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Lycopodium Clavatum: $4.19



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Is this Lycopodium? Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Thanks for your two pennies!

My husband is not workaholic, I did realise the dilemma here. But I was thinking, that maybe the values has to do something with it? He values leisure and family for work. Besides he doesn't have a workorientated model from home.
That is right, he is not chilly.

Kali Carb doesn't fit the picture either because being extremely dutiful. But if you loose that unrelexed attitude half way, it fits the picture.

I see Pulsatilla very feminine remedy. My husband, defenately is not sensitive (after all he is army officer).
Besides Pulsatilla is also chilly.

I am not saying defenate no to Pulsatilla. If you all vote for Pulsatilla, of course I believe you.

I will look at Anarcardium tomorrow.

Pankaj Varma:

I meant by hot-blooded that his temperature is hot. But he is quite hot tempered, too. He is the type who hates sitting in the traffic lights. But he doesn't get too emotional in them. When he starts yelling with someone because of being stupid at the traffic, afterwards he is able to laugh at himself.

I started Nux Vomica this evening. I will let you know.
Snowflake last decade
Alcholic drinks...often ??
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
As Rajiv suggested, always better in open air, doesn't seem to be Nux.V.

Don't rule out Puls. It is not an exclusive feminine remedy as many people are led to believe.

Puls can be very stubborn too.

Any way, since you started on Nux.v, give no more than three doses and observe response.

It is better to answer the questions, and choose a remedy, after taking a complte case.

There are good questionnaries available on the forum, that are used by Rishimba,Deoshlok,Rajiv, and
the questionnarie designed by Snoopy.

The best and the most comprehensive one is by Kent, to be found here.

What the doctor need to know


gavinimurthy last decade

I took out the questionnaire of Snoopy. I will try to fill it out. The problem is that he defenately is not good at describing sensations. (once he was really, really sick. The only thing he could say was 'feels like a zombie'. Days later he discovered that he could not hear well - how do you interpret these kind of answers?). Besides he gets frustrated with these 'stupid' kind of questions and stops answering if I ask them all.

What it comes to alcohol: he drinks maybe 2-3 times a week. I don't think he is able to drink too much, he has no tolerance or experience.
He is very health conscious. Even if he would like to drink more, he thinks of his health and go doing sport.

Now I've given two doses of Nux Vomica: last night and this morning.
Last night he woke up at 4. A few minutes before the alarme went on at 7 he fell again at sleep.
Our house is total nuthouse. He keeps me awake from 4 am and when he falls asleep again, then my son gets up... It is the darkest time of the year, maybe the hormons (melatonin?) are upset with every one of us.
Snowflake last decade
Watch and post progress..
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Not all Lycopodiums are chilly, I know one that is very hot, used to be chilly but became very hot after too many stresses. Yellowish skin, concerned about health, bloated abdomen, cracked heels, white tongue, dryness - hair, skin, nose, throat, eyes. Likes sweets, not too keen on meat, definitely averse to oysters, trouble with milk,Likes beer, likes or loathes coffee, can get very tired in the morning and afternoon 4-8.
Trouble sleeping, tosses and turns, wakes around 3-4am, if gets hot has to put foot out of covers. Can be very skinny or overweight, skinny type can eat and eat and eat and never put on weight, overweight can get loss of appetite.
saltOftheEarth last decade
You are right, Salty. You have both types in Lycopodium.

In fact there were lot of discussions on this thermal aspect of Lycopodium, and the consensus is that it can be either.

Let me try to dig it out.

gavinimurthy last decade
This is the best analysis I read so far about Lyco thermals.


'In Lyc. we would have before us a chilly person who is worse heat, that is so peculiar, it should make us think of lyc. right away!'

For the complete discussion, read this interesting thread.


gavinimurthy last decade
Hello everybody,

Yesterday my husband came home very excited asking ”what doping have you given me? I have never been able to concentrate this well in tennis. I was loosing 1-6, but at the end I won 7-6.”
He slept until 6 am, but was able to fall asleep again quite fast.
First thing in the morning he did was to take a painkiller. He had a headache.
At the moment he has not other sick feelings.

You discuss a lot about body temperature. I tend to focus on personality. Do I empasize to much personality caracters?

I did ask my husband about temperature and taking the heat. He answered:
- can take heat quite well (especially concerning we are nothern people)
- he is hot in his feet.
- He gets hot towards the evening. In the morning he wears sweater and socks, but takes them off in the evening.
- If he takes a nap during the day he gets exstremely hot and sweatty, even without a cover. At night he sleeps under cover.

I comment Salty’s mail and refer what in what way my husband is similar:
” Yellowish skin” NO, ”concerned about health” YES, HEALTHCOUNCIEUS, BUT NOT CONCERNED, ”bloated abdomen” SOMETIMES AFTER HAVING MILK AND GABBAGE, ”cracked heels” NO, ”white tongue” VARIES, NORMAL TO WHITE, ”dryness - hair, skin, nose, throat, eyes” NO DRY HAIR OR SKIN, BUT THROAT IS WHEN FEELING SICK. ”Likes sweets” YES BUT DO NOT CRAVE, ”not too keen on meat” PREFERS FISH, ”definitely averse to oysters” YES, ”trouble with milk” YES,”Likes beer” YES, ”likes or loathes coffee” LIKES, BUT CANNOT DRINK TOO MANY CUPS A DAY, ”can get very tired in the morning and afternoon 4-8” NO, WORKS BEST IN THE EVENING.
”Trouble sleeping, tosses and turns, wakes around 3-4am, if gets hot has to put foot out of covers” YES. ”skinny type can eat and eat and eat and never put on weight”,YES.

I am half way in filling out the questionnaire.
Snowflake last decade
Good...dope !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pl... keep watching and reporting progress.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Milk and Cabbage!
it's a done deed,


Remember there is a sliding scale to all these symptoms, they gradually get worse with time.
saltOftheEarth last decade

My husband has been sleeping two nights well.
Yesterday his voice was down in the morning and said there is clear water coming out from the nose when he puts his head down. Those symptoms dissappeared during the day.

Here comes the long questionnaire:

Male, 41 yrs, 187 cm, 82 kg. Hair Medium Brown, Eyes blu/grey. Loosing hair back of the head. Eye-glasses (cannot see far away) from the age of 13.


1. What is your chief complaint (CC)?
- Sleeplessness: waking up 3-4 am, falling asleep again at 6 am. Falling asleep also takes more than the normal three minutes. He is exhausted in the morning, but in the evenings there is no sign of lack of sleep.
- Dullness of the head, feeling sick: worst in the mornings, pain on the temples and sometimes around the eyes, but it is not real pain, it is more like ”the headache is about to beging”Mucous membranes and throat dry and sore. Coughs mucus, do not sneeze it. He is more irritable. And takes a painkiller after suffering of that a couple of days. Sometimes the sick feeling is in the stomach. Then feels so that he had eaten something unappropriate.

2. When did this problem begin?
- sleeping problems came along when he had to take care of our son who had during one week serious sleeping problems.That is 6 weeks ago. That week messed up his own good sleeping habits.
- This sick-feeling has been there for 10 years, but now it is more and more often.

3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on?
- Sickness: aggravated inside and better ourside.

4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the worst? Specify an hour if you can.
- sickness: right after waking up is worst. The he coughs up the mucus. But the feeling continues througout the day.

5. What symptoms can you identify that accompanies
- when he feels sick, he gets easily irritated. Despite the sickness he does his sport, goes work etc.
- Sleeplessness: his brain starts functioning when he wakes up in the middle of the night. If there is stress at work, he thinks of work. At the moment he doesn’t have. Last night he was thinking about painting the walls.

6. Environment:
- reacts to low pressure. Gets headache.

7. What position is most uncomfortable for you?
- cannot reply

8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm?
- Warm, but still can take heat quite well (especially concerning we are nothern people)
- he is hot in his feet.
- He gets hot towards the evening. In the morning he wears sweater and socks, but takes them off in the evening.
- If he takes a nap during the day he gets exstremely hot and sweatty, even without a cover. At night he sleeps under cover

b) Do you perspire a great deal?
- Not easily, mostly when exersising. No color. The odor is very sharp on his left armpit, but not strong.

9. Describe what your tongue looks like.
- Nothing special, sometimes white.

10. What do you worry about?
- tries not to worry too much and be optimistic. He acts more than worries.

11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom?
- Tidy. Doesn’t bother about dust, but he wants the books in order and clothes in the closet.

12. How easily do you cry? In what situations?
- never seen in 17 years.

13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?
- lets the anger out by speaking and barking, or going to do the sport and hit the ball very hard.

14. What makes you angry? What do you do when you're angry?
- waiting, unempty promises, when he has to repeat same orders again and again. Maybe most of all he keeps complaining that people do not tend to think themselves. Can handle childrens’ unrationality well, but not other adults’.

15. Do you have an emotion that predominates
- he is quite balanced emotionally. He has emotions between happiness, moodiness and irratibility. Never anxious or jealous.

16. What fears do you have?
- doens’t admit to have any – did not even take the question seriously. Said he fears me and loosing in tennis.

17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? How did you cope?
- cannot reply

18. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life?
- children, tennis, winning, good food

19. What was your childhood like?
- quite normal, but father drunk too much. Doesn’t remember a lot from his childhood. The parents say he was really easy and flexible, and very tiny for his age. He has one sister that is three years older who says he was the ”baby” in the family.

20. What bothers you most in other people?
- untrustful people. Gets irritated.

21. What causes the most problems in your relationships?
- he doesn’t understand that everybody is not the same as he is

22. Do you have any recurring dreams?
- Seldon dreams. Sleeps deeply.

23. What would you need to feel happy?
- normal life. Able to trek outside, do things together with the family.

24. What do you do for work?
- Lieutenant-colonel. For some reasons people are often very suprised to hear his profession (too much smiling?).He also could like working as a teacher and at any kind of management.

25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?
- this gets too political and too long.

26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for?
- critisese of being stubborn, conservative, unflexible. Praise of loyalty, trustfullness, being funny, a handy man who repairs and fixes anything.

27. What would you like to change most about yourself?
- has good self-confient, one friend says it is too good.

28. How do you feel before, during and after meals?
- when hungry gets angry. But if he knows he cannot eat, he doesn’t complain.
- No specific feelings before and after.
- He says that milk products and bread make him bloating and gives gas (but he likes them). Fatty food makes acidity.
- His appetite keeps varying: sometimes he eates several days just a little bit, as little as a woman. Then one day he eats all day long.
- Is hungry in the mornings and wants to have a huge breakfast. But at the moment he comes to table he looses appetite.

29. What would you most like to eat
- he doesn’t gain weight, but still he keeps eating healthy. He likes to eat fish and pasta and everyday differently. Maybe he would eat more chocolate and drink coke. Sometimes he would like to have redwine or beer at luch but has decided that he will not drink during daytime.

30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?
- any good food goes. Don’t like fatty food, deep fried, too sweet.

31. How much do you drink in a day? Include sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water.
- drinks quite little. All of the above mentioned goes. Seldom thirsty, but drinks because knows he has to drink.
- Doesn’t like too hot drinks, let’s the drink cool of for 15 minutes.

32. How is your sleep?
- normally well. Does not wake up to noise.

33. Do you do anything during sleep?
- no

34. What position do you sleep in?
- when falling asleep on stomach with hands above the head, or on the side. Often at night he sleeps on his back and hands crossed on chest (like the body in the coffin)

40. What medications are you taking at present?
- painkillers sometimes

41. How frequently do you get colds and flus?
- real sickness 3-4 times a year. (doesn’t count these sickness feelings). When sick gets high fever 39 degrees for one day or two days. Or vomits every hour and is not able to stop vomiting.

42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,or in a very severe form, or after puberty?
- tonsillitis/angina hundreds of times until the tonsils were operated at the age of 24.
- Weak point are ankles’ ligament, tenniselbow, carpus, now shoulder has a sharp pain when lifting the hand up
- Has herpes simples on lip every couple of months

43. Have you had any vaccinations since the standard childhood ones?
- Every vaccination; latest ones are hepatits a+b, polio, tetanus, meningitis. These were taken 2 years ago.
- No info about reactions

44. Have you had any surgery? What and when?
- appendix at the age of 20
- tonsils at 24
- wisdom teeth 20-23

45. Have you had at any time (mention year):warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors?
- One wart on the sole 15 yrs ago. One wart on finger 5 yrs ago.

46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,vaginal, etc.)?
- no

47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people?
- don’t know

b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others, or have a hard time coming out of it?
- nothing special

c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?
- nothing special

d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.?
- not at all

48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both sides.
- father 68 yrs (thyroid problem, reuma, invalid, etc.), mother 70 yrs.(had a good tumour in ovaries, ligament problems), one sister 44 yrs (healthy)
- mother’s grandparents died over 80 yrs of age, purely for being too old.
- Fathter’s mother died 1942 for pneumonia, father at the age of 75-80 for alcoholism.

49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
- does not remember much from his childhood. Just remembers how he was playing with other kids. Doesn’t identify any traumas.
- (He keeps saying he has bad memory what it comes to studying or remembering anything )

50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel?
- frustrated, it is waste of time

51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do?
-?? Went to work?

52. How is your sexual energy?
- Not the same as in his twenties, but still good enough.

53. How do you react to consolation
- not in a special way

54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with.
- cannot reply

55. What are your hobbies?
- tennis most of all. Also skiing, gym, swimming, travelling, history

- complains of having a bad memory. He comprehends things fast, but when studying, he has to read and read to remember. When tells a story, doesn’t remember exactly how the story went.
- Is not very social. Does not invite people to home.
- If he accidently bites to his cheek inside, there will often be an afta in the same place.
- When goes to toilet to stool, he stays there long time even if there is no constipation. It just takes time.
Snowflake last decade

I am going away for a week. any way, since he is on Nux.v now, its effect will be there atleast for a week.

Let it taper off, and let us review after a week.

Meanwhile others too will have a look, and we will discuss further.

gavinimurthy last decade
His present condition:
- says that has been playing tennis better than ever before.
- has not been taking any painkiller in a week.
- has been sleeping quite okey. Sleeps until six, is up for a while but falls asleep again.
- he cannot estimate anything else.

So what is the opinion: is this Nux Vomica or what?
Snowflake last decade
'So what is the opinion: is this Nux Vomica or what?'

What is your own opinion??
Do you think it is anything other than Nux Vomica that is giving the benefit ??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hmmmm.... he has been really enthustiastic about winning in tennis. I said him I gave him remedy for unpatience. He said 'yes, I have had patience to wait the 'killing' moment in tennis'.
I think this kind of improvement is quite important.

But you guys made me confused by critisizing the thermal state, and the workaholic-thing including all holics.
Snowflake last decade
Taking this up.
Snowflake last decade
Hello anyone,

This husband of mine is having coryza (not the sensation, but a real one like rest of the family).

Whenever he has cold his complains are the same:
- blowing his nose with yellow and thick and sticky discharge
- His eyes are full of sand and looking at the monitor hurts
- He can sense that all his mucous membranes are very dy.
- The throat is dry, slightly sore (sometimes red and white cover, too)
- coughs up mucus
- No thirst
- cannot sleep
- he cannot explain better, but says there is 'something' in the stomach.
- headache on the temples, not very hard
- feels pressure/pain on the chest when takes a deep breath.

I have tried several times Nat Mur for the dryness (and once a homepath, too), but it has never helped.
I have tried kali bic, but it only helpes with the discharge.
Bryonia has been helping with the chest symptoms.
But never have succeeded to find the right remedy, that would help the overall condition, specially the sand in the eyes and the dryness that disturbs him the most.
Has anyone any ideas what to dry next time?
Snowflake last decade
Run his symptoms on Kuldeeps software.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

I did. And the results are:

1. Lycopodium 75
2. Nux Vomica 60
3. Phosphorus 50
4. Pulsatilla 50
Sulphur 50
5. Arsenum Album 45

If I understand the miasms right, I think he has to my Sycotic. F. ex. He has had big birthmarks/moles.
If I follow that, so Lycopodium and Pulsatilla are Sycotic.

I gave once Lycopodium, but that did not make him sleep better. If the dose was too high (200) - can too high potency keep the sleep disturbed?

Also when I think about his coryza symptoms in the previous post - does it refer to Lycopodium again?
Snowflake last decade
HELP! Please advise why I cannot get my husband back to condition. I must have done something fundamentally wrong.

He fell sick on Wednesday, vomiting and diarrea. I gave Ars alb 200 c succesfully.

On Thursday he was recovering. In the evening he was still feeling tired, some pain in the stomach, and a new symptom with pressure on a chest. I gave Phosphorus 30 c twice. The pressure dissappeared, but not the other symptoms.

On Saturday he got the pressure on the chest again. Also headache, discharge in the nose, feeling dry, stomach problems, burbing, a lot of gas. I gave Lycopodium 30 three times. After that he was fine and in a good mood, except he said 'there is still something going around in the stomach'. Otherwise he seemed to be back in good health.

But last night he did not sleep well. He said he had nausea. After waking up he did not have nausea anymore, but he feels that saliva is thick and sticky and his stomach is full of gas. He said his feeling is 'stupid'.

Please advise me! Am I giving too low potencies or why he does not recover totally?
Snowflake last decade

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