haisutism.

Report is as following

1 T 3 82 Normal Range 60-181

2 T4 5.50 ' ' 4.5 to 10.9

3 TSH 23.62 ' 0.3to5.5

4 FSH 3.37

5 Leutnising H 7.94

6 Prolactin 15.11

Can any doctor suggest on this

report whether she suffers with Thyroid and please suggest any Homeopathic medicine.


RajuK last decade

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