Stomach, Salivation |
fermentation in stomach |
Intense burning thirst |
Cold drinks distress |
Epigastric tenderness |
Burning pain as of an ulcer |
Burning water brash and profuse salivation |
Hyperchlorhydria and gastralgia |
Violent burning pain in stomach and chest, followed by coldness of skin and cold sweat on forehead |
Stomach feels as if she had taken a lot of vinegar. |
Feels as if abdomen was sinking in |
Frequent watery stools, worse in morning |
Tympanitic |
Ascites |
Hemorrhage from bowels. |
abdomen, stomach, thirst; |
abdomen, stomach, thirst, burning, intense; |
abdomen, stomach, thirst, extreme; |
Vomits after every kind of food |
Sour belching and vomiting |