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Cantharis - T.F. Allen

Spanish Fly, Cantharidin, Canth.
Available in 4C-30C, 200C, 4X-30X, 1M-10M from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Cantharis: Minor burns

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Cantharis in traditional homeopathic usage (by T.F. Allen), not approved by the FDA.




(Morning), Anxiety.

when rising, fretful. mental depression.

some hours after rising, distracted in mind, etc.

confusion of head. tongue dry, etc.

on rising, foul taste.

nausea, etc. burning, etc., in abdomen.

at 9 o'clock, urine passed in a thin stream, etc.

immediately on rising, persistent erection.

while lying in bed, awake, emission of semen.

on rising, cough. clot of blood in mouth.

in bed, pressure in side of chest.

after disappearance of the pains, pulse increased, etc.

pain in back. laxness, etc.

in limbs. sleepy, etc.

in limbs. sleepy, etc.

on rising at 3 o'clock chilly.

sweat on the pelvic region, etc.

(Afternoon), *Insolent.

stitches in right temple.

stitches in side of head.

stitches in occiput.

pressing in eyes. itching in eye.

stitching in chin. tearing in lower jaw.

on eating pain in teeth.

filthy taste. pressure in pit of stomach.

pain from abdomen toward genitals.

stitches in lower ribs.

from 11 to 8 o'clock, squeezing, etc., in front chest.

stitches in sternum. stitches in ribs.

anxiety about heart. stitches in shoulder-blade.

tearing in upper arm. stitching in arm.

tearing in little finger.

twitching in thigh, etc.

tearing in hollow of knee.

shivering, etc. at 3 o'clock, chill, etc.

at 4 o'clock, chill, etc.

at 6.30 o'clock, short chill, etc.

from 11 to 3 o'clock violent chill.

shivering up the back.

from 10 to 3 o'clock, external heat.

(Evening), On sitting and standing, stitches in side of head.

after lying down, drawing etc., in teeth.

during paroxysm, disgust for everything.

stitches in orifice of urethra.

stitches in shoulder-blade.

gnawing in sacrum. tearing in forearm, etc.

while sitting, sensation on side of lumbar vertebrae.

warm forehead, etc..

Great dimness of sight, attended with smarting and burning round the eyelids, and round the balls of the eyes.

constant lachrymation.

the eyes turned towards the nose.

twitching of the eyelids.

he could not close his eyes without great pain, from smarting of the lids chiefly.

there was considerable redness, and an apparent distress from the inflammation of both eyes. Some drops of the strong Camphora Camphor tincture were given him. The next morning everything appeared yellow. Theridion Ther nose was also considerably affected.

some swelling with redness and heat, within as well as without, with the appearance of suffering from severe coryza,.

Pain at 3 A.M. above on the top of the nose, so that he thought he had pressed it, followed by tension and erysipelatous inflammation and swelling from the back of the nose down both sides into the cheeks, especially on the right, like great redness of the cheeks, becoming white under the pressure of the finger, then rapidly again red.

hard to the touch. It continued to increase on the following days and decreased on the third day, followed by slight desquamation (thirtieth day). After several weeks, without marked cause, a similar inflammation, especially on the right upper lip, the sides and tip of nose,.

Soon complained of lancinating pains of the stomach, burning of the throat, and great nausea. In two hours, violent retching succeeded, and the vomited matters were streaked with blood.

they consisted, however, chiefly of frothy mucus. Next morning the pains continued, accompanied with cold clammy sweats, difficulty of swallowing, and in the evening, salivation. The mucus expectorated was of a pink color. Strangury supervened and continued for six days,.

About midnight he was seized with strong desire to urinate. In spite of all his efforts he could pass only a few drops of scalding urine, attended with severe pain throughout the length of the urethra, especially at the meatus, where he had a sensation like that of the pricking of pins. These symptoms became worse, and they were attended with priapism and severe pain in the genito-urinary organs, as well as in the lumbar region, and with intense thirst. At 9 P.M., he was much agitated, crying out and very restless. The eyes were injected and lustrous, the pupils dilated, and the countenance animated. The pulse was small and frequent. There was nausea with intense thirst. There was the most acute pain in the urethra, rendered much worse when with great difficulty some drops of urine were expelled. The desire to micturate was incessant, and an acute state of nervous erethism was produced. Only a very small quantity of urine could be discharged.

and this was thick and bloody. The abdomen was retracted and sensitive to pressure, especially in the hypogastric region, where the slightest touch produced acute pain. Pain was also felt in the lumbar region, owing to the kidneys being affected, and this pain extended downwards to the perinaeum. The catheter brought away a small quantity of thick bloody urine, containing album in marked proportion,.

He went to dinner at 6 P.M. (after half an hour), but had little or no appetite, and about 8.30 went to his room suffering much pain in his abdomen and in the region of the bladder. The first and most prominent symptom was an excruciating burning before passing water, which was increased as the water left the bladder. About 9 he commenced to have the most excruciating pain in his bladder, with the continual desire to pass his water, which could only be pressed out in drops, but often bloody, and sometimes small clots would pass through the urethra, producing so much agony that he came near fainting on several occasions. About the same time his bowels moved several times, the passage being loose and without pain, except as the last faeces passed from the rectum, when he would experience some pain and straining, which soon extended to the bladder, bringing on the most painful tenesmus, which was but little relieved when one or two drops of bloody urine passed. At 2 A.M. he complained mostly of a tearing-boring pain immediately over the region of the right kidney.

it was painful for him to lie in any position, but when his back was bent in, he felt more comfortable. At times he said the pain was most acute, and he would groan fearfully under the agony.

this would last for several moments, when a short period of comparative ease would ensue, only to be succeeded by the old pain. This acute pain did not remain entirely localized to the region of the kidney, but followed the direction of the ureters. The desire to urinate was somewhat better, still every ten or fifteen minutes he would seize the chamber, and under the greatest agony pass sometimes one-half ounce of urine without any appreciable appearance of blood, when probably the next time he would pass urine the first drop seemed to be almost pure blood. It was as the last drops passed the sphincter vesicae that the pain amounted to torture, and though a young man of courage, his self-possession would forsake him, and his face betrayed what his sufferings were,.

The amount of urine passed this morning was four ounces.

its color when held up to the light was a reddish brown, showing the presence of a small amount of blood. Neutral on test. On adding Nitric Acid Nit. ac., also when heated, albumen was precipitated in abundance, amounting perhaps to 1/14 per cent. The presence of albumen was found to be caused by the large quantity of blood in the urine. Under the microscope a very large number of blood-corpuscles, occasionally pus-corpuscles, epithelia of bladder, and spheroidal cells from the tubuli uriniferi and pelvis of kidney were to be found. The epithelia from the bladder were more numerous than those from the kidney. There was some mucus, with which the blood-corpuscles seemed to be intimately mixed. There were no crystals, no casts. The deposit at the bottom of the vessel, after standing some little time, was considerable (first day). Urine pale yellow. Reaction alkaline. Albumen present, but in less quantity. Under the microscope there was a diminution of the blood-corpuscles, and epithelia from the bladder. The cells from the pelvis and kidney had diminished some in number (third day). Urine light yellow, much deposit, reaction alkaline. Albumen much decreased. Microscope shows a marked diminution of blood-corpuscles, a diminished number of cells from kidney and epithelia of bladder. On the other hand there was much mucus, intermixed with large quantities of urates, and some crystals of Ammonium Carbonicum carbonate of ammonia (fifth day). Urine alkaline.

no albumen. no blood corpuscles. Increase of mucus, urate, and epithelia of bladder, and an exceptional cell from kidney (eighth day). Urine alkaline, much sediment. Large quantities of mucus, with epithelia of bladder, and an exceptional cell from pelvis of kidney (thirteenth day). Urine varied frequently in appearance now, sometimes being quite clear.

this was more marked toward morning, whereas towards noon it would be quite cloudy. Color of urine passed in office decidedly more natural. Alkaline, large quantities of mucus, urates, epithelia from bladder, and crystals of Ammonium Carbonicum carbonate of ammonia (nineteenth day),.

During slight, somewhat sudden, turning of the body, violent stitching in the left side, below the arm, on inspiration, extending through the whole body, just as if some one violently pierced him with a fine spear, with a jerk, so that it arrested the breathing for a moment.

it occurred but once on the other side with the same violence, and less violently during rest, but not at all on respiration or motion (second day),.

Increased thirst, with much drinking.

the urinary secretion does not compare with the quantity of liquids taken, the secretion of quite scanty thin urine occurs first in the evening, four hours after the drinking, and without any unpleasant sensation in the urethra.

the prover was usually obliged to urinate immediately, however little she had drank,.

Violent cutting pain in the abdomen and boring pains in the knees, so that she cried aloud Camphora Camphor brought no relief.

after coffee she vomited bitter stuff, after which it remained bitter in her mouth.

after repeated doses of Camphora Camphor, there at last came relief of the intolerable pains,.

Violent paroxysmal cutting and burning pains in both kidneys.

the region was very sensitive to the slightest touch.

this alternated with equally severe pain and burning in the tip of the penis, urging to urinate, and extremely painful evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine.

at times also he passed pure blood with some clots,.

Awakened at 3 1/2 A.M. by urging to urinate.

after the discharge of some urine, and extremely tormenting burning in the urethra. I could not remain in bed.

on sitting, the trouble was somewhat relieved.

was obliged to pass urine every three or four minutes, with almost unendurable pains. I drank three glasses of cold water in rapid succession, and after thirty minutes, passed a large amount of urine, with relief of the pain,.

Constant urging to urinate, with passage of a few drops, causing severe smarting and burning along the urethra, especially in the neighborhood of the fossa navicularis. Finally, after long and painful straining to pass a few drops of bloody and albuminous urine, a convulsive tremor attacks all the limbs, the forehead and chest are covered with cold sweat, and he sinks on his bed half-exhausted.

he cannot get a moment's rest, on account of the immediate return of these sufferings,.

33 1/2 ounces (sixth day), (from 4 doses of 2d dil.).

34 1/2 ounces (second day), (from 2 drops of 2d dil.).

35 1/2 ounces (fourth day), (from 25 drops of 6th dil.).

48 ounces (fifth day), (from 30 drops twice, and 5 drops once of the 1st. dil.).

the quantity passed at each time this day was a follows.

13, 10, 9, and twice 7 ounces.

39 1/2 ounces (sixth day), (from 50 drops of 1st., morning and evening).

34 1/4 ounces (seventh day), (from 50 drops of 1st. dil. three times),.

The daily quantity of urine, while taking the tincture, varied between 33 1/2 and 43 1/2 ounces.

in order to obtain the average amount. I included the quantity passed on the day after this proving (the first day of taking the 2d trituration), which amounted to 59 ounces, because it seemed to be the effect of the tincture, and not that of the trituration taken that day.

the average thus amounted to 41 1/4 ounces,.



Complete emaciation; she can scarcely sit any more, because the tuberosities protrude,

The body is bent almost double, and the arms are folded across the hypogastrium (after four hours),

The plasticity of the blood drawn from the veins is increased,

Increased discharge from the diseased part, in the ulcer on the feet, from the nose in chronic catarrh, from the urethra in gonorrhoea,

Erosion of the mucous membrane from the mouth to the anus,

Twitchings of tendons,

Convulsive motions,

Convulsive agitation and trembling (after one hour),

Convulsions, which returned at short intervals,

Convulsions in paroxysms, accompanied by painful priapism,

Convulsions, followed by severe pain in head and coma (fourth day),

Convulsions, with horror of liquids,

Violent convulsions,

Horrible convulsions, with writing of the limbs,

Terrible convulsions. sometimes he tossed about and rolled on his bed in despair.

sometimes he got up and rushed like a madman to a friend's bed in an alcove of the same room, seized the iron curtain rods and bent them like reeds, screaming and howling dreadfully.

eight strong men could scarcely hold him.

the convulsions succeeded each other almost uninterruptedly, and lasted for hours at a time, with a few minutes quiet interval.

sometimes they look the form of emprosthotonos, sometimes of opisthotonos.

sometimes he opened his mouth, and sometimes the violent trismus closed it tightly, with very hard grinding of the teeth, and running of frothy, at times blood-streaked saliva.

his face was expressive of fright and despair. In the convulsions, his hair was seen to stand on end.

his gaze was fixed, his eyes sparkled and flashed, and as their muscles were successively thrown into spasmodic movements they rolled frightfully. The temperature of the skin was natural, the pulse full and slow, 55 per minute. When a hand was pressed upon the umbilical region, the abdominal muscles entered into contraction, and that portion of the abdomen seemed glued to the spine, especially the recti, which were like tightened cords.

suddenly the disturbance extended all over the body, the spasms became general, and the head was thrown backward in a manner fearful to behold. When we sought to apply a sponge, dipped in a warm and oily embrocation, to the most painful part of the abdomen, the patient instantly broke away like a madman.

he frothed at the mouth more than ever.

his eyes became fiercer.

the constriction of the throat almost choked him.

he howled frightfully, like the barking of a dog.

and immediately after these symptoms fell into general convulsions, which ended in fainting and profound sopor. These attacks were renewed frequently.

pressure upon painful places in the hypogastrium, or the mere sight of liquids, was sufficient to produce them,.

After two hours and a half she was suffering much from burning pain and constriction in the throat.

her eyeballs were prominent.

her lips and mouth were parched and bleached (blistered). She was salivating, retching, and vomiting a glairy tenacious mucus.

her tongue was also bleached along the sides and tip.

but was blackish brown in the centre, and much swollen. The breathing was very irregular and imperfect, sometimes quick, sometimes slow, and at great intervals. The pulse at the wrist was full and bounding.

she frequently tried to urinate, but ineffectually, only passing a little blood instead of urine. The bowels acted slightly, the motion being black and tarry-looking. The pulse was now small and compressible.

she died in twenty-one hours and a half after the poisoning. The post-mortem showed in the posterior and upper surface of the stomach, three inches from the pyloric end, a perforation sufficiently large for a small hen's egg to pass through.

the edges of the perforation were ragged, congested, and blackened, and the mucous membrane for two inches on each side was congested and blackened, and the mucous surface of the stomach and lower end of the gullet generally in a blakened and softened state, and coated with a black grumous matter,.

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(Forenoon), After coffee, nausea; from 11 till 1 o'clock, chilly, etc.

(Toward evening), Nausea; pressure toward sternum; palpitation; after stool, violent chill, etc.

(Night), Delirium; on waking slimy mouth; thirst; stitches in orifice of urethra; burning in urethra; erections; chill; restless prostration; restless; from 3 P.M. to 3 A.M., shaking chill; heart of body; sweat; sweat on chest.

(Before midnight), Sweat.

(Midnight), Cannot lie on left side.

(Toward morning), Perspiration.

(In air), Worse.

(In open air), Lachrymation.

(On ascending steps), Knees totter.

(In bed), Burning of soles of feet.

(Coffee), The symptoms; abdominal pain; sense of fulness in chest, etc.

(During and after coition), Burning in ducts of vesiculae seminales.

(During the coldness), Thirst.

(During dinner), Thirst.

(After dinner), Eructations, etc.; stitches in costal region; drawing, etc., in upper arm; tearing in bend of elbow; tension in calf; tearing in calf; yawning; sleepy.

(After drinking), Cardialgia, etc.

(When eating), Nausea, etc.

(After eating), Pain in palate.

(Inspiration), Sensation in epigastric region; stitching in chest; stitching in left side; stitching below right chest.

(Liquids, sight or contact of), Convulsive attacks.

(After meals), Scraping in throat; sleepy.

(Motion), Head heavy, etc.; headache; throbbing in side of spine; pain across small of back.

(Moving head), Tearing in nape of neck, etc.

(Pressure), Pain at the epigastrium, etc.; pain in abdomen; pain in lumbar region, etc.

(Deep respiration), Pressure towards sternum.

(Sitting), Rumbling in abdomen; weariness in small of back, etc.; pain in small of back.

(After sitting down), Tearing on surface of knee, etc.

(Speaking), Pressure toward sternum.

(Standing), Nausea; urging to urinate.

(After stool), Burning, etc., in anus.

(On stooping), Sensation in epigastric region; tensive pain in neck.

(Talking), Sensation in nose.

(Touch), Sensation in nose.

(While urinating), Pains in urethra; pain in spermatic cord.

(After urinating), Crawling, etc., in urethra; burning along urethra.

(Walking), Tearing in lower jaw; nausea; pain in groin; urging to urinate; headache; after rising from sitting, stitch in small of back; cutting in knees; tearing in calves; legs feel bruised; sweat.

(Writing), Cutting in the eye; dimness of vision.

(While yawning), Stitch in ribs.


(Morning), In bed, the pains.

(Evening), On the appearance of the urinary difficulties, the other difficulties cease.

(Night), In the beginning, pains except those of the abdomen, cease.

(Alcoholic liquors), Prostration of strength.

(After breakfast), Headache disappears.

(Camphora Camphor), Pains in abdomen disappear; urging to stool; coldness; urinary symptoms.

(Lying), The symptoms; squeezing etc., in chest.

(On lying down), Morning chill disappears.

(Pressure on glans penis), Pains from ureters downward.

(On rising), Pressure in side of chest disappears.

(Rubbing), Stitch in temple; stitching in ear; tearing in arm; tearing in hand; pain in legs; tearing in knee; burning in swelling on foot; tearing in toes.

(Sitting), Pain in groin.

(On sitting up in bed), Headache disappeared.

(Standing), Stitch in frontal eminence.

(On walking), Headache disappears; pain in calves disappears.

(Warm applications), Relieve; pains in knees, etc.

(Wine), Refreshes.


Great thirst, and throat very dry (second day),

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Delirium in evening,

Screaming, with legs drawn upon thighs,

Anxiety in the morning, as if he expected something very important (after twenty hours),

Fretful only in the morning, when rising,

Very morose, lazy, sleepy, melancholy, peevish,


Very forgetful,

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Confusion and Vertigo.


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General Head.

Cutting stitches in the head, which wake him from sleep,


Headache, boring, drawing, tearing, throbbing, and pressing, all together,

In the evening, on lying down, a sticking-pressing pain in the occiput,


Head and hair feel stiff to him (after three weeks),



Stitching in the right side of the head, in the afternoon,


Tearing in the forehead,


Several small stitches in the right temple, in the afternoon,

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Protruding eyes,


The eyes pain, as after excessive weeping,

Smarting in the right eye, in the afternoon,



Lachrymal Apparatus.





Everything at which she looks is yellow (for an hour in the morning), (second day),

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Painful tearing in the right mastoid process below the ear, as if with a knife, not disappearing on rubbing; at the same time headache in the forehead, like a heaviness; frequently, even at night (after half an hour),


Roaring in the ears, after supper,

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Very suffering, pale look (fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., days),

Flushed face (after one hour),

Paleness of the face,

Face very much swollen and puffy (after three months),




Dry lips, without thirst (after eight days),


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Nose swollen; red and sore in the interior (after three weeks),


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General Mouth.

Mouth excoriated,

Burning in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach, , etc.

The food seems unsalted to her,

Gums and teeth


After several weeks a dental fistula, lasting many weeks; a red spot above the carious root of an upper incisor, somewhat painful, of the size of a pin's head, with a small opening in the centre, from which, if it is pressed, pus discharges,

Copious salivation, gums red (third day),


Dryness in the mouth (second evening),


Much saliva accumulates in the mouth,



Tongue coated white during the attack,

Dry, pale tongue (second day),



Nauseous taste and much saliva after three hours),

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Roughness and hoarseness in the throat (third forenoon),

Burning sensation in throat (after half an hour),

Burning soreness of the throat, which is inflamed (after three weeks),



Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus.

With hunger, a sort of pain in the pharynx (the fourth day),


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Violent burning, with stitches over the whole chest, externally and internally, as if in the bones,


Burning on the sternum (after eight hours),


In the morning in bed, a violent pressure in the side of the chest, which disappears on rising,

Stitching in the left side of the chest, more externally on the ribs (after ten hours),

A violent, stitchlike pain in the left side of the chest in the region of the heart, or in the heart itself (after five hours),


Hurried breathing (soon after),

On ascending a mountain he gets out of breath; it catches him in the chest; he becomes nauseated (third day),

Larynx and Trachea.


Speech very low, with sensation of weakness of the vocal organs (twelfth day),

Cough and Expectoration.

Heart and pulse

Anxiety in the praecordium,

Heart's Action.


Pulse scarcely changed during the chill,

Pulse increased, fuller, after disappearance of the pains, in the morning (fourth day),

Pulse more than 100 to the minute,

The pulse, after violent action, lost seven beats in a minutes,

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Stiffness in the neck, with tensive pain on stooping,


Dragging in the back, as if about to be "unwell," which period she had passed about ten days before; slight show, but the pains the same,


Continued stitching between the shoulders on every motion, as if the parts were sprained,


Pain in the loins, kidneys, and in the whole abdomen, with such pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without moaning and screaming (from a fly-blister on the knee-joint),

Pain like biting in the small of the back (the whole second day),


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Poor appetite (third day),

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Nausea after eating (fifth day),

Sensation in the stomach as if screwed together, very painful; before dinner,


Flatulence moves about in the abdomen, and gives rise to lumps, as if a child were there (fourteenth day),

Passage of very much flatulence,


Umbilical and Sides.

Pressing pain in both sides below the ribs (after two hours),

General Abdomen.

Abdomen swollen to the size at full period of utero-gestation, tense and tympanitic,

Pain in the bowels,

Griping in the abdomen, followed by liquid stool, without pain,


Pain in the hypogastrium,

Slight pains above the symphysis pubis, and downward along the ureters, which constantly become worse (after five hours),

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A violent cutting pain attacked her in the rectum, such as she had never experienced in her life before; on standing and walking, discharge of flatulence with relief, but immediately afterwards the same pain, with urging to stool, followed by soft stool, with cessation of the pain, at 8 P.M.,

Increased painful urging to stool,

When he passed water, was obliged at the same time to go to stool, though nothing passed; this desire for stool ceased after the bladder became empty,

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Awakened at night by sensation of hunger (which had never happened before), (second night),

No appetite for supper (third day),


Thirst when not in pain (ninth and tenth days),

Great thirst (one case), (third day),

Burning thirst,

Eructations and Hiccough.

Eructations of sour, frothy mucus, tinged bright-red,

Pains in the epigastrium,

Cardialgia and sour eructations, especially after drinking,

Sharp lancinating pains in the stomach (soon after),

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Diarrhoea three times a day, with very violent colic,

Diarrhoea, consisting of blood and mucus,

Two morning stools, with some tenesmus,

Discharge of hard faeces, with protrusion of the rectum,

Passage of pure blood from the anus and urethra,


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Red-colored urine, as if mixed with blood (after eight hours),

Bloody urine, , etc.

Urine mixed with blood,

Mucous urine,

The sp. gr. was very high, varying between 10.18 and 10.29,

The urinary symptoms are permanently removed by Camphora Camphor (fourth day),

Bladder and Kidneys.

Cutting and contracting pains from the ureters down toward the penis; at times the pains pass from without inward; pressure on the glans relieves the pain somewhat,

Pain in region of kidneys and bladder,

Inflammation of the bladder; burning on urinating, finally bloody urine (in a woman, from the application of a fly-blister to the nape of the neck),

Violent pains in the bladder, with frequent urging to urinate; intolerable tenesmus,

Great heat in the bladder,

Tenesmus of the bladder,

Great pain in the neck of the bladder,

Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to the navicular fossa of urethra, especially worse before and after urinating (second day),


Discharge from the urethra of a small quantity of pasty, colorless liquid (fourth to fifth day),

Painful sensation along urethra,

Burning in the forepart of the urethra, as if a drop of urine remained there (sixth day),

Before, during, and after urinating fearful cutting pains in the urethra; she must double herself and scream from pains; in the afternoon,

Burning while urinating; urine yellow (fifth day),

Urine scalds him; it is passed drop by drop (third day),

Itching in the urethra,

Urging to urinate, with burning sensation in the urethra,

Frequent urging to urinate, etc.

Constant urging to urinate, with intolerable pain,

Constant urging to urinate; urine was passed drop by drop, with extreme pain,

Very urgent desire to urinate, which must be attended to (fifth day),

Urine increased in quantity, containing organized lymph, and a substance resembling mother of vinegar,

Copious urination (after two hours),

Frequent urination, always with a small discharge,

Strangury; ischuria,

Extremely painful urination of blood (from twelve Spanish flies),

Involuntary dribbling of urine (after seven hours),

Retention of urine, the urine was discharged every time by means of a catheter,


Penis lax and drooping, with total absence of erections,


Menstruation appears four days too soon, with great nausea and colic (she usually had colic),




Nightly erections,

Priapism, , etc.

Sexual desire disturbed sleep at night,

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Extremities, limbs


Trembling of the limbs,


Drawings in the extremities,

The forearms and lower legs feel bruised (third, fourth, fifth and sixth days),

Upper extremities



Gnawing in the middle of the upper arm, on the external surface (after four hours),



Tearing from the middle of the left forearm to the middle of the upper arm,




Painful drawing and tension from the right hand into the fingers (after three hours and a half),

Lower extremities



Feeling of weight in the muscles of the thighs,


Pain in the knee, as if it were swollen, which impedes walking; in the left it is transient, in the right raining several days,

Boring-tearing pains, with sticking, now in both knees, now in the right only; the pain extends backward and downward into the feet, upward into the right hip, and thence into the left hip; only warm dry applications somewhat relieve the pains; Camphora Camphor gave no relief on this day (eighth day),


Tension in the right calf, one hour after dinner,



Continually tired, more especially on right side of body (after three weeks),

Loss of strength,

Faintness, , etc.

He has no rest, constantly seeks another place, together with internal heat in the head,

Most violent pains in the stomach, the abdomen, the kidneys, in fact every portion of the body (from twelve Spanish flies),

Tearing pain in the affected parts; for example, ulcers,

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Skin cold and covered with sweat,

Constantly cold; cannot sleep at night on account of the cold, although quite sleepy (after three weeks),

Chill in bed at 10 o'clock for half an hour, followed by natural warmth (sixteenth day),

Violent chill from 11 till 3 P.M., when she took Camphora Camphor, with the most violent pains in the knees and calves, which continued till lying down (seventh day),


Heat in the whole body at night, especially in the anus and genitals (after a few hours),

Fever, at first scanty and very painful; emission of blackish urine; then secretion of urine increased to fourfold the amount of liquids taken, with great thirst and much desire for meat; after a few hours the urine lost its blackish color, and tasted like rather salt water,

Rising of heat into the head; sweaty hands, with burning in them (one hour after dinner),

Burning in the soles of the feet, in bed (the whole fourth day),

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Sleep and dreams


Almost unconquerable sleepiness, for three days,


Little sleep,

Cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening,


Many confused dreams (fourth night),

Dreams of quarrels (twelfth night),


Profuse sweat on waking at night,

Sweat on the genitals,

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Nausea and vomiting

Nausea toward evening,

Nausea and repeated vomiting without exertion; the matter vomited consisted of mucus and ingesta,

Frequent inclination to vomit (eighth day),

Takes a glass of water, which is returned again,

Vomits frothy mucus, tinged bright-red (bloody), (third day),



Dryness of the skin,

Burning and some itching-tearing here and there in the skin,

Violent burning pain of the integuments,

If he bruises himself anywhere, the spot burns for some time,


Itching of the skin,

Itching in the skin,

Itching, now here, now there, as if from lice (tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days),

Violent itching and sticking in the skin,

Stitches in the skin of the abdomen,

A few fine needle stitches on the skin below the right breast (after three-quarters of an hour),

Fine stitching in the skin of the neck,

Twitching in the skin of the left knee, inner surface (after two hours),

Itching and tearing in an ulcer,

Itching in the forehead, obliging him to rub,

Itching at the perineum, with a sort of tenesmus at the anus (some provers),

Itching about the genitals,

Itching on the genitals,

Violent itching on the right side of the chest under the right arm, in the afternoon,

Itching on the coccyx above the anus,

A painless itching and twitching at night, now in the hands, now in the feet (after four hours),

Tickling and biting in the skin, on the outer side of the left upper arm, disappearing on rubbing (after two hours),

Crawling itching in the bends of both elbows,

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Swelling of the neck of the uterus; burning in the bladder; abdominal pains; continued vomiting and hot fever (in a woman from a fly-blister),

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