
The following are the indications of Bromium, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Delusion that strange persons are looking over patient’s shoulder and that she would see someone on turning
Dizzy when crossing stream of water.
Megrim of left side, worse stooping, especially after drinking milk
Headache, worse heat of sun and by rapid motion
Sharp pain through eyes
head, pain, headache, sides, left;
head, pain, headache, top of head (vertex);
vision, lost vision, blindness, evening, while reading;
face, heat;
face, inflammation, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), left;
face, inflammation, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), suppurating (producing pus);
face, swelling, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe);
face, swelling, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), left;
face, swelling, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), after measles-like rash;
face, swelling, parotid gland (gland in front and below ear lobe), hard;
face, swelling, submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat);
face, swelling, submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat), left;
face, swelling, submaxillary gland (gland under jaw, by throat), hard;
Pressure at root of nose
Tickling, smarting, as from cobwebs
Fan-like motion of alae ( Lyc.) Bleeding from nose relieving the chest.
nose, catarrh;
nose, pain, rawness, nostrils;
Coryza, with corrosive soreness of nose
Stoppage of right nostril
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), chronic, long-continued;
nose, running or blocked nose (coryza), obstinate, with soreness beneath nose and on edge of nose;
Throat feels raw, evening, with hoarseness
Tonsils pain on swallowing, deep red, with networks of dilated blood vessels
Tickling in trachea during inspiration
Hoarseness coming on from being overheated.
Stomach and Abdomen.
Sharp burning from tongue to stomach
Pressure as of stone
Gastralgia, better eating
Tympanitic distention of abdomen
Painful hemorrhoids, with black stool.
throat, larynx (voice box), scraping, clearing;
throat, larynx (voice box), scraping, clearing, evening;
throat, choking, constricting, throat-pit;
throat, sensation of coldness, on breathing;
throat, croup;
throat, croup, from being heated;
throat, croup, membranous;
throat, croup, during whooping cough;
throat, croup, extending to throat at back of mouth;
throat, inflammation, larynx, from getting heated;
throat, membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.;
throat, mucus, larynx;
throat, pain, rawness, larynx;
throat, pain, rawness, larynx, from coughing;
throat, pressure in throat-pit;
throat, sounds, rattling larynx;
throat, voice, hoarseness;
throat, voice, indistinct;
throat, voice, lost;
throat, external throat, pain, pressing, throat-pit;
chest, constriction, tension;
Whooping cough ( Use persistently for about ten days.) Dry cough, with hoarseness and burning pain Behind sternum
spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus in the larynx, suffocative
Croup after febrile symptoms have subsided
Difficult and painful breathing
Violent cramping of chest
Chest pains run upward
Cold sensation when inspiring
Every inspiration provokes cough
Laryngeal diphtheria, membrane begins in larynx and spreads upward
Spasmodic constriction
Asthma, difficulty in getting air INTO lung ( Chlorum, in expelling.) Better at sea, of seafaring men when they come on land
Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics ( Rhus.) Fibrinous bronchitis, great dyspnoea
Bronchial tubes feel filled with smoke.
respiration, asthma attack, sailors as soon as they go ashore;
respiration, difficult (dyspnea), swallowing;
respiration, impeded, obstructed, on swallowing;
respiration, rough, sawing;
cough, dry cough;
cough, dry cough, evening;
cough, dry cough, from scraping in larynx;
cough, hoarse;
cough, sensations in throat and air passages (either from coughing, or causing coughing), scraping, from larynx;
cough, comes on suddenly, suffocation, suddenly on swallowing;
cough, suffocating, on swallowing;
cough, swallowing;
Acne, pimples and pustules
Boils on arms and face
Glands stony, hard, especially on lower jaw and throat
Hard goitre ( Spong.) Gangrene.
rectum, haemorrhoids, internal;
rectum, haemorrhoids, walking;
rectum, pain;
stool, black, normal consistency;
Male, Swelling of testicles
genitals, female, flatulence from vagina;
Indurated, with pains worse slight jar.
Female, Swelling of ovaries
Tumor in breasts, with stitching pains, worse left
Stitch pains from breast to axillae
Sharp shooting pain in left breast, worse, pressure.
Menses too early, too profuse, with membranous shreds
Low spirited before menses
extremities, limbs, coldness, upper limbs, forearm, icy cold;
extremities, limbs, coldness, lower limbs, foot;
chill, shaking, shivering, rigors, on breathing in;
Full of dreams and anguish, jerking and starting during sleep, full of fantasy and illusions, difficult to go to sleep at night, cannot sleep enough in morning, trembling and weak on awaking.
generalities, inflammation, indurated (hard from inflammation), glands;
generalities, pain, pressing, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, as from load;
generalities, pain, as if scraped;
generalities, swelling, glands;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);