Jaborandi (Pilocarpus)

The following are the indications of Jaborandi (Pilocarpus), as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
Eye strain from whatever cause
Irritability of the ciliary muscle
Eyes easily tire from slightest use
Heat and burning in eyes on use
Headache, smarting and pain in globe on use
Everything at a distance appears hazy, vision becomes indistinct every few moments
Retinal images retained long after using eyes
Irritation from electric or other artificial light
Pupils contracted, do not react to light
Staring eyes
Vertigo and nausea after using eyes
White spots before eyes
smarting pain in eyes
Lids twitch
Atrophic choroiditis
Spasm of the accommodation while reading.
Serous exudation into the tympanitic cavities
Tinnitus ( Pilocarpin 2x.)
Saliva viscid, like white of egg
Free salivation, With profuse sweating.
Heart, Pulse irregular, dicrotic
Oppression of chest
Cyanosis, collapse
Nervous cardiac affections.
Bronchial mucous membrane inflamed
Much inclination to cough and difficult breathing
Oedema of lungs
Foamy sputa
Profuse, thin, serous expectoration
Slow, sighing respiration.
Excessive perspiration from all parts of the body
Persistent dryness of skin
Dry eczema
Semi-lateral sweats
Chilliness with sweat.
Diarrhoea, painless, during day with flushed face and profuse sweat.
Urinary Organs.
Scanty, pain over pubes with much urging.
Stomach, Nausea on looking at objects moving, vomiting, pressure and pain in stomach.