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Forum Rules

The ABC Homeopathy Forum Rules

The following terms of use exist to foster a spirit of friendly cooperation throughout the forum.

  1. Scope
    You may express any opinion you wish here, and you don't have to confine questions and answers to homeopathy. If you feel an answer to someone's post is best solved by a non-homeopathic method, you are free to say so. However...
  2. Manners
    Keep your posts civil, courteous and calm. If you disagree with other posts, target your disagreement at the content of the post, rather than the person that posted it. Be nice.
    Incidentally, using all capitals is considered shouting, and to quieten the (usually accidentally) noisy minority, posts with more than 50% capital letters will be converted to lower case entirely.
  3. Give proper answers
    Please give all information freely. Asking that people contact you, or visit your website for information is not acceptable. If you have the information, please post it to the forum.
    Similarly, spamming the forum with the same questionaire on every post does not add much. A lot of people have already spent time describing their symptoms adequately. You may have follow-up questions, but ignoring what they've already said is not helpful. The forum is a place for discussion; please keep it so.
  4. Contact Information
    Email addresses are no longer permitted in forum posts, this is to help us enforce point 3, above. You are strongly discouraged from including other personal contact information in your forum posts, as all information you post is, of course, publicly available.
  5. Copyright
    If you are not the originator of information you post to the forum, and the information you post is copyrighted, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have permission from the copyright holder to replicate their content.
    By posting here, you grant ABC Homeopathy a perpetual license to use the content of your post without payment of royalties or penalties.
  6. Multiple user names.
    You may not create multiple user IDs on this forum.
  7. Seeking medical advice.
    You are free to solicit opinions on medical matters from these forums, but answers you receive should not be taken as medical advice. You should assume that any responses given to your posts are not from medical professionals.
  8. Selling your wares
    If you post any advert to theses forums, you agree to pay any rate that ABC Homeopathy request for using our site for this service, and your posting of any advert signifies acceptance of these very expensive advertising fees. This includes adverts written by merchants pretending to be a third party. This fee will be payable even if these adverts are deleted by the moderator.

The moderator reserves the right to edit, move or remove any posts, for any reason, not limited to the above. If you disagree with the moderator's decision, you can say so privately using the contact form, or openly in the forum.